January’s Cancer Full Moon: Kali’s Alignment Sparks Truth and Transformation

When: 14th of January, 11:26am (NZ), 9:26am (Syd/Melb), 8:56am (Adelaide), 8:26am (Brisbane), 7:56am (Darwin), 6:26am (Perth/Beijing), 3:56am (India) + 13th of January at 11:26pm (Milan), 10:26pm (London), 5:26pm (NY), 3:26pm (Boulder) + 2:26pm (LA)

Key Themes: Conflict, Truth, Breakdown to Breakthrough, Guardianship + Protecting Mother Earth


This is a Moon (on the 13-14th of January) that is highlighting, and drawing out the tension that has been building since October last year (when Mars started to oppose Pluto). As the Moon will align with Mars Retrograde, you're being called to find home and peace within this conflict (manifesting externally + internally). You can find that the challenges that have been persisting in your life get louder, and at the same time so does the voice of the divine mother calling for you to go within. This Moon is here to teach you that the external world will always be in flux and will always create suffering, pain, tension + challenge...that is it's nature. You might be able to stop this for a momentary second, but that will never have a lasting impact. The only place peace lives is within you. That is the purpose of this Moon - it's asking can you find that inner equilibrium even when the world is working to pull you off balance.


People often comment on astrology 'when are the good times coming?'...the answer: 'it's always good depending on how you choose to look at it'. Although there is very little freewill in this world, what you do have control over is how you choose to see the world. Remembering that everything is projection of mind, and so when you think that what is happening around is bad...that's what you see. When you come to realise that everything is there for your awakening (that's it's job) you can start to see and feel the sweetness inherent in suffering - and maybe even perceive the deepest love that lives behind it's grief-inducing energy. This particular lunar cycle, which started with the Cancer New Moon on the 5-6th of July, has been one calling for you to break down in such a way that there is no choice but to surrender and find yourself held in the arms of the divine mother (that inner guru who lives within...and on occasion can appear as an external guru). It is in the act of breaking down, that this Full Moon will provide the breakthrough - for you to start to perceive the world around you in a new way because you are shifting into a new consciousness through surrendering to what lives within.


Not only is Mars sitting with this Moon, but the Sun illuminating it is sitting with Pluto, Kali, Pallas Athena, Lilith + Persephone - that's right this is the Divine Mother turning up the heat and directing it to where we live, how we live and ultimately how we feel at home. In her forms as these goddesses she represents the power of truth, courage, equality and rebirth. This is a Moon where the Goddess is not just in her sign (Cancer which represents the Divine Mother as well as 'home') but she is in her fierce form which demands we let go of what no longer serves us and be transformed by her presence. Externally this can manifest as homes being destroyed, wars that displace people from their homes, needing to remove something from your home....and psychologically it is asking us 'where is your true home?' Really this Moon is about our relationship to the Divine Mother, and the ways in which we might resent, fear or even protest her presence in our life - because we want to be in control. This Full Moon can feel like a reckoning as you come to realise that everything outside of you is her divine play (the 'good' and 'bad') and that your only home as well as the only peace you will ever know (in a lasting sense) is when you surrender to knowing that you live in her lap...always surrounded by her and always home in your divine connection with her. Something the external world can never touch - and yet it always works to bring you closer to this realisation.


Kali lends her energy to this Full Moon, and as she has been sitting in alignment with the Sun in the lead up to it (from the 8th) she is demanding truth - which is the highest form of love. We're often taught to be 'nice' and 'kind' to people we live with, in our family or our chosen family (aka friends). In the act of being nice we often lie (in really small ways) to make sure we don't hurt anyone's feelings and to also ensure that these people continue to like + validate us. See, the thing is Kali holds the fire up to this 'kindness' and asks for us to understand that this is the ego. True love isn't kind, it's honest + truthful. This is the type of love that wants to enlighten you, and illuminate you to the things you cannot see. Truth is the fire that sets us free. Yes, there can be a lot of resistance to hearing the truth, but it's role is to humble us by giving us a torch to see the games the ego is playing to keep us validated in our separateness. As Kali lends her fierce truth to this Moon be prepared to hear the truth, and instead of resisting it be ready to use it as a ticket to your own liberation - to pave a road that will lead you home to the great mother.


In Vedic Astrology this Full Moon falls in Punarvasu Nakshatra ruled by the Cosmic Mother Aditi. This is a lunar mansion where the soul gets to the shine, and as it burns a little brighter it becomes a force bigger than the preferences of the ego...and in that it has the potential to redirect you + help you find your true home. This indicates that the last 6 months has been a period of intense conscious expansion and even working through energy around where you truely belong...never quite feeling comfortable where you land. This Moon has been trying to get you to exhaust all the energy you have focused on the material realm to finally get to a point where you turn within. To realise that home isn't outside of you but has always been with you + can never leave you. Belonging or not belonging is a story of the ego as it searching for it's identity - and builds notions of what is likes + dislikes as the bricks to its false home. The light of Punarvasu allows you to see the house of mirrors the ego has created, and from this place calls for you to remember - you are always at home in the lap of the divine mother in whatever form you call her (Magdalena, Parakshakti, Narayani, Mary, Isis, Hekate, Aditit...). PS. in this Moon's Ritual we will be working with the Divine Mother to connect to this place. Details here.


The Cancer Full Moon Ritual + Reading is live. Receive a personal written reading, sacred practice working with the Divine Mother + astrology forecast (Western + Vedic). Details here.

Plus, if you want to work with the Lunar Cycle in a more intentional way, there are places available in the Lunar Subscription which gives you access to each Full + New Moon. Details here.


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