IT’s written in the stars….

What to expect in a reading with Pippa

It would be my pleasure to be your guide, as we dive into the cosmic magic of your birth chart.


Before we are incarnated into this realm, we create contracts with other people, places, events, family etc all designed to raise our consciousness, if we choose to let it. I want to reiterate the last part of that sentence. We are determined beings in a sense, yes, but we have freewill. Freewill is the first law of the universe – at any point in time we can choose to act or not act. That said our astrology chart shows us the energies our bodies best express and the narrative that sits behind this life we have chosen.


I ask that you book a reading when the time feels right to you. Our intuition, our souls way of communicating with us, is a great barometer for knowing when the time is right. As it happens this will often coincide with some big cosmic activity in your chart. When the time is right, you can book a reading with me below. If you want to wait a little longer, feel free to sign up to my monthly astrology report – or find me on Instagram where I will often do mini-personal readings and we can stay in touch. When the time is the right and the universe conspires to put us in touch we will meet.


(If you have a preferred method for the reading, please let me know)

I believe astrology is a tool for understanding the physical realm. It guides us in understanding what soul contracts we have created with the cosmos to live out in this life. In other dimensions, it wouldn’t make sense. As souls we are transcendent energy. We don’t just vibrate at one frequency, we are all frequencies. However, on this earth in this physical existence, our souls have chosen an instrument in which to be housed - our bodies. Each body, like an instrument or radio, is attuned to different energies. This means that each of us is slightly different in how good we are at picking up certain frequencies. For example, if you are a Scorpio sun and it’s well aspected, you are going to be fluent in holding and expressing that energy. 


I use astrology as a tool to open you up to the energy you embody as well as the events, people and contracts that have or will shape your life. Through my personal 1:1 readings, my intention is to shine a light on your potential as a cosmic being by giving you insight and knowledge into who you are and what you have agreed to upon your incarnation on this earth. I ascribe to the old Hermetic saying: As above, so below; As within, so without and as the Cosmos so the soul. As we unpack your chart, you will see your cosmic nature before you, and resonate deeply with the choices you have maybe unconsciously and consciously made so far in life. You are mythic. You are the universe becoming aware of itself. During your session we will be working with the planets, as well as asteroids and stars to dive into what the cosmos has planned for you.


This particular answer is for those of you who know a little bit about astrology methodology and have a preference for your reading based on previous experience. Firstly I use not just planets but Goddess Asteroids (like Kali, Lilith, Parvati, Medusa etc) as well as Fixed Stars (like Arch Angel Michael’s Star Aldebaran). I use the Tropical Zodiac(based on the Equinoxes) for readings, but if you have a preference for your chart to be done using Sidereal Zodiac (aka where the constellations actually are please make note of that in ‘notes’ when you sign up. Added to that I use Placidus House System (which accounts for latitude), and again if you prefer ‘Whole Sign’ or another method like 'Koch’, I can easily include this as the basis for the reading. That all said, it’s important to remember 90% of the reading is the interpretation not the actual chart construct. So what you’re looking for is the right ‘astrologer for you’ - which comes from your intuition.


  • 45 minutes. Online. Book Now.

    This is designed to be a peak into your chart and more importantly to delve into what you might be experiencing right now in the current environment. This is perfect if you just want to look at your Soul Purpose, Saturn Returns, Career Trajectory or Relationships.

  • 60 minutes. Online. Book Now.

    A Natal Chart Reading where we go into depth on your character and your soul path in this life. Ideal for those new to astrology who want to make sense of their chart.

  • 75 minutes. Online. Book Now.

    Dive into the next 12 months with a forecast reading. Focus on the big upcoming transits, as well as specific areas of your life where you need more information or depth to navigate the cosmic energy.

  • Written Reading. Set Over Email. Book Now.

    This is the perfect gift for a new born or to understand your own child. includes a run down of the child's personality, how they communicate, their soul purpose as well as their astrological signature. The written reading is approx. 10 pages.


Pippa is a cosmic translator and messenger. Astrology is full of complexity, yet Pippa some how makes such abstract concepts totally grounded within the context of our everyday world. - Nicole, Australia

Her ability to see with such hawk sight precision to the archetypal patterns at play & astrological alchemy activated in your chart while translating it in way that touches those deep intimate inquiries you bring to her is incredibly healing—you feel so satisfyingly seen. - Jimena, US

Thank you so much you’re so appreciated & the astrological wisdom you provide is priceless. I tell everyone who asks that you’re THE best astrologer on IG & i mean it!! - Andrea, US

Pippa has an unique and authentic way of reading your chart and explaining astrology especially based on YOU personally, she does this without any judgment. - Shona, Switzerland

Life confirming analysis delivered with passion and intellect - Steve, Australia

Pippa is worth her weight in gold. Her humble yet excited approach to supporting you through the information that was encoded in your birth time leaves you feeling a calm sense of knowing - Brittanie, New Zealand  

I would recommend Pippa to every person I meet who wants to get a deeper understanding of who they are to add to the work they are already doing in their life. - Rawinia, New Zealand


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We are community. Pippa is committed to giving at least 5% of proceeds to the Help-a-School Foundation (supporting rural education in India) and the Indigenous Literacy Foundation. So far, with your help, we have donated over AU$26,000.