Opening Pandora's Box with January's Aquarius New Moon

When: 29th of January at 11:35pm (AEDT), 11:05pm (Adelaide), 10:35pm (Brisbane), 10:05pm (Darwin), 8:25pm (Perth/ Beijing), 6:05pm (India), 1:35pm (Milan), 12:35pm (London); 7:35am (NY), 5:35am (Boulder) + 4:35am (LA)

Themes: Censorship, Free Speech, Disclosure, Bringing up the truth


This Aquarius New Moon is demanding revolution and to unleash what has been censored, repressed and suppressed - both in the collective and within you.

It is calling for you to get really clear on what secrets you have been keeping from others (remembering omission is included in this), what your subconscious has been hiding from you, and finally what institutions (government, private enterprise, big tech etc) have been suppressing. Like the Buddha once said, three things that can never be hidden: the Sun, the Moon and the Truth. As the Sun and Moon meet on the 29th, they bring with them the truth that we all need in order for personal + societal evolution to take place.


As this New Moon will align with Mercury, Pluto and Persephone in Aquarius you can find that there is a lot of focus on freedom of speech, as well as censorship and where information is suppressed. This is an energy that cannot be sustained under this Moon, as Pluto acts like a plunger to bring everything from the 'underworld' up. It can feel energetically exhausting and equally inspiring at the same time. The key to working with this Moon is remembering that the external world is a reflection of the internal. So consider where you are ready to open up to more truth in your life, where you are prepared to use your voice as a revolutionary force for good and also where you might be suppressing someone else's truth or opinion because it doesn't match your own...through the simple act of not wanting to listen to it.


As this is a New Moon we're in a part of the lunar cycle where it's time to consider what you want to co-create (with the Divine Mother Moon) over the coming 6 months to the Aquarius Full Moon on the 9th of August. This is going to be a period of immense change around communication, technology and freedom of information - thanks to Aquarius' ruler Uranus moving into Gemini in July. This is giving you indications that the intention you need to lay must be focus on what is true...not what is conventional or accepted. In fact this is the perfect Moon to be challenged by the energy that wants to be birthed through you over this lunar cycle. Let these seeds awaken within you greater authenticity, honesty and rebellion.


The Goddess Pandora will be sitting opposed the New Moon in Leo. We've all heard of Pandora's box, but most of us aren't really familiar with her ‘non-patriachal’ mythology. Pandora means ‘the giver of all’. Pandora is the divine mother as the first women (in Greek Mythology), and in her vessel (which is actually a jar not a box) she gives the blessings of duality to humans - sickness, jealousy, separation, pleasure, plain, death + life. When she closes this vessel only one thing remains within - HOPE (which is a divine virtue). As such her energy calls for us to hold out hope, to remember that the world outside of us is beyond our direct control - but what we hold within us is always the ability to hold positive expectation and move from this place.

We can't know if what is happening around us is 'good' or 'bad' (which is what the ego always likes to categorise the world into); but we can anchor in the idea that everything is happening for the greatest + highest good for the evolution of our souls. Something our ego has no idea about (as much as it would like to). So whatever happens - conversations, disclosure, awakening - hold out hope and watch how the universe shifts in response.


In Vedic Astrology this New Moon falls in the Nakshtra Shravana - the place where we are called to listen. The symbol of this mansion is the 'ear', and this points to where we are called to place our efforts and energy - in hearing what isn't being said, in creating space for silence in order to listen to the soul and in taking on board the world of the Guru (be that through direct instruction or through the wisdom of the universe).

This is a New Moon that demands silence so that you can hear what is being said, as well as be really aware of when you aren't listening, or when you find it hard to listen because someone is disagreeing with you. In these moments see if you can drop the words you want to say, and see if there is something here that you need to learn. The Moon in Shravana demands that we use this silence to step into an enitrely new territory and way of being in life. It's time acknowledge the big emotions that this Moon can pull up, and instead of running or talking about them to someone else - sit with them as your guru (dispeller of darkness) and talk to them like a friend. Pay attention to ringing in your ears, and even hearing music in meditation or dreams as these can be the subtle ways that the universe speaks to you + tries to gather your attention.


Get a personalized written reading for the Aquarius New Moon, along with an astrology forecast (Vedic + Western) and a sacred practice to set your intentions with this Moon through the Ritual + Reading.. Details here.


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