Pippa Kate | Goddess Astrology

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Saturn Enters Aquarius

When: 22/3 at 3:58pm (AEDT), 4:58am (LON), 12:58am (NYC), 21/3 at 9:58pm (LA)

Welcome to the start of a new cycle for Saturn as he shifts out of Capricorn, where he has been destroying and rebuilding patriarchal structures since 21st of December 2017. I want to remind you of what was happening as Saturn entered Capricorn, so cast your mind back to late 2017. This was a time when Time Magazine named their person of the year as the ‘Silence Breakers’ who spoke up against sexual misconduct, when Australia (finally) legalised Gay Marriage, many high profile men (like Larry Nasser, James Levine, Danny Masterson, John Conyers, Roy Moor) were accused of sexual assault, Salma Hayek accuses Harvey Weinstein of sexual harassment, The New York times publishes it’s first expose on the case and US senator Kirsten Gillibrand called for the resignation of Donald Trump due to the 16 women who accused him of sexual harassment. The most searched for word becomes ‘Feminism’. It was a time when the collective feminine found its voice and started to yell louder and louder at the injustice they had been feeling for a millennia (or more).


When Saturn returned to its home - Capricorn - it started a new cycle. It does this every 28-29 years. This was one dedicated to cleaning up the masculine in society and within us. Before we get into that, it’s interesting to note that every time it returns to it’s home sign helps destroy structures that have inhibited women from they’re equal rights: 

  • 1988 (last time it was in Capricorn): Britain's House of Lords agrees to end 1,000 years of male precedence by giving a monarch's first-born daughter the same claim to the throne as any first born son; It was also during it’s transit that rape within marriage was finally deemed a criminal offence.

  •  1959: First steps towards Birth Control - this is the year when research first started into new forms of contraception, pathing the way for women to have ‘career’s.

  • 1929: Women over the age of 21 are given equal voting rights to Men in the UK, Women become ‘persons’ in their own right in Canada ; We also have our first female Cabinet Minister in the UK. During its transit we had our first countries legalise abortion in the case of rape, and divorce was legalised. (FYI this is also when the Wall Street Crash happened and the great depression - the sign of destruction of a patriarchal system).

We could go on and on….Every single time Saturn has swept through this sign it breaks down structures the patriarchy (and lets face it we have both been it and been oppressed by it across many lives) has built into order to oppress the feminine. Here’s what’s fascinating, its transit this time has been extra potent due to the fact it was joined by Pluto. Making this bigger than your average Saturn returning to Capricorn. We were dealing not just with the destruction of the toxic masculine but the transmutation of that energy into something truely divine. These past 3 years have pulled into the light a lot of the shadow that has lied hidden when it comes to the way women are discriminated against. Let’s face it on the back of this, the world will never be the same again. We are entering an era of greater equality, greater cleansing and greater rights. 

So what does Saturn in Aquarius hold.

2020 - 2023 SATURN IN AQUARIUS  

Saturn will make his initial shift into Aquarius on the 22nd of March, however he’s just testing the waters, as he moves into retrograde he will move back into Capricorn in July until December (to wrap up some final business - we all know who that has to do with Mr. President). However these coming months will give us a taste of what this next 3 year cycle holds. 

Before I dig into the history, let’s start with what Aquarius is all about. This is the sign which Saturn (during ancient times) used to rule - FYI it’s now known as Uranus’ sign. It’s the sign of originality, creation and rebellion but more from the masculine thats feminine. If we flip back to mythology we can understand this a bit better as Uranus was the original masculine energy and together with Gaia, every night they would make love, and new life on earth would be born. Yes Uranus was a bit of tyrant, and was ultimately killed by his son Saturn (which gives you some hints as to the magnitude of change we can expect).  Saturn as the sign which destroys in order to rebuild (hence what I said above), will be entering a phase of overturning governments that no longer serve the people, of individuals realising their rights within society, of incredibly technological change and hero’s emerging with new and brilliant ideas.  This is the season where the ingenuity of our masculine gets to shine - think science, technology and more. We are entering what I would call a renaissance period, one where the masculine has come out of a period of cleansing, and is now ready to create from a place of pure potential. This is a time where our structures and order becomes way more progressive, but to do that the old energy must fall and be rebuilt. 

So let’s delve into history. The most recent periods when Saturn was in Aquarius these key progressive, scientific - I’m just focused on the first year that Saturn was in the sign.

  • 1991-4: the WWW was first described to the world in documents from Tim Berners-Lee, The Hubble Telescope was launched, and the USSR came to an end, Apartheid ended in South Africa, Genetic Engineering is introduced. It was also during this transit that DNA fingerprinting was invented, and the Royals were ordered to start paying tax.

  • 1962- 4: What a year this was - we had our first man in space, The Beatles first entered the charts (and recorded for the first time at Abbey Rd), the end of Racial Segregation on Transport,  The Cuban Missile Crisis, we discovered Anti-Matter, and The US president set the goal of landing a man on the moon. Also LED was invented as was the Communication Satellite. 

  • 1933-5: In the middle of the great depression (on the back of Saturn in Capricorn) - however it ended as Saturn hit the middle of it’s Aquarian cycle, there was the repeal of prohibition, the first solo flight around the world, Albert Einstein moved to the US. Over this period the patent for a ’nuclear reactor’ is first filed, the electron microscope is invented, and Hitler is installed as the chancellor of Germany (this is part of a cycle that relates to WW2).


It’s clear that we are entering a cycle of new thinking, or progressive ideas as we shake off the restriction and destruction imposed by Saturn in Capricorn. What Saturn shows us is a story of our lives on earth, and this particular chapter is one I have a couple of predictions about. I think this coming cycle will see us: 

  • Finally tackle climate change (particularly on the back of COVID-19 which is inadvertently helping us return to nature) through incredible advances in solar technology and decreased use of coal mining, fracking and 'old’ methods of energy production. 

  • Increasing progress in the area of health science which pushes us into a new era of understanding the holistic nature of the human condition - potentially a new form of antibiotics, a cure or vaccine for COVID-19, as well as cure for cancer.

  • Introduction of a new type of plastic that eradicates the current petroleum derived product we use now, 

  • A focus on racial injustices in society, bringing these to the world’s attention and helping us to all understand and heal this part of self. 

Those are some of the first things that spring to mind. Feel free to leave your comments below - what do you think will change or come about. 


I’ve created a special workshop this month called ‘Initiating New Cycles’ designed to help you open and work with this incredible energy - it’s a total change agent. You’ll learn about the astrology as well as work with the energy in practice through meditation and shamanic healing. Plus for this month only I am gifting everyone that signs up with a bonus written astrology reading for the Aries New Moon (on the 24th of March). Sign up here.