Transformation Tipping Point: Saturn Conjunct Pluto

When: 2:59am 13/1 (AEDT); 3:59pm 12/1 (UT);  10:59am 12/1 (NYC)


WOW! This is the moment that I’m going to call the transformational tipping point that has been building since Saturn and Pluto started to move into conjunction on the 12th of December 2018. Since this point we have been on a one way trip to transformational town…so to speak. 

What’s the deal with Saturn and Pluto?

Before I get into the nitty gritty lets talk about Pluto + Saturn and they energy that hold within them (and therefore within us). 

Firstly Pluto, furthest planet in our galaxy and ruled by the god of the underworld. Pluto represents our shadow side. Something many of us (and when we are stuck in our ego particularly) are scared of. But in truth there is nothing to fear here, instead this is where we rise and find our inner hidden treasure. Pluto’s role in our charts is to create transformation, but in order to do that we need to be willing to go into the depths of our inner shadow and to liberate some of this energy. This is a beautiful energy, as at its heart it’s the most unconditional love. Pluto is the part of self that loves all of us, even the most socially unacceptable parts…he is willing to see all of you and accept all of you. When we practice radical self love it isn’ love and light, it’s love and darkness and it’s plutonic. If you want to think of Pluto like an animal I would draw upon the spider or vulture. When we don’t know better we’re scared by these creatures and maybe even repulsed. But when we learn to understand them we see their beauty and necessity in life. The spider is the ultimate creative force, weaving webs everywhere it goes; and the Vulture is the ultimate purifier - stopping the speed of disease and bringing ecosystems back into balance. So each is necessary and each is infinitely beautiful. Remember there is this Pluto energy in you and its magic is our greatest source of love in this world. 

Now let’s jump to Saturn. Saturn represents our inner father (as well as our inner teacher). Often this is based on our own father and comes from a memory our inner child has preserved for us. As our inner father he creates control, rules, and order in our lives. However because most of us grow up with very human fathers this can show up in unhealed ways. Including lacking boundaries, feeling ungrounded, being overly controlling and even following the dreams we think we’re mean to. Saturn is also our inner teacher (which is only possibly through that inner father energy he holds). Through his lessons which almost always involve the dissolution of a structure - that might the breakdown of a relationship, a home, a family, a career etc, he creates moments of profound awakening for us. You could think of Saturn as the Octopus or the Crow. The octopus is smothering, it can sting and it’s incredibly intelligent - and it’s intelligence is it’s gift to those that learn to understand it. The Crow though often looked at as an ominous sign, sees all around us and brings us foresight…and even psychic powers when we learn it’s secrets. 

Where Plutos gift is transformation, Saturn’s gift is awakening. Because these are both masculine energies neither is easy, but rather they put us to the test knowing we are up for it, and know it will direct our course towards greater love and knowledge  of the self. 

Now let’s talk about their meeting….

Conjunction of Pluto + Saturn, what does it mean?

The 12th and 13th of January is significant because it represents the first perfect conjunction of Pluto and Saturn in 28-ish years, and the first time they would have met in Capricorn in since the 1700s. So yeah…this is pretty big. It’s worth noting that will meet again in perfect conjunct in 2020 but it won’t feel as intense as this initial meeting namely because the heat will be taken out of it. 

Pluto and Saturns meeting at 22’46” of Capricorn marks the tipping point in the transformational energy that has been building since December 12th 2018. The fact this is happening on the back of an eclipse almost reinforces this fact (like the universe getting us to pay attention to this movement). Pluto, as our inner shadow and transformational energy, meets Saturn, who is our inner father and awakening energy - almost like two gust of gale force wind merging. They’ve been working together over 2019 to draw our attention to structures that no longer serve us, whether that’s a job, relationship, home life etc, and to start to lift some of the darkness that’s been repressed in these areas. 

This period now marks the start of a period of renewal in these areas that might have felt like the ground has totally gone out below your feet. With this perfect conjunction, Saturn and Pluto now work to help us bring out the life that comes from metaphorical death and change. It’s worth noting these two planets will stay with each other over this year ending their time together in early 2021. Marking 2020 a year of realising the fruits of the transformation you have been through in 2019. 

It’s worth noting that Mercury and Ceres will be sitting conjunct Pluto and Saturn. This marks an important time of listening to what is arising for you. It can almost feel psychic with Mercury so close as he brings to you messages from the past, present and future…if you’re quiet enough you’ll be able to hear him. Finally Ceres presence tells us we are now moving into a time of growth. The soil of our souls has been toiled by Pluto and Saturn; and now Ceres is here to watch the new growth start to come through. 

Lean into the final shift…

Finally, enjoy (as much as you can) this shift. It’s been so pivotal this past year and within it, no matter the pain we may have felt, has been incredibly soul gifts and awakenings. If you can see what’s come to you as part of you soul’s lessons and all on your soul’s timings then it can help make peace with yourself. 

Image Credit: Vogue Germany


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