Lions Gate + Sirius Rising In Cancer: Rebirth

Approximate Heliacal rising of Sirius: 8/8th at 4:55am in Cairo; 11/8th at 4:54am in Sydney;  18/8 at 4:40am in NYC.  

Inline with the rising of Sirius star above the eastern horizon which changes according to your location on earth and elevation.


There’s lot of talk over the last week following the new moon around the concept of ‘Lionsgate’ and Sirius Rising. I want to focus on Sirius Rising and it’s significant to all of us. Firstly it’s not a fixed date because it depends on your location on earth and when Sirius will rise above the morning horizon. So let’s explore what this is all about. 

Sirius is a fixed star in the constellation ‘Cainis Major’ (meaning ‘Great Dog). Sirius is 23 times brighter than our sun, and twice it’s diameter - so visible to the naked eye. She sits in the zodiac sign Cancer and has since as far back as we remember life on this earth. She is associated with an aspect of the Ancient Egyptian mother Isis, through the goddess Sopdet. This is the feminine in her creative phase. This is a star that wasn’t just important to ancient Egypt, most early tribes used her for navigation or understanding the time in the year. In most cultures, she was associated with the dog or wold. 


For most of early history this Sirius lay below the horizon, and so when she appeared so bright within the view of early Egyptians (and other civilisations) in 10,500 BC you can just imagine the reverence it was given (Hello Pyramids) . As time passed, this star become a signifier of fertility and rebirth.  I’ll explain why...

Sirius disappears from view approx. every 70 days. When she reappears on the eastern sunrise, this was known as the heliacal rising of Sirius. This is the moment of rebirth of land but within ourselves. For, when Sirius rose she brought with her the flooding of the Nile. So Egypt itself was reborn. Added to this her rising was thought to be the beginning of the year in ancient Egypt. So you can see her significance even to us now. She talks to our inner cleansing and rebirth.   

Sirius Rising in Cancer in each of our charts is a time to witness a pouring our of universal love into that area. The goddess energy in all of us, is sending strong vibrations to this part of our chart - that deeper, more emotional part of our chart - and in doing see is setting free some of the limitations that hold us back here. Cancer is the sign of the mother, and also our foundations in life;so with goddess Isis here in the form of Sirius, we are being nurtured and given the water we so need to replenish ourselves for the coming season. This is our own internal new year. 

Image Credit: Glazed & Confused featuring Grace Hartzel in Super Nasty Issue No. 2


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