Cosmic Magic is Brewing with Hekate and the Virgo Full Moon

This Full Moon is calling us to a crossroads in our life. It's time to take a new, daring path.

When: 25th of February 1:30am (NZ), 24th of February at 11:30pm (SYD), 11:00pm (ADE), 10:30pm (BRIS), 8:30pm (PER/BEIJ), 6:00pm (DUB), 12:30pm (LON), 7:30am (NY), 5:30am (MST), 4:30am (LA).

Virgo Full Moon Themes: Perfection, Serving Others, Health, Wellbeing, Intuition, Crossroads, Ancestral Karma


The Virgo Full Moon on the 24th of February is bringing to light energy that has been brewing within you since late August 2022. Around this time there was a questions within you, a calling to take a new path and maybe the sense of hesitation around what that could mean in your life (like what it might destroy or change). Note though, as you reflect on the last 18 months the work that the universe has been doing on your behalf to get you to move (the destruction, the forced change…all getting you into a place of being open to something new). Over the last 18 months there can have been some internal frustration as you work to let go of old ways of caring for yourself, health issues and even energy around your wellbeing. As this Full Moon peaks it calls for you to look up, and be ready to take a new path in life - one that will take you into a place of greater wellbeing (mentally, physically + spiritually). In fact the days leading into this Full Moon can have you feeling like something new is just on the horizon. Trust that excitement, trepidation and sense of change that is coming. It's time to place greater faith in the divine for this next chapter of your life.


Virgo is the sign of wellbeing and represents the ultimate service which is self-less. It's focus during this Full Moons calls for you to observe how you serve others, as well as how you serve yourself. Just notice, is there guilt when you know you need to fill your own cup or do you keep serving even though you are running on 'empty'? This Virgo Full Moon draws to light the places where you serve from a place of 'ego' (that's not a judgement we all do it, and the ego is very clever in the games it plays to the point of having you believe you need to give in order to be worthy). These are the places where you give your energy away (not entirely) freely, but from a place of needing to prove something to yourself, to feel good enough or to make others happy etc. For the ultimate aim of service is to know that by serving another or yourself you are serving the divine. That is all to say that this Full Moon can bring to light the places where you need to fill your cup so that you can be of even greater service to the world. It’s time to realise that times of receiving give you the opportunity expand your abliity to give and so are necessary (and not a ‘luxury).


This Virgo Full Moon and the 18 months that have preceded it can suggest that you have been on your own healing journey. That can manifest as exploring new modalities to care for yourself, setting up a new daily routine, and even exploring your own healing abilities. This Full Moon can bring to light the places within you that need some extra attention (within the physical body or mind), as well as call to light the opportunity to develop more of your own healing abilities. For some of us that can mean a Full Moon resting the mind and rejuvenating the body, for others it can spell the start of a new adventure where your ability to serve others through your own healing gifts is ignited with a new opportunity to pursue!


The Asteroid Hekate will be aligned with this Full Moon (as well as Arch Angel Raphael's Star Regulus). This makes for a magic Full Moon. Hekate is the Queen of the Witches and the Goddess of Crossroads. Her energy being lent to this Moon is bringing to you a new path to follow, one that will lead you away from what it feels like 'everyone else' is doing and also away from patters of repeated behaviour in your own life. She calls for bravery, for you to trust your intuition and to break old structures that have kept you in a state of not fully owning your own magic. That can have manifested as giving your energy away to the point of exhaustion, not believing in your own healing abilities, or simply not listening to your intuition (even doubting it). As Hekate's energy is ampted up by this Full Moon you can find that you are presented with visions of the future through dreams, visions or universal nudges. Pay attention as she is helping you to bloom and understand your own personal power. Instead of looking for a 'signier' sign, trust and have faith in the universe. Follow the new path she is awakening within you.


Saturn, the lord of karma, will be sitting with Mercury and the Sun during this Full Moon...meaning that this is a Full Moon calling for long-term structural decisions to be made. It's time for long-term change, not fleeting inspiration that quickly burns out. You can find that what this Full Moon brings to light is something that has been slowly being built within you, that is finally ready to be presented to the world. It's time for something to be built that lasts and supports your wellbeing + energy. Note that Saturn can also be a destructive force so it you've been hanging onto energy in the form of relationships (particularly where you give + give) then this Full Moon can spell a closing of this connection. Something the ego hates (because of the lack of control) but the soul will rejoice in because of the growth that is possible through this. The key to mitigating the energy of Saturn is to do something good for someone who can't ever pay you back. This might not have pay pack that you can feel straight away but at a karmic it can help lessen the effects of this Full Moon.


Finally, this Full Moon will be occuring in Magha Nakshatra in Vedic Astrology (in the sign of Leo). This is a lunar masnion ruled by Pitris who are our ancestors. We often forget but we hold the karmic energy of our ancestors in the form of Vasanas (seeds of karma or karmic imprints) believed to be up to 7 generations back that stay in our family line + bloom within us (if given the right conditions). As such this Full Moon can see you understanding that health or wellbeing issues you have been facing are intimately linked to your ancestry (and maybe even needing ancestral healing for this to be shifted - we'll be looking at that in this Moon's Ritual + Reading. Details here), added to that you can find yourself being called to connect to the wisdom of your ancestry - particularly the healers that lives in this lineage. This Full Moon brings with it a fierce energy that calls for you to stop seeing yourself as alone in the world and instead as intimately linked to all of the people that have come before you (and a miracle as such).

Learn more about the astrology of this Full Moon, as well as receive a personal written reading + ritual (WORKING WITH HEKATE + THE ANCESTORS). Details here.


Weekly Astrology Forecast: 25th of February - 2nd of March - Ancestral Karma


Weekly Astrology Forecast: 18th - 24th of February - Crossroads