September’s Pisces Lunar Eclipse is Waking the Witch Wound

When: 18th of September at 2:34pm (NZST), 12:34pm (AEST), 12:04pm (ACST), 10:34am (AWST/CST), 8:04am (IST), 6:34am (GST*), 4:34am (CEST*), 3:34am (BST*) + 17th of September at 10:34pm (EDT*), 8:34pm (MDT*) + 7:34pm (PDT*). * denotes that the Lunar Eclipse will be visible in these locations.

Themes: Dreams, Ancestral Healing, Devotion, Spiritual Growth, Awakening to the Mysteries, Witch Wounding


Eclipses are not regular Moons. They aren't a time to harness the energy like charging crystals and water, or to manifest. Rather this is a time to practice acceptance, surrender as you allow the universe to bring you into greater alignment with your soul. Eclipses come in seasons, with an opening and closing eclipse. In this case we have the Pisces Lunar Eclipse initiating us into the portal and a Libra Solar Eclipse bringing the energy of this season to a close. Now that doesn't mean that you won't be still working through it's lessons, as the ripple effects of this portal can continue until the next lunation on the 17th of October (particularly as the festival of the Goddess Navaratri will start with the Solar Eclipse). Eclipse Seasons come 2 or 3 times a year, and their role is purification as well as alignment. They can strip from our lives that which we have outgrown, as well as call into our lives that which we need to learn for our own soul evolution. Generally, these are times where it can feel like time is speeding up, things are being worked through incredibly quickly and there can be an intensity to it that the soul loves (and the ego not so much). So remember if things feel a little too much to handle, just let the universe know you need it to slow down...and it will. That said, this is a time where you can't avoid what is for you, and everything that is coming to you is for your liberation.


The Eclipse Portal opens with the first Pisces Lunar Eclipse since September 2016. So you can find that there are similar themes energetically that re-appear from 8 years ago. This is also an eclipse that will be a little 'lighter' than the Libra Solar Eclipse on the 2-3rd of October, as it's sitting outside of the effect of the Nodes (which rule our dharma and karma - and can add intensity). What’s beautiful about this eclipse is that it is here to give us hints as to what we can expect in January next year when the North + South Node move into Pisces and Virgo respectively. So really pay attention to the patterns of this Lunar Eclipse, spending time in silence and with a quiet mind so that the ego can offer up what is being repeated.


The Pisces Lunar Eclipse on the 17th-18th is related to the Pisces New Moon from the 10th of March this year. So if you can think back to this time, there will be strong hints as to what is coming and what wants to be cleaned up with this eclipse. Now, this was a New Moon sitting next to Neptune (Pisces ruler) just like the coming Lunar Eclipse. As such we're being called into the liminal, the subconscious and the ancestral. Pisces offers up a world beyond our senses and waking life. It invites us to experience our inner most realm - a place which holds memories of past lives and karmic imprints from our lineage. It also gifts us with the sensitivity to access this realm, which you can find also makes you extra sensitive to the world around you at this time. This Lunar Eclipse is calling for you to connect to your ancestors (particularly on your mothers side) to see the way in which intuition was suppressed, connection to the spirit world was feared and dogmatic thinking (think organised religion) replaced psychic ability. This Eclipse offers the ability to see this, surrender to it and allow deep healing to take place.


Lunar Eclipses are a time where the earth sit directly between the Sun and Moon (casting shadow on the Moon). As such they are self-reflective, primal and can help you see your own deepest shadow. As this Eclipse will oppose the Queen of the Witches, Hekate, as well as Medusa we are being called to explore the fear of our own magic...and the ways this was hidden within your lineage (up to 7 generations back). This is a Moon bringing to the surface the 'witch wound' that lives deep within our lineage. This can manifest as the fear of trusting intuition or listening to dreams, a sense of persecution for exploring/practicing your healing abilities, and fear of the liminal realm. It's time to witness this and remember the gifts of your lineage: the deep spirituality, occult practices and magic (before it was forced underground). This is a Moon that can help us access through dreams and meditations visions of the past, the shadow, the light and the future. It is also an energy that is calling us to a crossroads in our lives, to make the choice to keep repeating these old ancestral patterns or to step into a new (brave) way of being. One where we proudly own our magic, our connection to nature and our healing powers.


This Lunar Eclipse at 25'41 of Pisces will sit next to the asteroid Parvati, the Divine Mother and Parashakti. Parvati is the awakener and she calls for us to practice devotion. Devotion is the spiritual practice of seeing the divine in all, and dedicating yourself to this through every relationship, interaction and altercating with another or yourself. It is through devotion we come to see that life is always happening for us. In fact the people and situations who challenge us the most are ironically the ones that are our greatest liberators. They show us where we are stuck and out of alignment. They are here to wake us up to ourselves and to see the ignorance we have been living in. This is a Full Moon to consider all as divine, particularly that you have resistance to considering as holy. To quote the Devi Gita:

'The supreme wisdom is that which ends the delusion that anything exists apart from me…when one understands that all the limitless universes are but a fraction of an atom in the unity of my being, that all the numberless lives in the universes are the whisps of vapour in one of my breathes, that all triumphs and tragedies, the good and evil in all the worlds are merely games I play for my own amusement, then life and death stand still and the drama of individual life evaporates like a shallow pong on a warm day…Surrender yourself to me with one-pointed devotion and I will help you discover your true being.'


In the Vedic system, this Lunar eclipse falls in Purva Bhadra Nakshatra and marks the start of Pitru Paksha (Ancestor’s Fortnight). This is an energy that is calling for us to connect with past life and ancestral karma. To consider that all that happens to us in this life is a result of actions taken in previous lives by us as well as those in our lineage. We then label these results as 'good karma' or 'bad karma' based on our personal preferences. It's time to remember that the 'greatest karma' is remembering your connection to the the divine. It is only through her grace that we even think of her. According to some this requires excellent past life karma. This Lunar Eclipse is helping us cut through the ignorance of mind as well as releasing us from bonds + karmic attachments. This Eclipse also marks the beginning of Ancestors Fortnight which will run until the 2-3rd (with the Libra Eclipse). This is a time to honour and pray for those who have come before you. If you sense there is someone in your lineage who maybe didn't cross over or is stuck, then you can use this fortnight to balance their karma - donating to charity, volunteering on their behalf or offering a prayer for Moksha for them. As you do this you can consider that your ancestral lineage is not sepparte from you, by honour them you honour yourself!


The Unlock the Eclipse Portal Bundle is now live. This is here to help you understand where in your chart this energy is going down and support you in working with it. It includes a personal written astrology reading for both eclipses, Eclipse Calendar with option practices for the portal, astrology forecast and sacred practices to help you ground in this energy. Details here.


Weekly Astrology Forecast: 15th - 21st of September, 2024 - Ancestral Healing


Weekly Astrology Forecast: 8th - 14th September, 2024 - If it's Not a Full Body Yes.It's a No.