Here's what March's Spiritual Pisces New Moon is Bringing...

This Pisces New Moon is calling for the destruction of illusion and it coincides with Mahashivatrati

When: 10th of march at 10:00pm (NZDT), 8:00pm (AEDT), 7:30pm (ACDT), 7:00pm (AEDT), 6:30pm (ACST), 5:00pm (AWST/ CST), 2:30pm (IST), 1:00pm (GST), 9:00am (GMT), 5:00am (EST), 3:00am (MST) + 1:00am (PST)

Key Themes: Proactive, Intuitive, Ancestral, Releasing


This New Moon is the opening of a 6-month lunar journey which will culminate with the Pisces Lunar Eclipse on the 17th-18th of September (the first in 18.5 years). As such, this is a time to pay close attention to what is starting to unfold in your life around the New Moon - which is traditionally a time of laying your intentions. You can absolutely use this New Moon to manifest, but just remember there is a bit of wild card energy running with it. Like the universe is making it a little clearer to you than normal that it is having a say in what you are seeding. As such, the more focused, pure, and surrendered your intentions are, the less friction there should be over the coming 6 months.


As the final sign of the Zodiac, Pisces naturally represents endings. That can manifest in the material or physical realm as the closing down of something in your external world that has run its course. Think of a relationship, a place you were living, a direction you thought you needed to head, etc. That said, Pisces is really about energy cycles in the etheric or astral realm. As such, it calls for you to focus not so much on what is happening in the external world, but rather on the energy cycle that has reached completion within you, leading to those external manifestations. For everything is first vibration before it is matter. Thus, the energy of this New Moon can feel like you are releasing something within you that has been living within your subconscious programming and informing your life without you fully being aware of it. For many of us, this New Moon will be very subtle. You may find it pulling you into a deeper connection with the liminal world through dreams, meditation, and trance states that give you a glimpse of your inner realm.


This New Moon finds itself sitting in alignment with Pisces' modern ruler, Neptune (as well as the planet Saturn). This amplifies the energy and transforms what is normally a very subtle Moon into something that has the potential to pack quite an astral punch. This placement calls for you to embark on a journey into the unseen realms of your subconsciousness, including ancestral vasanas (seeds), past life imprints, and your natural connection to your guides, angels, and spiritual team. This New Moon calls for you to switch off the logical and post-rationalizing mind, exchanging it for a stronger connection to your inner knowing. Over the coming 6 months, you may be called to develop greater conviction in your intuition, to awaken further spiritual teachings, and to expand your understanding of the etheric realm (trusting what can't be 'seen'). Essentially, this is a process of thinning the veil of ignorance that covers your soul. This veil can never touch or alter your soul, but as a product of your karma, it shapes the way you see the world. Additionally, this New Moon marks Mahashivaratri - The great night of Shiva - who is the remover of ignorance.


The Pisces New Moon at 20'17 will be aligned with the Goddess Asteroid Hygiea. She offers an energy that calls for you to move from a place of being reactive or passive in your life to one where you have the energy to be proactive - stepping into a place of personal power. She calls for you to work ahead of the events or situations you can feel are coming for you over the next 6 months. To access her wisdom, you must trust what you intuit, dream, or envision even if there is no tangible proof of this energy. The best way to do this is to let go of any preferences you have for how things are 'meant' to be or go. The more you can release the grip of the ego from your intuition, the easier it is to hear it. So if you're feeling fragile or emotional, that is not going to be the best time to access this energy; but when you are feeling peace, then that is going to be far easier.


This New Moon is also aligned with the Lord of Karma, Saturn. Instead of causing the sense of constriction that often comes with his energy, his presence in Pisces has the ability to cut through what you have not been able to see. He acts like the light of awareness meeting the waters of the subconscious realm (which Pisces rules). In this way, he acts as a destructive force by helping to dissolve karmic seeds that have been taking hold in this inner garden and sabotaging your own ability to trust your own wisdom. Saturn is helping you to 'see' what is real from illusion and that is where the pain of this New Moon can lie. In the shattering of a way of being, a belief, or programming which had you trapped in a sense of separation, victimhood, or apathy that felt incredibly comfortable (even if it has been unhelpful). Saturn can manifest as a sledgehammer to the reflection in the mirror that you have created of yourself which is simply untrue. He is here to help you sense deeper spiritual truths by piercing the ignorance that has lived within you (and projected onto the world around you).


This particular New Moon marks Mahashivaratri (the great night of Shiva) in the Vedic Lunar Calendar (which is celebrated 24 hours before it peaks on the 10th), falling in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra. This is an evening that celebrates the destructive force of the divine. We often equate destruction with something negative, but it is a necessary part of our lives; without destruction, there is no growth. You can think of this energy like pruning a tree. It is only through pruning that we are able to grow (even more), and most likely in a new direction. However, we don't control this act of pruning; rather, it is the divine within us that organizes it and its timing. Mahashivaratri is an evening of worshiping this energy in the form of Shiva. It is a time of spiritual initiation and progress as the energy of Shiva helps us destroy our own ignorance (or poison). What is beautiful is that Shiva's Shakti, Durga (in the form of the Black Moon Lilith), will sit in opposition with this New Moon. Together they call for the power and the courage to face yourself and destroy the subconscious energy of the mind (which is a result of your karma) PS. We will be working with Durga in this Moons Ritual + Reading. Details here.


Work with the energy of the New Moon as well as Chiron Conjunct North Node in this Moon's Ritual + Reading. Includes a personal written reading, astrology forecast and ritual for both cosmic events. Details here.


Weekly Astrology Forecast: 10th - 16th of March - The Call To Be Proactive


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