Psychic Surgery and the Pisces Full Moon
The most mystical Full Moon of the year calling for you to heal.
When: 31st of August 1:35pm (NZ); 11:35am (AEST); 11:05am (ACST); 9:35am (AWST + CST); 7:05am (IST); 5:35am (GST); 2:35am (BST); 30th of August 9:35pm (EDT); 7:35pm (MDT) + 6:35pm (PDT)
This Full Moon at 7'35 of Pisces is sitting between two very auspicious stars - Sadalachbia (known as the star of hidden things) and Skat (which brings with it psychic sensitivity). As such this is a Moon bringing to light energy that has been hidden from you. This might come in the form of a message or clarity from something in your past you've had trouble moving beyond, a secret coming to light within your family lineage that helps you make sense of some ancestral trauma, and even long held subconscious beliefs coming to conscious awareness + guiding you into a greater sense of understanding the deep fears you hold. (PS. This Full Moon has the potential to release you from these fears, if you're ready).
This particular Moon cycle relates back to the Pisces New Moon and the energy that was brewing around the 19th-21st of February this year. If you can look back on what was stirring at that time you're going to get some very important hints as to what is being brought to light now. Given this Moon has such a 'revelatory' energy sitting within it. You may find that there was something you were struggling to understand at this time, or even subconscious (ancestral) patterns of behaviour that were wanting for you to comprehend them. This Full Moon brings you full circle, and is supporting you in releasing + letting go of this energy. As well as starting to invite in more sensitivity, more intuition and more access to your psychic gifts.
As the final sign of the zodiac Pisces can also trigger a general energy which is calling for you to let go and bring one cycle of your life to an end. (To know where this is happening in your chart you'll need to check out which house this Full Moon falls in). So there can be this general sense that you are closing out one chapter in your life - which will ultimately be for the better even if it feels uncomfortable. This isn't something that will necessarily happen suddenly, but rather this is something you have been sensing since February this year - and it's been building over the last 6 months. If you're unsure of what this might be, spend some time tuning into yourself, and with listen to your body as it is one of the greatest navigators of your life.
Image: Saturn
This Full Moon will be aligned with Saturn Rx (aka the Lord of Karma) and the asteroid Magdalena. As such this is an energy that is helping you cut through the usual fog of the subconscious mind. Saturn is helping you to see the vasanas (seeds of karma) that are ready to be harvested, in order that they stop sprouting. This can be painful to witness within you. As you start to see that what you have been blaming others for or judging about them - is actually just a reflection of these karmic tendencies within you. This is a Full Moon to release the seeds of karma that are ready to be let go of. With Magdalena by Saturn's side there is the potential for this to happen in the most miraculous of ways - and even bring out some incredible spiritual healing. So forget the impossibilities of the rational mind, and spend some entertaining the incredible miracles that are known by the intuitive self.
There is a lot to suggest in both Western and Vedic astrology that this Moon is one of psychic healing (or we might call it ‘surgery’ with Saturn being such a big influence). In Vedic Astrology this Full Moon will be in Shatabhisha Nakshatra which is funnily (or not so funnily) enough ruled by Saturn as well as the God Varuna. As such this energy is one of remedies, healing and psychic medicine available which is long-overdue. To access this you are being called to trust in the mysterious ways of the universe. To realise that what is 'rational' is really just what we 'post rationalise' to make sense of the miraculous. For everything is a miracle in this world. This Lunar Mansion is also associated with the void - which is beyond our sense perceptions and yet represents the very nature of our being (beyond the ego). As such this is a Full Moon that calls for you to give over to the soul (through invocation, prayer etc) what you wish to be healed. If you are having any physical or mental wellbeing issues, this Full Moon is one that can help boost any effort you are already putting into curing yourself.
Understand where this energy is manifesting in your chart with a personal written reading, sacred ritual + full astrology forecast. Details here.