Step into the Cosmic Waters of February’s Pisces New Moon
The final New Moon of the Astrological Year
When: 20th of February at 8:05pm (NZ), 6:05pm (Syd/Mel), 5:35pm (Ade), 5:05pm (Bris), 4:35pm (Dar), 3:05pm (Per/Beij), 12:35pm (ND), 11:05am (Dub), 7:05am (Lon) 2:05am (NY) + 19th of February at 11:05pm (LA).
It's time to dive into the SUBTLE REALMS
Pisces is a mystical energy that holds within it the call for endings, as well as the need to dive deeper into intuition in order to see your life in a new light. Just as we can only see a fraction of the light spectrum, in life because of our reliance on our rational minds we can only see a fraction of what is truely taking place. This New Moon is giving you access to a dimension that isn't always easy to feel in your day to day waking life. A dimension that lies beyond the logical mind and beyond the seeing eyes + sense. This might manifest as a time of deep dreaming, of seeing things out of the corner of your eyes, or hearing the voices of your ancestors. Use your discernment as this arises, and your curiosity to listen to what is coming through.
Image Credit: Unknown
What have you been holding onto that needs to be released?
A Pisces New Moon is always a little unusual as it is asking for you to consider what you are willing or ready to let go of. This is something that is normally a big theme with a Full Moon, but as the final sign of the Zodiac it's more of a gentle prodding asking you to consider what you're ready to release before you hit Aries Season (21st of March). As such you might find yourself wanting to retreat a little bit from life, spend time in reflection or just hang in bed. In fact Pisces can have you feeling a little sensitive not just to others energy but to the energy that lives all around you on the astral realm.
A Calling to Connect with your ancestORS + PAST LIVES
This New Moon is opening you up to a 6 months journey of processing ancestral trauma as well as karma residue that you're ready to release. As the Moon will be at 1'22 of Pisces it will be aligned with the Lord of Karma, Saturn. This is an immense and intense energy of awakening. He's calling for you to face into ancestral programming and trauma that is ready to end with you - particularly the ways in which the woman in your family have been restricted through society’s patriarchal programming or the ways in which the men have been left without a role model or ability to be initiated into adulthood. This energy can feel like your hands are tied. Saturn is calling for you to surrender to his energy, and instead of pushing agains the circumstances of your life - allow and receive their medicine.
It's important to practice good energetic boundaries
This New Moon will be aligned with the asteroid Medusa. She offers you the energy of self love and teaches you the importance of personal boundaries. Her presence with Saturn can bring up old lessons (and ancestral programming) around codependence that lives within you and within your lineage. She's here to help you understand that this is a karmic lesson for you, and as you become aware of your own 'people pleasing' or 'shutting people out' behaviours, you're able to start to clean up this energy not just for yourself but for your family. In fact you might start to understand the ancestral trauma that created this lack of boundaries, and with this knowledge start to heal it.
A New Moon which is calling for self-knowledge
In Vedic Astrology this Moon will be in Shatabhishi Nakshatra (Lunar Mansion). This is a house that is ruled by Soul Purpose and the Collective Consciousness. It calls for you to dive into the cosmic waters of the etheric realm. These are the waters that hold the memories of your lineages and your past + future lives. This is an energy that calls for you to see beyond the veil of Maya (or ignorance) and start to realise who the 'self' is. It is deeply spiritual Moon that is bringing forth self-knowledge and even a sense of emptiness - which can freak out the ego and confuse the rational mind.
Ready to dive deeper into the Pisces New Moon?
Receive a personal written reading (based on your chart), an astrology forecast + intention setting practice with the Pisces New Moon Workshop. Details here.