June’s Horoscopes: Here’s What To Expect


As the Sun continues it’s progress through Gemini, we’re going to find that a lot of this month is dedicated to transparent communication. This is a time to feel into the power of your voice, to speak honestly and be careful with gossip. It’s time to also spend listening not with the purpose of responding but rather hearing + understanding what is really being said. We can expect that this is a month where the collective will get to feel the power of their voice, and structures of authority are called to adapt in response to this force. Remember that in all of this there is light + resilient energy asking for you to remember that you can be serious without being solemn.

Aries: March 21 – April 19

The start of May holds important meetings and conversations for you. It’s time for you to put your incredible drive into action through the power of your words. This energy will peak with the Gemini New Moon on the 6th, so pay attention to the people who show up around this time or the theme of the messages you receive – as this will continue to be a big focus for you over the next 6 months. Your ruler, Mars, moves into Taurus on the 9th grounding some of this mental energy. It will remain here until the 21st of July, and is encouraging you to get your finances in order, as well as to stop doubting your abilities (particularly if you’ve been working through a deeper sense of unworthiness). There can be some tension around this on the 10th-12th of June so remember to slow down on these days and practice self-compassion. The Sun moves into Cancer on the 20th (marking the Solstice) and this will be a season of immense personal growth within your family structure and living situation. This month draws to a close with the Capricorn Full Moon on the 21st-22nd, which can see you holding important conversations related to your work, being called to step-up + talk in front of an audience or simply finding you have greater clarity in where you are heading in this area of your life.

Taurus: April 20 – May 20.

June is a month of immense personal growth for you, Taurus. It is calling for you to understand the value of your voice and to not sit back in conversations because of a fear of using your words. As your ruler, Venus, meets the Sun on the 5th of June you can find that you are given the perfect opportunity to demonstrate your self-value as well as benefit from a boost financially. The Gemini New Moon on the 6th will continue this energy and asks for you to speak from a place of love without necessarily having to commit to anything (although that is your natural disposition). You can find that you start to feel a little stuck around the 8th of June, as if you’re unsure that any of your hard work is going to pay off or even encountering conversations that place you in limbo. Know that the answers will come and the energy will start to move again from the 17th. The Sun moves into Cancer on the 20th marking the Solstice, and a shift in your focus to ideas (particularly related to your home) and conversations with you family. This month finishes with the Capricorn Full Moon on the 21st-22nd, which will be the luckiest Moon of the year for you. This is a time you can find yourself travelling for work, engaging in new studies or finding new opportunities to expand within your career.


Gemini: May 21 – June 20.

Gemini season continues until the 20th and it heats up when your ruler, Mercury, enters your sign on the 3rd where he will stay until the 18th. This is a time to step forth into a new chapter in your life, a new way of seeing the world and of valuing the gifts that lie within you. It can also manifest as a time to speak up and to hold really important conversations that set the tone for the coming year. The New Moon in Gemini will peak on the 6th of June and ties directly into this energy. It calls for you to speak with greater truth, compassion and love – particularly if you know there are difficult conversations to be had which relate to your own transformation. Maybe there are somethings in your life that no longer ‘fit’, if so use this Moon to help you express this to those who need to hear about this change (or are impacted by it). As the Sun moves into Cancer on the 20th (marking the Solstice) your focus will shift to matters of money, property and your deepest sense of worthiness. This isn’t the easiest energy to ride as it requires you to get a little more vulnerable and open with feelings you would normally hide. The Capricorn Full Moon on the 21st/22nd of June marks an important milestone in your personal development and transformation. You can find this is a moon that sees you shifting gears in your work and stepping away from energy that no longer serves you in this part of your life (so that something more aligned can appear).


Cancer: June 21 – July 22.

The start of June marks a time of endings for you. It can have you feeling like you need to retreat a little bit from the hustle + bustle of the collective energy. Use this time (and quiet) to consider what you need to let go of or release that is causing your anxiety or doubt…ultimately blocking new energy from entering you life. These are the types of things that feel stagnant and yet safe at the same time. If you need some help in releasing or some universal support in any important conversations you need to have that will bring to a close something that no longer serves, use the Gemini New Moon on the 6th to do so. As the Sun moves into Cancer on the 20th (marking the Solstice) it can feel like you are taking a long awaited step forward in your life. This is a season that will help you understand what you have released earlier in the month was important for what is to come. The Capricorn Full Moon on the 21/22nd, shifts your focus to business relationships and intimate partnerships, it can bring to ahead necessary conversations in this area of your life. To work with this energy it is encouraging you to be rational, and see what stays as well as what leaves as a result of the perfection of the universe (giving you exactly what you need to grow).   


Leo: July 23 – August 22

This is a season to socialise as well as engage your inner activist. This month can bring with it a sense of idealism, and a call for you to put this into action through protest, raising your voice or simply having important conversations with friends that express this desire for a ‘better way’. This energy should feel really good particularly around the 5th, when your ruling planet (the Sun) meets Venus. This can mark a time of feeling deep love for your friendships and wanting to express this through words. The New Moon on the 6th will continue this energy and can see new soul friendships emerging to support your evolution over the next 6 months. As the Sun moves into Cancer on the 20th (marking the Solstice), you can find the energy dramatically shifts as you are called to see what you need to release and let go of. This is a time of self-enquiry and, with your intuition heightened, you can find yourself feeling really sensitive to other people. So remember to take rest, and plan to be a little less social than you were at the start of the month. This month closes out with the Capricorn Full Moon on the 21st/22nd, which is drawing attention to your wellbeing. You can find there is a call to rethink your daily routine to support your energy a little better, to find new modalities or healers to work with – and even step further into your work as a healer (if that is something you feel called to do).


Virgo: August 23 – September 22

The start of this month isn’t the easiest for you, Virgo – particularly from the 3rd until the 18th. There can be a sense of unsettled energy in your work, and questions that don’t have a definitive answer that leaves you feeling a little anxious. This will shift soon enough, but you can work with it by spending time grounding yourself in nature and even getting comfortable with ‘not knowing’ – trusting that the reason there isn’t answer is part of some bigger cosmic timing. The New Moon on the 6th of June can see you kicking off new energy around your career that won’t fully manifest until mid-December this year. As the Sun moves into Cancer on the 20th (marking the Solstice) you can find yourself feeling a little more accepting of the way life is directing you and there can also be a big call to spend time with friends – balancing out the focus on work you have had since late May. The Full Moon in Capricorn on the 21st/22nd is a cause for celebration. It will bring the grounding, and definitive energy you have been craving. This is a Moon calling for you to follow your passion and embrace greater self-expression particularly channelling this through your work.  You can find this is a Moon that brings up energy around children and your own childhood, that is calling for you to remember the importance of ‘play’ and innocence in your life.

Libra: September 23 – October 22

This is a month calling for expansion which can manifest as travel, new studies, or a deeper spiritual understanding of life. It’s as if the shadow energy you were working through in May, that was constricting you, has allowed you to open in a way you never knew you would be able to. That said, there will be a bit of a test around this on the 8th of June, when you can find yourself running into old obstacles, and feeling a little stuck. If this is the case, use your curiosity to understand the lesson or old pattern that the universe is showing you, seeing it as a means to fuel more of your own growth. The New Moon in Gemini on the 6th is the perfect time to use the abundant energy flowing around you to co-create + lay intentions with the universe. This can also be the perfect Moon to ask for a little extra courage or faith to move beyond your own restrictions. As the Sun moves into Cancer on the 20th (marking the Solstice) you are called to move your attention to your work. This will be a season that sees you introducing new long-term structure into your life (which includes your career). This month draws to a close with the Capricorn Full Moon on the 21st/22nd, this is an energy that is calling you home. You can find yourself spending time with family, considering changing where you live (or simply renovating) and internally feeling that deep need to be at peace with yourself.

Scorpio: October 23 – November 21

June is a month that has you in the throes of transformation and a deep sense of rebirth…something you are really comfortable with. So although the energy can feel strange to those around you, there is a sense that you are home in this flux. The New Moon on the 6th can bring to the surface important conversations that require your transparency, as well as your ability to respond with compassion (even if you feel you have been wronged). Things get a little sticky (and explosive) around the 11th as your ruler, Pluto, lies in tension with Mars. This can manifest as heated exchanges and repressed anger coming to the surface (so be careful not to spread this to others), as well as sense of frustration around what you want versus what the universe is creating for you (particularly as you can’t see the ‘bigger picture’). As the Sun moves in Cancer on the 20th (marking the Solstice) it can feel like everything is finally falling into place. This is a season which is helping you to expand into your potential. You can find yourself travelling, engaging in new studies, teaching others or simply feeling optimistic (for no apparent reason) over the next month. June draws to a close with the Capricorn Full Moon on the 21st/22nd which can manifest as important information coming to light around your business or even conversations with work colleagues that help create a solid foundation from which you can prosper moving forward.

Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21

All eyes are on relationships as this month starts. It’s time to use your words, and speak up (with compassion + kindness) to those closest to you - be that intimate or business partnerships. You can find that the 3-4th bring you important news which opens the gateway to more of your abundance and has you feeling really optimistic in these relationships. The New Moon on the 6th marks an important time for you to plant seeds of intention around what you want to grow more of when it come to self-love, intimacy and partnership. If you’ve been looking to deepen the relationship with yourself (or a partner) this is the Moon to seek the support of the cosmos. As the Solstice peaks – marking Cancer Season – on the 20th, the energy can feel a little unsettled as this will be a month demanding transformation as well as you airing your feelings so that they don’t fester. Be really careful with the subtle ways you manipulate or control those around you at this time, as it can come back later to bite. The Capricorn Full Moon on the 21st/22nd is shedding light on your material world – think money, property, possessions. You can find this brings an unexpected boon or an important conversation that has you stepping into more of your sense of self-worth.


Capricorn: December 22 – January 19

June’s focus is on your health, your wellbeing and ensuring you are managing your daily routine in such a way that you have the energy to serve the world around you. This is a season that wants to ensure you are noticing when you are feeling ‘burnt’ out and you speak up instead of pushing forward. The New Moon on the 6th can bring with it a call to shift old habits or structures that haven’t been serving your physical, mental or spiritual health. As much as you like to resist change, this Moon will be easier if you accept that maybe there is a better way to be caring for yourself. There is some big personal growth coming between the 8th – 12th, as you are called to really look at yourself and the stories you are projecting onto others that simply aren’t true. This is a time that is best used to get quiet and go within to reflect (instead of getting caught up with distractions). You can find that this is also a time to admit that maybe you were wrong or seek forgiveness (if that is on the table). As the Sun moves into Cancer (marking the Solstice) on the 20th, your focus will shift to relationships, love and the need to exercise a bit of diplomacy allowing yourself to see both sides of a story. This is a season calling for you to be vulnerable in your partnerships, even if this feels really uncomfortable. This month draws to a close with the Capricorn Full Moon on the 21st/ 22nd which marks the start of a new direction in your life…this isn’t something new but rather it has been building within you over the last 18 months. Be prepared to step forward into a new sense of identity, new path and even healthier relationship with your body. 


Aquarius: January 20 – February 18

After a very full on May, this month is giving you the space to integrate and find your grounding. The focus for you is on joy, giving yourself permission to play and to not take the world so seriously. That doesn’t mean neglecting your natural call towards social activism + truth but rather realising that this has can only be sustained by finding peace + happiness within yourself. If you find guilt bubbling to the surface then remember this is the ego’s favourite game to play. So relax into yourself, do something fun in order to remind yourself that you don’t have to shoulder the world’s problems…or find solutions to them by yourself (and you definitely won’t find many solutions when you’re in a place of solemnity). The New Moon on the 6th is the perfect place to lay intentions for the coming 6 months in how you’re going to embrace more joy, greater romance and fun in your life. As the Sun moves into Cancer on the 20th (marking the Solstice) your attention will shift to your health, your daily routine and how you serve the world around you. This will be a month of considering how your emotional health impacts your physical – and finding new ways (that don’t have to be radical) to shift your daily routine in order to benefit your wellbeing. This month finishes with the Capricorn Full Moon on the 21st/22nd, which marks a time of embracing endings - particularly within your work or in how you have traditionally been managing your responsibilities. This is an energy that has been brewing within you over the last 18 months, and as this Full Moon peaks it is releasing you from controlling situations that have now completed their karmic cycle.


Pisces: February 19 – March 20

You might have found Gemini Season a little confronting and uneasy since it started around the 21st of May. It is here to make you uncomfortable and teach you the really important lesson of speaking-up. This isn’t a time to be passive, or railroaded by the opinions of those around you. Rather, have conviction in your voice and remember you are a sovereign being. As the Gemini New Moon peaks on the 6th, call upon the cosmos to support you in having more confidence in your voice particularly when it comes to conversations with your family or the people you live with. The energy can feel a little strained from the 16th – 22nd of June, as your intuition is tested and you can find that what it is telling you isn’t quite right. So be very careful of decisions made at this time or judgments cast on other people…as there is a chance you aren’t seeing the bigger picture. As the Sun moves into Cancer on the 20th (marking the Solstice) the energy gets a whole lot easier, romantic and more playful. Cancer Season gives you the energy to simply enjoy life, dream and escape a little bit from the seriousness of early June. This month finishes with the Capricorn Full Moon on the 21st/22nd which is shedding light on your friendships, as well as work you have the potential to pursue with social causes or with bigger groups. This is something that has been brewing within you since 2022, and this Full Moon is kicking off a new adventure for you in your career and how you structure your life.


It’s time to speak up with the Gemini New Moon


Weekly Astrology Forecast: 26th May - 1st of June - Devotion