December’s Potent Capricorn New Moon: Manifest with Kali, Lilith, and Pallas Athena

When: 31st of December at 11:26am (NZ), 9:26am (AEDT), 8:56am (ACDT), 8:26am (AEST), 7:56am (ACST), 6:26am (AWST/CST), 3:56am (IST) + 30th of December 11:26pm (CET), 10:26pm (GMT), 5:26pm (EST), 3:26pm (MST) + 2:26pm (PDT)


The final New Moon of 2024, meets us at the crossroads of a new year, giving it extra potency to lay your intentions. It's important to remember that the Gregorian Calendar (which denotes the start of 2025) is man-made, where as the lunar calendar (which this Moon is apart of) abides by nature. As such this is a time not for grand full year goals, but rather to take a cue from the cosmos and lay intentions that will unfold over the coming 6 months to the Full Moon on the 11th of July 2025. This is a period of time calling for you to consider where you are ready to bow down to more of your true nature (instead of trying to wrangle it or control it...just like the Gregorian calendar does). Remembering that as you honour this within you, you give permission for the world to do the same (slowly + gradually). Allowing us to step into reverence and awe for the connection we hold to the cosmos, to mother earth and to each other.


Capricorn is an energy that rules both the creation of new structure as well as it's destruction when the karma it was holding has been fulfilled. In a way this is a sign that teaches us that creation and destruction go hand in hand - and are a continual process of this universe. So this New Moon at 9'43 of Capricorn is calling for you to consider the following questions:

  • What are you holding onto that is no longer serving you?

  • What are you resisting letting into your life?

In the intersection of these questions is what wants to be created from within you. You might like to journal around these questions or contemplate them to find your answer.


As this New Moon falls roughly in line with the end of 2024 and start of 2025, this is a time where there can be a lot of collective pressure to change something about yourself, to set ambitious goals which rely on the external world validating you, or even feeling that in the last year you didn't 'get what you want' and that you need to try harder. This is a New Moon to release this kind of thinking. The external world is at the mercy of karma (most of which comes from past lives) and not your personal goals (no matter how well intended). Instead the greatest gift you can give yourself with this coming cycle is to go within and really listen to what is was about those external changes that you were really searching for...what lay beneath them. Was is a need for peace, a desire for love or happiness. The gift of this Moon in Capricorn is that it is here to help you cultivate this from within...not through manipulating the external world (which is only ever frustrating).

PS. This Moon's Ritual + Reading we'll be working with a practice to get to the bottom of these desires and facilitate understanding the deeper need (plus receive a personal written reading to guide this). Details here.


Pallas Athena, Kali + Lilith will be guiding the energy of this New Moon, helping you lay your intentions in a manner which is courageous, based on an understanding of your own equality and truthful. The presence of these divine energies suggests that the coming 6 months can be deeply humbling, as you're called to drop old preferences and ways in which you have 'lied' to yourself. These three goddesses demand that you understand the divine gifts within you of love, truth and equanimity. As such any place in your life where you have been acting small or skirting around what is true will be coming into play over the coming 6 months. All of which is for your long as you are willing to see it that way. The energy of the divine mother in her forms as Kali, Lilith + Pallas Athena calls for you to step into a new consciousness + perspective about your life...and with that things can feel a little shaky up until July this year (which also matches the collective energy). If you can have the courage to see whatever comes as your guru - instead of thinking 'it's all happening to me when will I get a break' maybe switch that to 'it's all happening for me and there for my own self-realisation'.


This New Moon will call in Purva Ashadha in Vedic Astrology, which is a lunar mansion where what we haved pushed down or denied can no longer be suppressed. This is both your socialisation (aka to be nice or 'good' at the expense of being honest) as well as your gifts. In fact this is a Lunar Cycle that can crack you open to new talents and soul gifts that have been waiting for the space and bravery to manifest in your life. Just note, you'll be called to face the thinking that has been blocking these from coming through - so pay attention to where there is fear, the need to control or push things down. This is also a lunar mansion which is inviting you into the deeper meaning of life, and to turn within (not pick up a book or find a spiritual teacher) to locate this. Finally this particular Lunar Mansion is ruled by the water element and the sacral chakra and so can stir up a lot of emotion (which can be usual for this type of New Moon). So go easy on yourself, hold compassion for all that manifests and love for the path that you are on.


The Ritual + Reading is now live which includes a personal written ready based on your chart (not a horoscope), Astrology Forecast (pre-recorded both Western + Vedic) and Sacred Practice (pre-recorded) to help you lay intentions with this Moon. Details here.


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