Hitting a Crisis Point with July’s Capricorn Full Moon

When: 21st of July at 10:17pm (NZ), 8:17pm (AEST), 7:47pm (ACST), 6:17pm (AWST/CST), 3:47pm (IST), 2:17pm (GST), 12:17pm (CEST), 11:17am (BST), 6:17am (EDT), 4:17am (MDT) + 3:17am (PDT)

FULL MOON THEMES: Transformation, Destined Events, Revolution, Truth + Completion of a Karmic Cycle


This is our second Capricorn Full Moon in a row. As it sits at the penultimate degree of the sign it marks a ‘point of crisis’ where there is finally a willingness to change - personally + collectively. This is a place where the energy of Capricorn is the strongest, meaning it has learnt the lessons of the earlier degrees of the sign like discrimination, control, trust, hierarchy and subservience.

As this Full Moon peaks it is bringing things to ahead - as the old world (Capricorn) starts to collapse, and the new world (Aquarius) is called to start to be the foundation we move forward with. This is about the slow disintegration of structure, organisation and the military industrial complex (which internally is the part of obsessed with being right, bring productive, and believing there is an 'other' you need to hurt or separate yourself from).

All of which is calling for that part of you - that demands truth, that desires to rebel, and to start something new - to emerge.


The Capricorn Full Moon will also be aligned with Pluto (at 0'55 Aquarius), and the Sun illuminating it will be aligned with the Vertex Point (29'42 Cancer). This means we can expect this Moon to set off predestined global events as well as personal occurrences that demand the shadow (aka what is repressed) be acknowledged. So pay attention to experiences that force transformation, that shed light on ignorance and allow the truth to be known. These are the type of events that requires compassion, vulnerability and for you to meet it with the feminine energy which has been ignited within you since the Cancer New Moon (5-6th of July). Know that this is ultimately about awakening, so whatever conflict emerges will ultimately create peace. If you feel like you are at your own crisis point, call upon the inner home (the divine mother within) to help anchor you through this tumultuous cosmic energy. (Or get some extra help with this Moon’s Ritual + Reading).


This particular Full Moon - and the energy that is being manifested around it - started it's journey within you on the 11th of January this year. This was when we had a Capricorn New Moon aligned with Pluto (just like this Moon). The last 6 months can have felt like the deepest shadow work. As you have came to face parts of yourself you have kept hidden that live within that ancient Capricorn energy. These are the parts that love control, that don't really trust anyone, that only value their opinion, that have bought into the structure of authority and deeply desire status through more money, praise, publicity etc.

This Moon has been slowly awakening you to the emptiness of this world and the ways in which none of this will make you happy (ultimately or in a lasting way). In fact there is no amount of control or status that will bring you the peace you are really looking for...the peace that only exists within. This Full Moon is bringing to light the need for forgiveness and acceptance of these misguided (shadow) parts of yourself, and helping you step into a new level of consciousness as you realise that the world you wish to change first involves you changing yourself.


Even if the energy of this Full Moon feels a little rocky and restrictive, there is a lot of cosmic energy supporting you through this. As Mars, Uranus, Magdalena, Juno, Black Moon Lilith + Shiva are all working in harmony (forming a Grand Trine) with the burden you are shaking off during this Moon. They are teaching you surrender and the importance of letting go of the story of ‘how you think it needs to be’ (which just causes more pain). Exchanging this belief that some how you are in charge with accepting ‘how it actually is’. This means trusting (perhaps Capricorns biggest lesson) in the infinite intelligence that guides all movement on this earth including you.

As this Full Moon brings with it unexpected events, and even changes in direction, know that even if it doesn't look like it at the time this energy is actually working to help shift consciousness and awaken at a collective + personal level to living in greater alignment. There is a sense that what is authentic + true will prevail even if it feels like you are being bombarded with energy that suggests otherwise.

This Grand Trine is bringing stability to the changes that are starting to emerge, and calling for you to appreciate that destruction always precedes creation. Added to that so long as you believe you live in a world of polarity, there will always be war, there will always be jealousy, there will always be hate etc. So the best advice is to release, to let go of the places you are fighting your own internal battle + surrender to the energy within you that 'knows' better.

This is the energy that has looked after the universe for billions of years, and the energy that mystics talk of when they say they realised the 'Self'.


In Vedic Astrology this Full Moon marks Guru Purnima, which is the annual festival where we honour our spiritual teachers and Gurus. Those who have paved a path of light for us all to walk back to the 'Self' (through the darkness of our own ignorance). This Full Moon falls in Uttara Ashada which means 'that which can no longer be suppressed'. As such this is a Moon where secrets can come to light, where the truth is revealed or an intention which has been hidden is known.

Added to that a spiritual level, this is calling for you to allow the light (which can never be suppressed within you) to grow even brighter. This is ultimately what cannot be suppressed. You can find that there is a strong desire to shift inwards, and that can feel incredibly uncomfortable. Where the Full Moon on the 21st of June was making you aware of a sacrifice or change you needed to make, this Moon is showing you how. Remember that the ultimate sacrifice is giving up desires (all of which are manifestations of how you think you need to control the external world in order to be happy). You can find this Moon leaves you feeling a little anhedonic - meaning that it's hard to find pleasure in the things that used to bring you it. There can also be a sense of loneliness which is coming from the identity self, as you move more into connection with your divine self. Know that this is a natural part of the dispassion that comes with turning within.


Receive a personal written reading, guided sacred practice to release the energetic binds of this moon + astrology forecast. Details here.


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