Divine Rage and the Super Full Moon in Aries

When: 17th of October at 12:26pm (NZDT); 10:26pm (AEDT); 9:56pm (ACDT); 9:26pm (AEST); 8:56pm (ACST); 7:26pm (AWST/CST); 4:56pm (IST); 1:26pm (CEST); 12:26pm (BST); 7:26am (EDT); 5:26am (MDT); 4:26am (PDT).

Astrology Themes: Abandonment, Proactive Healing, New Beginnings, Transmuting Pain, Collective Discord, Spiritual Awakening.


The Aries Super Full Moon on the 17th of October will be our first lunation post eclipse season. If you're still feeling the ripple effects of the eclipse portal (16/17th of September - 2/3rd of October) or this was a time when you were called to let go, release and end energy or relationships that were no longer of karmic service - then this Full Moon marks a new beginning. If you can think back to the 7-9th of April (when we had the Aries Solar Eclipse) and the energy that was surrounding you, you'll get hints as to what this Full Moon is bringing to light. This Super Full Moon is the antidote to the Libra Solar Eclipse. As it's focused on embracing independence , freedom and expressing your own personal will (without having to weigh it up with what another person might need or want from you).


As a cardinal sign, this Aries Super Full Moon is calling for a new chapter to start at both a personal and collective level. It is asking for you to not to overthink it, but rather move from divine inspiration as well as from a place of not needing to have it all planned out. Aries is an energy who's gift is starting something new, not finishing it or working out all of the details. So this is a Moon to cultivate new energy in your life that honours your own 'will'. Just like the warrior, which is Aries archetype, you can find that you're called to step forward into unknown territory and to do so with courage.


Aries favourite emotion is anger. It's kinetic and it wants to move, but for most of us we deny it and repress it. This Full Moon is fiery, and it has the potential to bring conflict out into the open at a collective level and so it's encouraging you to witness your own rage and fire. That can manifest as giving it over to mother nature by howling at the moon, pr channeling it into courageous action or creativity. You can find that the places you have held it back finally need to be felt (particularly if you find there is a lot of tension in your head - physically - around this full moon) and this will be the key to unlocking the healing energy which is living within it's potential.


This Full Moon will lie in alignment with Chiron and Hygiea (as well as Eris, but we'll get to her shortly). These are both healing asteroids, so it's clear that the chapter that is opening requires you to honour your sense of will, and work through the wounding you hold around your own independence. You can find that this Full Moon stirs up a sense of abandonment, loneliness and separation, as you start to walk a new path. It's important, if these stories + feelings come up, that you see them and question their validity. As separation is the ‘trump card’ of the ego. Know that in paying attention to this, there is the opportunity to heal it simply because you aren't repressing it's energy. Hygiea is also adding her energy to the mix, and she favours working with the energetics of the body and also encourages you to work proactively with whatever challenge is presented. So if you're already on a healing journey this can be the nudge you need to work ahead of energy you can feel building and proactively look at your anger.


The Goddess of Chaos, Eris, will be aligned with this Full Moon. She can bring to the surface repressed rage, unfairness, the sense of not being invited or purposely being left out. So in a way she works with Chiron to trigger that deep abandonment wound. Her gift is to bring forth the chaos and discord which is necessary for change to take place. Remember that the root of the word chaos is the 'void' - a place which is pure divinity untouched by the need for order that lives within the 'ego'. Pay attention if you have tense relations with your siblings as this can stir this up even more (as her brother is Mars, who rules this Moon, and is in challenge with her). At a collective level this can indicate the start of a necessary battle. Through her energy she can stir up collective and personal situations where the primal need to 'win at all costs' comes to the fore. Know that this is the divine bringing to light our lust, greed and darkness that allows separation to take place. For to see it is to heal it - and now is the time to bravely witness yourself.


Sitting with the Sun, as this Moon peaks, will be the divine star, Arcturus - whose name means 'guard'. This is an aspect of source, and is known as the 'star of joy' by the Hawaiian people. So although there is the promise of conflict in this Moon, there is also the undercurrent of liberation that is sitting within this. Arcturus is seen as a playground for higher consciousness and it is calling for us to see the bigger picture - realising that the ultimate war is the one within. Arcturus is also a star involved in the care of Mother Earth and works to attune our energy to our relationship back with nature. There is a belief that Arcturus works to help us raise the consciousness of humanity whilst still allowing for freewill. So we can find that this Full Moon, fuelled by this energy, represents an awakening of a new consciousness where we're able to see through the veils of duality to understand we are all one family.


What is making the Aries Super Full Moon a little tricky is that it is in challenge with it's ruler Mars (in Cancer) + Pluto (doing it's last stint in Capricorn). Cancer is an energy that wants to mother, protect and connect back to the earth. As such you can find that although this Moon is bringing through a lot of energy and a deep sense of will, you can find your drive is all over the place. One moment you want to go this way, the next it's somewhere different. There can also be an overwhelming desire to use this will to protect yourself, the planet, your home or your family. Just make sure that what underpins this is love, not fear. This will be an energy which is projected into the collective, and can be harnessed to create more duality (aka 'this is my home land not yours') or to create greater unity (aka ‘we all belong to this planet’). Remember that the ultimate home is within. When we move from that place we recognise all as our neighbours.


In Vedic astrology this Full Moon falls in the first Nakshatra - Aswini - marking this as the start of a new journey. This is a lunar mansion ruled by the cosmic healers, the Ashwini Twins, who are quite similar to Chiron. These twins are children of the Sun, and call for us to find a balance in the duality that permeates our lives. To look at see where we are creating the 'other' or the 'bad' realising that this is causing us more harm than good. This energy can speed up actions and the mind, so slowing down the breath and meditating can be incredibly important to help regulate yourself under this Moon. Now what makes this Moon extra special is that it is Gandanta, meaning a time of intense spiritual growth. It has the potential to bring to the surface a deep knot or issue from within...asking for it to be unravelled. So be prepared for a new cycle of soul growth to start with the Super Moon for you personally and at a collective level. This can feel like a birthing process, as there is no coming to greater consciousness without pain (in the words of Carl Jung).


If you need a little extra support with this cosmic energy there is the Aries Full Moon Ritual + Reading. Receive a personal written reading, a sacred practice working with Eris and astrology forecast for both Western + Vedic approaches. Details here.


Weekly Astrology Forecast: 13th - 19th of October: Learning from the Ego


Weekly Astrology Forecast: 6th - 12th of October - Integrating Conflict