What April's Aries Solar Eclipse + New Moon Mean for You?

When: 8th - 9th of April

Themes: Opening up old wounds, Healing what hasn't been addressed, Moving forward alone, Self-Awareness + BeggiNnings

What is Eclipse Season?

The Aries Solar Eclipse on the 8-9th of April represents the closing of the Eclipse Portal which started on the 25th of March (read more about that here). This is a time of karmic balancing and being given the grace to see the negative forces of the ego in your life - and work to purify them through your own self-awareness. Even though this Eclipse marks the offical finish of this karmic period, that doesn't mean that you won't be feeling the after effects over the next couple of weeks (it looks like a lot of which should be resolved by the 20th when the Sun moves into Taurus). It can feel like ripples of energy are being sent out of the 8-9th that will help lift from your life what is no longer in karmic alignment and you won't really feel like things return back to some sense of stability until a little later this month.

We are learning to about the self + other

This is an Eclipse period (from the 25th of March until the 9th of April) that is teaching you about the relationship you have with yourself, and how that is reflected through others. The heart of this eclipse season is a deep teaching on projection. That is the notion that there is no 'reality' but rather everything that you see reflected in your world is a result of the story you tell about it. Said another way, there is only one of us here but it feels like many because of the stories we tell about what our senses perceive. You can see this clearly when 3 or 4 people tell you about the same person. Someone might say, 'they remind me of my mother - way too many rules', another might say 'they were so comforting' and another 'she spoke too much'. Each of these 'observations' aren't describing what is in front of them but the stories that lives within them. The highest spiritual teaching of the Aries + Libra axis is exactly this. Although you appear as many (Libra), there is only one (Aries).

Surrender to New Beginnings

Let's jump back into this particular eclipse. The Solar Eclipse (New Moon) will be at 19'24 of Aries. As such we are in an energy of new beginnings and physical manifestations. This can show up within you as the awakening of a new, slightly unexpected path (think life direction), a new relationship with your body (potentially being a little kinder) or throwing yourself 'head first' into a new project. What is really important with this Eclipse is to not think about the details or the 'finish line'...nup, Aries is all about beginnings and it offers you the ignition to get things started, not completed. Aries loves action, so be really careful that this is self-arising and not overthought, meaning you move as you feel to be moved (mindfully). The more resistance you throw at this energy by overthinking or through indecision the more challenging the energy will be. Remember nothing is lost in trying (except maybe the ego).

Wound is where the light enters

What makes this Solar Eclipse so sensitive is that is will be aligned with Chiron and Mercury Rx. As such this is a very karmic energy that is focused on your deep sense of abandonment. The irony of this wound that makes us feel separate is that we all have it. As such the chaotic energy of this lunar event can stir-up loneliness, separation and a sense fear of moving ahead by yourself. This Moon is cutting right to that inner soft spot you try to armour and keep hidden from others. Be prepared to encounter old stories of the mind around not being good enough for your parents, your partners (past + current) and ultimately for the divine (which is the heart of this wounding - projected onto the world around you). This is a lot to contend with particularly if you try and push against it by repressing the feelings coming up. So as best you can calm yourself, and in this energy of peace question the stories that are arising + if they are true or projections of the mind.

Find the Cosmic Giggle

Now, added to that Mercury Rx thrown in the mix is really stirring up a lot of historic energy and past lessons around your own personal power. It has the potential for you to reenact events of your past that reinforced your abandonment in a current situation. You can find that you're all of a sudden pulled into repeating childhood energy or a parental relationship with a new friend or partner. The key to Mercury is that underneath all of it's chaos is humour. Humour is an incredibly way to disarm the ego and allow all of us to be humbled by our own ignorance. So if you can slow down, take a moment to be mindful (and drop the ego)...you might be able to hear the cosmic giggle underneath it all no matter how serious is seems.

The energy is volatile as karmic rectification is at play

To add a little more to understanding this energy if we look at the placement of Mars (Aries ruler) sitting with the Lord of Karma (Saturn), we're being given a clear indication that this is a time of karmic rectification. Mars sitting with Saturn is not an easy pairing, in fact this is cosmically speaking the energy of war and conflict. The only saving grace is that these two are currently in Pisces, which throws water on the fire. This is an energy which is helping you to shift karmic obstacles from your life's direction, as well as help you get to the heart of issues around your physical body and why you're simply not prepared to start that thing that the universe has literally handed to you. It can stir-up internal frustration and at the same time help you slow down to the point where you can see when you are acting from a place of deep wounding or old karma (which ultimately creates the cycle of more karma). Even though you feel a deep sense of anger it can be really hard to express it, but know you are safe to do this and it will be beneficial to help you move forward. Just ensure this anger is directed away from people and out of yourself - consider yelling into the ground, punching a pillow or going on a run to support this energetic shift.

See the bigger picture

In Vedic Astrology this Eclipse will be in the final lunar mansion Revati. This is a placement which has the potential for abundance in both the spiritual and material realms. The core lesson of this lunar mansion is that in every moment you have the ability to sow good karma which you will reap in future lifetimes. That every action you take in this life will be handed back to you in your next life, and as such you are asked to consider what you are planting right now. There is the potential for incredible realisation with this Eclipse, as you are taken to the place within that understands the truth of this world (the cycles of karma) and is here to help nourish your evolving soul as it struggles to remember itself. This Eclipse has the potential to lay karmic seeds which manifest as full self-realisation in this or future lifetimes. Underpinning this is the understanding that although the ego has it's timing, you are ruled by your own soul's timing which spans across lifetimes.

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