March's Virgo Full Moon is Supporting your Wellbeing
When: 8th of March at 1:40am (NZ), 7th of March at 11:40pm (AEDT), 11:10pm (Ade), 10:40pm (Bris), 10:10pm (Dar), 8:40pm (Per/Beij), 6:10pm (ND), 4:40pm (Dub), 12:40pm (Lon), 7:40am (NY), 5:40pm (Bould) + 4:40am (LA)
The final Full Moon of the Astrological Year
We finish the astrological year with the Virgo Full Moon. This is an energy that relates back to the 7-8th of September 2021. If you can rewind back to that point, you'll notice there was something brewing within you and wanting release - this Full Moon is calling it forth into manifestation. There are hints this has to do with how you are looking after your health (spiritually, mentally + physically) as well as the changes that you are ready to make in your day-to-day routine. Incorporating energy that will support you filling your cup and with that releasing the ties that have had you feeling on the verge of burn out.
Where are you trying to prove your worth?
The heart of this Moon's song is one of self-worth as it will be aligned with the asteroid Lilith. Very often when we're unsure of our value we go above and beyond for the people around us from a place of lack (note this is very different to selflessly serving). You can tell pretty quickly if you're doing this (and we all do it) by how you feel. If you find yourself feeling exhausted, depleted and run down, there is a high chance that you are running on this dirty fuel. This is simply a distortion of the ego, one which has you externalising your sense of self worth to the people around you. This Full Moon is here to demonstrate to you that self-worth is an inside job (and the job of a lifetime). When we look to others to justify our worthiness, our sense of worth is fleeting and requires continual effort + energy. As you turn inwards - with the help of this Lilith Energy - you might start to notice a deep sense of equality that comes from deep inside. A never ending well which helps you remember that you are equal to everyone and added to that your worthiness is not determined by your actions - but simply by being ,you are worthy.
Boundaries are on the cards again
This is our second Moon in a row where Medusa is calling. As she will be aligned with Neptune, this is all about energetic boundaries. Their influence with Lilith is essentially saying that it's time to put in place new boundaries with the world around you that come from a new understanding of your own worth. There can be some anxiety and nervousness around this (which are typical Virgo emotions). However this is a Full Moon that is bringing to light the places where you have been putting yourself second instead of finding a way to serve from a place of equality. So notice in what situations you feel exhausted, with which people do you notice yourself looking for approval from and finally what events do you walk away from feeling like you need to sleep for days? Answering these questions is giving you bit hints are to where you are ready to express your boundaries and what you are ready to walk away from. Remember that when you know your worth and touch that place of deep equality within you, it sends a ripple effect out to the universe.
It's time to rest, if you can
Image Credit: Vogue Hong Kong
It's worth noting that this Full Moon will also be in challenge with Mars - who has been throwing most of our motivation off. Well this Full Moon is no exception. You might notice yourself just not having the drive or the go get to do what you think you need to. If that's the case, use this energy to rest, lay low and marinade in this energy. Take some time to consider what might need to be done, and also what can be left undone. Very often we rush to complete things and in the process do more than was actually necessary. This is a Full that is calling for you to slow down and to put off action unless it is totally necessary.
It's time to receive the fruits of your labour
Finally in Vedic astrology this moon will be in the Purva Phalguni Nakshatra which holds within it an energy of immense prosperity and luck. This is an energy that is ruled by the god Bhaga, who is the god of wealth and who's responsibility is to ensure that you know your abundance + receive your share of what is due to you in this life. As such this is a Full Moon where you might find overdue money or abundance finding it's way to you. It can feel like the fruits of your labour are paying off and as such it's a time to relax and simply enjoy (tapping into the idea that there is nothing you need to do). It's time to experience pleasure and see it as an energy of divinity (remembering that everything in this life is 'god'),
Understand how this energy is showing up in your chart.
Join me for the Virgo Full Moon Workshop which includes a personal written reading for this energy, the full astrology forecast and a ritual to help you release with the energy + heal with its energy. Details here .