May’s Taurus New Moon Astrology is Calling for Love

When: 8th of May at 3:21pm (NZ), 1:21pm (AEST), 12:51pm (ACST), 11:21am (AWST/CST), 8:51am (IST), 7:21am (GST), 5:21am (CEST), 4:21am (BST); 7th of May at 11:21pm (EDT), 9:21pm (MDT) + 8:21pm (PDT)

KEY NEW MOON Themes: Harmony, Determination, Unexpected Events, Asking for More, Truth is Love + Realising your own Worth


The Taurus New Moon on the 7-8th of May represents the start of a new lunar cycle which will culminate with the Full Moon on the 15-16th of November. During this time you are being called to play in the classroom of worthiness, personal values, and your relationships with money. This is a lunar cycle that can stir up feelings of there 'not being enough' in the external world or even you 'not being enough' internally. Which is one of the ego's favourite games to play in order to claim it's separation from everything ...including the material realm. Through the eyes of the ego there is never enough money, property, possessions etc. This is because nothing in the material realm can ever satisfy that which can never be satisfied. So pay attention to feelings of lack, striving for more money or material these are the portals not to acquisition but rather to your own self-realisation. Your job is to question 'why' you need these things, and if they will truely satisfy...or if you are actually longing for something deeper that only you (as spirit) can give the self.

A beautiful poem to consider which holds the energy of this New Moon comes from Rumi: 'You wander from room to room, hunting for the diamond necklace that is already around your neck'.


This New Moon is calling for personal change, unexpected transformation (thanks to Uranus' alignment with the Moon) and expansion. You can notice that this Moon brings up the resistance you have to change, and you can find yourself blaming money or wealth as a reason why you can't possibly embrace what is to come. The ego loves using money as a reason not to move or do anything differently. It is a beautiful fear tactic, and it can feel like you are in fact scaring yourself as this thought becomes an immovable obstacle the more you think about it. So notice if this is coming up for you during this New Moon. Even though you can feel there is a new chapter that is opening, notice if you are actually holding yourself back from moving forward because of this irrational fear. If you feel called look deeper than what the material realm is presenting, and ask yourself if this actually has to do with money or whether it has to do with a deeper sense of worthiness that lives within you. In this place are the keys to change. If you can look at what you fear, and question it you can set yourself free (this can take time - so don't rush it or push it - allow it).


Taurus is represented by the heavenly bull. It is the aspect of the divine mother than can veil or unveil us from the illusion. When we are lost in this energy we see the material realm as real and the only truth. We chase fame, money, status and luxury...if we're lucky we don't realise any of these things and in this suffering the veil is lifted. It's a total oxymoron. The energy of Taurus, when all our material wishes are fulfilled, puts us to sleep. We don't question anything. It is through the grace of the divine that we get frustrated with the material realm and ultimately awaken to the idea that maybe (just maybe) all that meet the eye isn't really real. Maybe it's a play set in motion by something bigger to awaken us.

Remember, the Taurean Bull's horns point to heaven, while it is busy ploughing the field of life. As such we can find ourselves busy looking down at the detail, at what we need to do - instead of looking up and seeing what our determination is adding up to. The goal of this New Moon at a spiritual level is for you to look up. To realise that what you reap in the material realm is not a result of what you have sewn in this life, but rather the experiences of past lives. As such there is nothing you can really do but accept what comes understanding that what is in your hands is planting seed (good karma) for future lives.


This New Moon will be aligned with Taurus' ruler, Venus (as well as Uranus + Jupiter), which means that a big theme surfacing around this Moon and coming 6 month lunar cycle is love. We're not talking about love as in relationships, lust or attraction. Nup, with Kali opposing the Moon, this is about love at it's highest vibration which is truth. There can be a whole lot of resistance to feeling + hearing the truth. Particularly when this message get's in the way of what you have stubbornly stood-bye or holding onto. The key to this New Moon is working out what you need to hold onto (like what needs persistence) and what is actually not honour your sense of worthiness. Remember that true love is liberation. It is telling someone honestly what they need to know, it's being called on your own BS, it's being liberated from old cycles of undervaluing yourself. It is being set free from ploughing a field that isn't yielding. Remember with Jupiter + Uranus also sitting in the mix you're going to have to be prepared for this truth to manifest in unexpected ways that push you into a new definition of what is possible for you.


In Vedic Astrology this New Moon will fall in the Lunar Mansion Bharani which is ruled by Venus. This is an energy that wants to nourish, to cherish and is dedicated to Shakti (aka the divine feminine). Shakti is the vibration that energises all life and the material realm (that Taurus rules). As such the role of this New Moon is to awaken to you the ways in which the material and the spiritual are interwoven. To understand that we are all living in the Leela (play) of the divine mother. She lives within each of us, and is reflected in the world around us. It is through her grace we come to realise this, and Maya (illusion) is dispelled. In the Vedas, Venus is a Guru to the asuras (which are our egoic tendencies). She offers the ability to guide them to liberation. Here, and with this New Moon at the deepest level, we are learning that even our ego wants liberation - even though it creates all of our suffering it doesn't want that suffering, and it will give it up if it is met with love.


Finally with the Deity Yama (the god of death) ruling over this energy, you are being guided on the material realm into an ending which will sprout new beginnings. This may mean the selling of an asset or something you hold dear, in order for a new beginning to take place. At the highest level Yama is teaching you detachment. To see that the material realm is bound by karma and it is transient. Therefore to hold onto anything here will just create suffering (which ironically creates more karma). As best you feel called to give over all results of your actions to the god of your understanding (be that mother nature, Brigit, the Moon, Saraswati, etc). As you do this your allow your mind to not be so attached to the fluctuations that will take place this Lunar Cycle.


Receive a personal written reading for this New Moon, as well as sacred practice working with Venus and a full astrology forecast. Details here.


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