The Eclipse Portal is Closing with the Taurus Full Moon

Welcome to the final Taurus Eclipse for the next 18 years, wrapping up 2 big years of karmic energy dedicated to worthiness.

When: 28th - 29th of October

Welcome to the close of Eclipse Season

The Taurus Lunar Eclipse marks the close of the last Eclipse Season of 2023. Added to that this is actually the last Taurus Eclipse we are going to experience for the next 18 years, as such there can be a lot of energy that has you feeling like a big cycle is coming to an end. In fact the last 2 years, while the North and South Nodes were in Scorpio and Taurus, has had you reflecting and learning about self-worth, as well as surfacing secrets that had been with held from you by those closest to you. This has been a time of incredible evolution for your consciousness, and what you have experienced has been part of your soul's longing (even if the ego wants none of it). As this final Taurus Lunar Eclipse hits it really is closing the door on the last 20 months, and with that letting go of any remnants of energy still related to this cycle that will not serve you moving forward.

It's eclipse season so surrender

Before we jump into the energy at play just a reminder that Eclipse Season means that surrender is key. This is not a Full Moon to manifest, to try and co-create with the universe or even harness the energy. Eclipses bring with them chaotic and erratic energy. It’s not a force we want to harness, but rather surrender to it’s destruction so that it might clear from our lives that which no longer serves us. As such this is not a time to charge crystals, be in it’s energy or even watch the eclipse - rather take it easy and allow this cosmic vibration to pass.

The School of Self-Worth and Value

Taurus is an energy that is all about worthiness and value. It's role is two-fold. Firstly it rules the material realm - think your relationship with money, possessions and the things you wish to acquire. Secondly it rules this energy as it manifest within you as self-worth. At it's deepest truth Taurus is a mirror and if you can move past the sense of separation that naturally comes when you look at the material realm, you can start to see how it is showing you where you are valuing and also undervaluing yourself. This has been a massive lesson that has been unraveling for you over the past 2 years. You'll notice that as you started to value your thoughts, your beliefs, your energy, your time and yourself...the things around you changed (sometimes in the most dramatic of ways). This is because worthiness is like an internal magnet, as you start to realise your inherent equality it shifts your relationship with polarity - and that includes the people around you. As such relationships can come to abrupt endings, jobs can be cancelled, events can shift...all because the universe is re-arranging itself to match your new vibration. You no longer need to learn from what was around you.

There is expansion on offer

The key aspect at play with this Eclipse is its alignment with Jupiter - and whatever this planet touches it expands. As such the energy around this Full Moon can feel big, like you can't escape it and you might not want to either. This also means that if you've been feeling a sense of lack or just unlucky at the moment, it an exacerbate that feeling, and equally if you're feeling abundant it will grow that too. So your mindset is going to play a massive part in how you feel the energy of this Full Moon. It's important to remember that Jupiter is the Spiritual Teacher of our solar system, as such he is calling for you to understand that everything is energy - even money. He is calling for you to remember that as the material realm is a reflection of your own sense of worth, money + possessions will move according to how they are magnetised by you (which ultimately comes down to your karma). A great thing to do during this eclipse is to play with this + with the universe. To take part in it's dance knowing that money is energy, and see what happens when you act in a way which values yourself (not from a place of ego though) and how the material realm responds to this.

The Eclipse is also bringing rebirth

Also lending their energy to the Taurus Lunar Eclipse are Mars, Mercury, Lilith + Persephone. As such this is calling for a rebirth in how you speak and act...asking for you to embody the wisdom that everything in this world is equal. There is no one that is better than or worse than anyone else - from the point of view of the soul. The ego loves the place people above you, and below you - as a means to justify it's sense of identity. This can manifest as issues with self-confidence and equally issues, on occassion, with being a bit of a narccissist (we all do it!). What this Eclipse is bringing through is the acknowledgement that stepping into equality is not an easy road, it requires you to see the lessons you have been through when it comes to your sense of worthiness...and realise these have created the path you now walk on. We each have the choice to go within, or to blame the world outside, this Eclipse is asking for you to realise that equality on every level starts within.

A final cosmic healing

In Vedic Astrology this Lunar Eclipse will be in Ashwini Lunar Mansion (Nakshatra) which represents the start of a new cycle. More than that though this is an energy of healing as the Ashwini Twins were the physicians to the gods in Hindu mythology. As such this Lunar Eclipse can help you heal the tension you have been feeling that you need to release around your sense of worth. Maybe there's something that feels unresolved and you're just not quite sure how to find peace again. This Lunar Mansion can move energy very quickly and it has the ability to relieve karmic suffering and pain. As this is an eclipse there is nothing you need to do but release resistance to the hurt - to stop picking the wound - and allow the universe to bring the healing salve.

Need some extra support this eclipse season?

Join the Taurus Lunar Eclipse Ritual + Reading. Receive a personal written to help you navigate this energy, a shamanic practice working with the healing energy of the Ashwini Twins and an astrology forecast to explain exactly what is being experienced. Details here.


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