Celebrate the Shadow with the Scorpio New Moon

When: 13th of November, 2023

Welcome to the underworld

Scorpio is an energy that draws us down. It reminds us that before we ascend into higher levels of consciousness, we must first have roots firmly in place. That means descending into the places within us that we are yet to love. As such this season (which started on the 22nd of October) and this Moon in particular can have you feeling heavier emotions, seeing that the things that trigger you in others actually live within you and most importantly if you want to change the world you firstly need to look at yourself. Scorpio energy is powerful as it is humbling. It always reminds me of the Carl Jung quote: No tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell. And so we must allow our roots to be known (that includes our ancestral roots) and know ourselves as complete not just because we are 'love and light' but because we are both light + shadow, heaven + earth.

It's a time to uncover what has been hidden

This New Moon is the start of a 6-18 month lunar cycle which is calling to light what has been hidden from you. That can be secrets that have been omitted (by you or someone else), as well as energy that lies deep within your subconscious. The best way to understand this energy is to see what triggers you in the people around you and realise that this is because they are holding the parts of you that you are have rejected. Remember what you reject you get to keep (and sometimes keep this means it stays hidden). So, perhaps you notice that you are always surrounded by angry people that's because you have rejected the part of you that is angry and filled with rage; or you get annoyed when a particular friend always talks about money (and their lack their of) that is because this is a fear that you have rejected within you. This New Moon is encouraging you to use the experiences around you that feel deeply uncomfortable, to come to know yourself better.

The only way to be whole, is to accept all.

The calling of this New Moon, which will be aligned with Mars + Ceres, is to dive deep within. This coming 6 months is taking you down into the places which you hide from others and you reject within yourself. This means that this is a time to be humbled, to learn that the love within you is capable of loving everything...even these deep recesses and finally that to be whole is not about being all 'love and light' but rather knowing the depths of your own darkness + tending to it. For the collective the coming 6 months will be incredibly transformational, as if we are going through a rebirth all together. See the ways, we as a collective, love to blame the 'other' - when in truth there is no other. That is just a made up label by the ego and it comes from a place of fear.

Expect anger and rage to be on the cards

As this New Moon will be aligned with Mars, there's a fair chance that what is lying within you that is wanting to be seen has a lot of firy energy around it. As such you can find yourself feeling short-tempered, frustrated out of nowhere and needing to let off steam. As this is a collective energy also, you'll notice in the world around you conflict escalating to the point of impulsive + reckless behaviour. Why? Because none of us know how to handle anger. We either repress it + reject it or we get rid of it by hurting someone else. The key to moving through this is to have compassion for the anger that is coming to the surface within you - to not deny it, and equally to not see it as something to hide. Rather realise it's a kinetic energy - it needs to move - and you have the option to give it someone else (and incite anger in them) or to give it back to it's source - mother nature. The advice as you feel the anger building is to step away from others, and allow it to move by yelling at the sky or into the earth until it's been exhausted from your body, go for a run or find some ground to punch until you feel whatever wanted to be felt leaving the body.

Remember to be flexible with the unexpected

Also worth mentioning is that this New Moon will oppose Uranus, for those of you currently in your Uranus Opposition (around 40 - 42 years old) this can feel particularly intense. It's a time to allow for the unexpected, out-of-the-blue events, people and experiences - that aren't necessarily part of your plan. Well really this is your ego's plan, not your soul's (which you're not always privy too). It's really important to be flexible at this time, and to see these experiences as the redirections they are meant to be. They are, through the grace of the universe, calling you into alignment and helping you see where your shadow lies. A big thing we all deny is out love of control. We want certainty and the heart of this comes from a lack of trust in other people (fear they won't do what we want). As such we make plans, we organise and then we have back-ups for when things go wrong. Not realising that all of these are futile, as the soul is the one calling the shots. The encouragement with this New Moon is to do your best to release the desire for control (particularly if you don't like being control yourself - which is all of us). Give the universe space to dance with you and bring you into more of your completeness.

The greater the light, the bigger the shadow

Finally this New Moon falls on the festival Diwali or Deepavali. This marks a time to celebrate light conquering dark - which is the metaphor for awareness conquering ignorance. As this New Moon is deemed the darkest of the year, it is a time to celebrate that shadow can only exist because there is light, and as light grows bright the shadow becomes more obvious. At the heart of it, even ignorance is divine - it is the lila of god (the divine dance we do when we have forgotten who we are). As such you can celebrate this New Moon by lighting an oil lamp, wearing new clothes, offering foods to those closest to you and connecting with your community. Symbolically this is a time to remember your divinity, and your journey back to the source of all light - for you are , in your truest essence, light.

Want to know where this New Moon is showing in your chart?

Check out the Scorpio New Moon Ritual + Reading. Receive a personal written reading (based on your chart), a full astrology forecast and ritiual meditation to lay intentions with this energy. Details here.


Weekly Astrology Forecast: 12th - 18th of November - Anger


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