What the Virgo New Moon This September Means for You

When: 3rd of September at 1:55pm (NZ), 11:55am (AEST), 11:25am (ACST), 9:55am (AWST/CST), 7:25am (IST), 5:55am (GST), 3:55am (CEST), 2:55am (BST) and 2nd of September at 9:55pm (EDT), 7:55pm (MDT) + 6:55pm (PDT).

Key Themes: Boundaries, Serving the World, Healing + Creativity


The Virgo New Moon on the 2-3rd of September represents the start of a new cosmic journey in this sign. This is a time of rethinking your daily routine, considering how you give back to the world and where you are ready to step forward on your own healing journey. The intentions that are laid with this New Moon will unfold over the coming 18 months leading to the Virgo Lunar Eclipse on the 3rd of March 2026. As this lunar cycle culminates in an eclipse you can guarantee there is a lot of universal support working with you as you lay your intentions, and that this coming 18 months will be packed with opportunities for soul evolution. With this in mind, as you lay your intentions, try to resist the energy of the ego which wants to isolate and separate. Instead dive deep within to answer the question 'how can I help heal the world by healing myself?' Understanding that you are the world not separate from it.


Virgo is the sign of the maiden, a form that the Divine Mother takes in order to serve the world. Though this energy can be idealistic, it is also practical and deeply thoughtful. This is an archetype that is associated with the Huntress (eg. Diana, Artemis, Celine etc - all goddesses of the Moon). Making it a sign that is focused, pure in thought, that logically plans towards it's goal and silently moves (so as to not disturb anyone else in the process). This is not a sign that shows off it's achievements or finds status in them, because what it is trying to create is not about them. As such this is a Moon of service and it asks you to consider with your intentions 'what are you serving?' Added to that it's the perfect Moon to consider how you might want to care for the world by embodying the energy of Virgo.


With Virgo's ruler, Mercury, in Leo there is an added flair and courage to this Moon. Leo is both the place where we deal with the ego as well as the place that harbours our child-like innocence. In a way this placement is calling to remind you of the innocence of your own inner maiden, and the way this part of you remembers the world as inherently good - and delights in this. Leo is also a creative energy, that desires to express itself through drawing, dancing, writing, play and romance. It adds fertility and fecundity to the energy of the New Moon calling for you to consider what it is that you want to create (perhaps from scratch) that leverages this Leo energy. So be prepared that for some of you this coming 18 months can see you serving the world (Mother Nature) through what you start to create with this New Moon.


The key tension at play with this New Moon is coming from Saturn, the lord of Karma, which is opposing from his seat in Pisces. As such we're being told by the universe to slow things and in doing so to reap the good karma of past life's...that's right Saturn isn't just the about working through challenges (or what the ego might deem 'bad karma), he deliver's all that you have reaped. So in a way this is a New Moon to consider what seeds you wish to grow and reap in future lives. This is an energy that pushes you to think beyond immediate gratification to the bigger picture (beyond just this life). To consider how you could serve another, your community, or the world even through the smallest of acts. Remembering to include yourself in this too - for you aren't separate from the world or Mother Nature.


Sitting with this New Moon at 11'04 of Virgo are the asteroids Vesta and Medusa. This will be our 3rd and final Moon with Vesta, who is pushing you within yourself and asking for you to serve from a place which lives behind your sense of identity, preferences or personality. Medusa is supporting this by calling for you to get really clear on your personal boundaries. In order to serve (whilst in 'human form') boundaries are incredibly important. They give you focus and give you the ability to say 'no' when something isn't aligned or there is no energy to give. As such this is a Moon which can bring with it opportunities for you to set boundaries instead of people pleasing or shutting the world out. Remembering that they are moveable, and come from the deep intuition of the body.


In Vedic astrology this New Moon falls in Purva Phalguni Nakshatra. This is the place where we get to reap what we have sewn. It's also an energy that is encouraging us to remember that whilst in human form we have the opportunity to fulfil our desires. One of which can be the desire to create or procreate that is stirred up by this Moon (which also makes sense with Ceres - Goddess of Fertility - sitting in harmony with it). As such this is a Moon that is calling for you to set off on a journey of creation, knowing that what is made manifest doesn't come from luck but from karma created in previous lives. The key to keeping this energy pure (like Virgo desires) is to not fall in love with what you create or get (too) attached to it. Rather see it as a blessing and the divine moving through you. You can even dedicate what you create to the divine.


Receive a personal written reading, astrology forecast (Western + Vedic) and sacred practice to lay your intentions with Mother Nature. Details here. Plus there are 2 spaces available in the Lunar Subscription (if you want to work with each Full + New Moon). Details here.


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