Pippa Kate | Goddess Astrology

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Karmic Contracts and October’s Libra Solar Eclipse

When (* denotes eclipse visible from location): 3rd of October at 7:49am (NZ*), 4:49am (AEST), 4:19am (ACST); 2:49am (AWST/ CST); 12:19am (IST) and 2nd of October at 10:49pm (GST); 8:49pm (CEST); 7:49pm (BST); 3:49pm (CLST*); 2:49pm (EDT); 12:49pm (MDT); 11:49am (PDT); 8:49am (HST*)

Themes: Karmic Contracts, Divine Destiny, Sovereignty, Relationship Crossroads. 


The Libra Solar Eclipse on the 2-3rd of October (this Wednesday-Thursday) marks our final eclipse in this sign for the next 9 years. As such we are in the process of wrapping up big karmic lessons around soul contracts, past-life relationships (that are present in this incarnation) and the balance that is maintained within partnership. You can find that this Eclipse brings to the surface lessons you have been reviewing and learning from since 14-15th of October, 2023. Remember if there is something the universe hasn't yet resolved during this cycle you can find that this Eclipse dials up the intensity in order to help your own soul's evolution. So as you wade through these eclipse energies know that you are in the process of immense development and purification.


Libra is the sign of divine destiny and karmic contracts. These are things we don't always fully understand because they're not just about this lifetime. There can be relationship breakdowns, new soul connections and strange energetics within our partnerships that don't seem to have any 'logical' rhyme or reason. Very often these are the result of past life energy (karma) being balanced. This is particularly true with this Eclipse, as it will be aligned with the South Node (which rules Karma). As such you can find that this area of your life shifts dramatically in a way that you might not be able to predict. If this is the case acceptance is your greatest tool. Something you can say to yourself to help is 'I accept that this is my karma' and in that relax into the idea that the universe is karmically balancing itself (and you don't need to understand why).


Eclipses are chaotic - at least that's how it can appear - because they’re operating from a place of balancing karma across lifetimes. This is something we can't and shouldn't even try to understand at the level of consciousness of the ego or 'rational mind'. The energy at play with this Libra Eclipse has been building since the 17th-18th of September (when we had the Pisces Lunar Eclipse). This isn't an energy you want to harness or try to co-create with. Instead use this New Moon Eclipse to practice surrender, and give over the flow of your life to a greater source (think god, goddess, mother nature etc). This is a time to put faith in the divine and know that whatever happens is for your highest good (even if in the short-term that doesn't quite make sense). As Eclipses can speed up time, and bring about events that fundamentally change the direction of life, you can find that you don't fully comprehend the purpose of this energy until you're a couple of weeks or months down the track.


This Solar Eclipse will be aligned with the Black Moon Lilith, Hekate, Juno, Mercury and the South Node, meaning that you are being called to a crossroads in your soul contracts (or at least in the contracts that need karmic purification). This Eclipse can bring with it a new path forward in how you partner - one which is more honest, authentic + empowered - and it can demand that you speak about it. You can find that this is a time where you are ready to step into greater sovereignty in your relationships - which can upset the other person particularly if your karma with them is coming to a close. The heart of this Eclipse is to truely understand that everything you need can never be found in another person but within yourself. In fact the role of relationships is often to teach us this very thing. This is an Eclipse that demands truth and this can be incredibly humbling -as well as liberating.


This Eclipse as well as being aligned with the Black Moon Lilith, marks the start of Navarati - the 9 nights of the Goddess. The Black Moon Lilith is often equated to Durga, and so the energy of the Fierce + Divine Cosmic Mother is permeating the energy. You can find with in you a fire is lit, that wants to rebel and revolt against the conventions of the ego...all done with the up most compassion and love. Sometimes this Durga energy can manifest as deep recesses of anger finally being unleashed; and other times she can show up within us as the power to walk away from situations + relationships where honesty + truth has been lacking. As Navaratri falls on the back of this Eclipse you can find that the energy that presents with it builds until the 13th (you might find this is the biggest day for you). So remember that although this Libra Eclipse marks the 'closing of the eclipse portal' it doesn't mean we'll necessarily be finished processing or balancing the energy.


Sometimes it can feel like the astrology of the moment is always challenging. It's important to put this in context. You are here for the evolution of your own consciousness (or soul). When things are going well in our lives we rarely learn anything or are forced to dive deep within. It is through the blessings and grace of the 'hard stuff' in life we have the opportunity to turn within, to connect with ourselves and grasp the universal truths of life. To quote the saint Ramana Maharshi: 'Suffering is the way for realisation of God'. Eclipses, though they feel uncomfortable to the ego who isn't a fan of change and ultimately fears it's own annihilation, are the food of the soul. That is all to say that we can choose to see life as a great task, or as the means for our liberation. To lead a great life suffering is necessary. To awaken to the deeper meaning of life challenge is the path.


Join this Moons Ritual + Reading, where you'll receive a personal written reading for the Libra Solar Eclipse, Astrology Forecast (both Vedic + Western) and a sacred practice working with Durga. Details here.