Pippa Kate | Goddess Astrology

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The First Eclipse is 2024 is here: Libra Lunar Eclipse 25th of March

When: 25th of March, 2024

Key themes: Balance, Karmic Partnerships, Past Life Connections, Divine Justice, Unexpected Change and New Rules.


Eclipses are karmic portals where we are collectively called to balance our actions and step into a deeper understanding of ourselves (and if we're lucky come to terms with our very consciousness). This Eclipse season will start with a Libra Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon) on the 25th of March and will close 16 days later with an Aries Solar Eclipse. Be prepared for intensity, chaos and time moving just that big quicker in order to help you burn through karmic residue that you have the grace to finally release (even if it doesn’t really feel graceful).

As Eclipse energy is notoriously unpredictable, it's not a vibration you want to actively harness. So the recommendation is generally don't be out under it's energy, don't harness it by manifesting or by charging any crystals or talismen. The best thing to do is to be mindful and do your best to surrender to the higher force that lives within + creates this Cosmic cycle. Remembering that the identified self that is you (aka the ego) lives in a world of like and dislike - and cannot see the bigger picture (ever) even if it sneakily convinces you it can. Whereas the soul which is the cosmos, your higherself and the divine energy that underpins all is always playing the long-game (think across lifetimes). So whatever comes or goes at this time don't judge it on it's immediate results, rather surrender to the idea that this challenge can be setting you up for something bigger - ultimately what it is setting you up for is total liberation.


Libra is the sign of divine destiny and it is always taking action in order to maintain balance. This Zodiacal energy particularly relates to relationships - anyone you have a written contract with, a soul connection with or a past life contract which is being worked out in this lifetime. As such this Lunar Eclipse is calling for a balance to maintained when it comes to this area of your life. Now remember this isn't the balance the ego understands, rather as we're talking divine destiny which is one that can feel more like a ruling across all of your incarnations - letting you know if you have finally worked out your karma with this particular person or there is still more of your contract to work through. As such this energy can feel chaotic because it can't be understood with the rational mind. You can find that things just don't add up in why certain relationships are falling apart or even why others continue to work.

Relationships are the hardest yoga, because it's really hard to have perspective within them (aka to stay awake). Every action that is taken can feel really personal and because this is working at a soul contract level it’s as if the other person just has a knack for knowing exactly where to hit you so they gets that deeper wounding around love that you hold. Beleive it or not this is a blessing, because nothing can be hidden any longer from yourself. That all said, if you're prepared to do the work, this Lunar Ecloipse can bring to the surface many unquestioned thoughts you have about love, intimacy and give + take that when questioned have the ability to set you free.


This Libra Lunar Eclipse is calling for you to see how everyone has the ability to be your teacher, and in that your relationships have the ability to liberate you through the suffering they naturally bring (yes even feeling incredible desire for someone else is ultimately suffering). As this Eclipse peaks it can bring to the surface an event or situation that sees the karma you hold with another, being able to be witnessed, and released. The best thing you can do to work with this tricky energy (because Eclipses don't let us off lightly) is to dedicate all your action to love and to receive whatever comes as if it was sent from love....even if you have to sit with it for a little bit before you can accept what is going down at this time. N.B. Remember another name for love is truth.

This a Lunar Eclipse is filled with divine intercession, it will bring to a close that which no longer serves you all from a place of grace...even if the ego would like to argue otherwise. Know that divine justice is being served and balance is coming into being.


This Lunar Eclipse at 5'07 of Libra will be aligned with Shiva, the destroyer. Added to that Libra's ruler Venus will be sitting with the Lord of Karma, Saturn. All of which adds up to a deeply karmic Lunar Eclipse. Both Shiva + Saturn are destructive forces, both Lords of Karma and represent the ending of a cycle of energy. Their role is to create balance through bringing energy to a close - for some of us we will feel this within us as a shift in our beliefs, values or understanding of relationships and for others of us this will happen through events in the external world.

This is a Moon calling for you to reap what you have sewn not just in this life, but in past lives particularly in matters of partnership. It can bring a feeling of coldness, restriction and not being able to get what you desire (but at a soul level getting what you most definitely need). At the highest level this is actually about the destruction of illusion of the 'other' - which is actually the root of suffering in relationship. This Eclipse has the potential to shatter the veils of illusion and allow you to see reality as you have never seen it. Ultimately to realise that the love, comfort, satisfaction you have been trying to get from another is something only you can give to yourself.


In Vedic Astrology this Eclipse will fall in Hasta Nakshatra, which is ruled by the Moon and associated with the Diety Savitur. This is an energy that is calling for you to stop trying to control destiny - aka meddling with fate - but rather surrender to the universe and see the blessings that are waiting for you when you release resistance (figuratively unclenching your hands). Savitur is the Spiritual Sun and rules the intellect. His gift, which underpins this Eclipse, is the ability to help us control our minds so that we might truely touch the wisdom that runs through us. This control isn't about forcing the mind to stop, but rather observing the mind as 'not you'. Realising that you aren't your thoughts or your desires (including the impulses to control destiny), rather you are the energy that lives behind this. There is the opportunity for your inner Savitur to illuminate ignorance and allow you to see how the mind shifts + changes on a dime when it encounters events it likes or doesn’t like - all of which is underpinned purely by karma. When you are in the seat of intelligence watching the mind, you live beyond this. The placement of this Eclipse in the first quarter of Hasta Nakshatra means you should be prepared for unexpected changes and new rules coming into place in your life - even contracts or relationships being renegotiated for this shift in consciousness.


Receive a personal written reading for both the Libra Lunar Eclipse + Aries Solar Eclipse plus astrology forecasts and ritual guidance to help you move through this energy. Details here.