Divine Destiny is at Play with the Libra Full Moon
When: 6th of April 4:34pm (NZ), 2:43pm (AEST), 2:04pm (Ade/Dar), 12:34pm (Per/Beij), 10:04am (ND), 8:34am (Dub), 5:34am (Lon), 12:34am (NY) + 5th of April 10:34pm (Cent) + 9:34pm (LA)
A Moon of Divine Destiny
Libra is an energy that represents the mirror that are our relationships in this world. Every relationship we ever have is karmic. It is a means to balance our actions from previous lives in this particular life. As such these dynamics can bring about a lot of pain as well as joy. Sitting at the heart of the this dance is the concept of Divine Destiny - which is the true heart of Libra Energy. This is the idea that everything in this world is actually in balance, when you can zoom out to such a level that you can see past lives. As such this Full Moon is calling for you to trust and surrender to the soul within you that understands that even if you're going through it - this is a means for balance in the universe to be achieved. FYI, this Full Moon relates to the New Moon on the 7th of October, 2021.
Everything is a Mirror
Image Credit: Alexander McQueen
The key lesson of this Full Moon is for us to realise that life is a mirror. This reflection is best seen in our relationships. Ram Dass once labeled relationships as the 'hardest yoga', because this is a part of our lives which is hard to stay awake within. It's easy to get wrapped up - as soon as we're triggered - in the maya (illusion) of there being another person. In truth all relationships have the ability to bring use closer to ourselves and to healing deep woundings from our childhood. Even the most difficult relationships with the saddest endings are gifts from the divine that call us to face the parts of ourselves we are most scared of.
This Moon is bringing the medicine
This Full Moon will be illuminated by the Sun as well as Jupiter + Chiron who will be lending their energy. While Jupiter and Chiron have been together (since January) we've been called into our deepest wounding. Diving into the sense of abandonment we're been holding on to since birth. This is something we all experience and is part of being human. In order for this to heal it has to be seen - and that's exactly what has been happening (particularly around March when they peaked). This Full Moon is bringing some salve to help you find peace (finally) around what this wounding has been stirring up. If things have been rocky in relationships, your work or your friendships expect for the seas to calm and for you to find that inner peace that you've been really searching for. Remember happiness isn't in someone else it's available to you at anytime but it is within you.
A time to deepen your relationship or start something new
As Libra is associated with relationships this Full Moon is here to help you step deeper and more consciously into a current business or intimate partnerships - or even bring about a new one. This is a Moon that will be in harmony with Kali + Hygiea, as such this is all about dropping the ego and even handing over the universe the heaviness you've been carrying around within you related to relationship from this or any other lifetime. We all have hang ups, particularly when we also sit within a culture that pressures everyone to fit into a uniform definition of relationships - that in actuality doesn't exist. In fact you might find there is almost a karmic balancing that is taking place as you are invited to find deeper peace in how you partner and ultimately in how you relate to yourself.
This is a time where love is being called to light
In Vedic astrology this Full Moon will fall in Hasta Nakshatra (Lunar Mansion). This is a very auspicious placement as this energy is ruled by Surya, who is the lord of the sun and represents the mind of god. As such this is a vibration where everything it touches turns to light. We are after all light at the centre of our beings, it is simple the darkness of Maya (the illusion of separation) that has us suffering. If you've been longing to dispell darkness around relationships this Full Moon is bringing the goods. It is helping to awaken you to your own love. To realise that every relationship is helping you to crack your heart open even more. To realise that at the centre of your being you are love. This is a Moon to awaken to more love and as you do know this is a huge service for humanity.
Understand where this Full Moon is showing up in your chart?
Join me for the the Libra Full Moon Workshop. Receive a personal written reading (based on your chart), astrology forecast + practice to release with this energy. Details here.