Pippa Kate | Goddess Astrology

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It's Time to Shine with the First Full Moon of 2024!

The first Full Moon of 2024 is bringing self-expression, creativity and joy to the world.

When: 26th of January at 6:54am (NZ), 4:54am (Sydney), 4:24am (Adelaide), 3:54am (Bris), 1:54am (Perth/Beijing), 25th of January at 11:24pm (India), 9:54pm (Dubai), 5:54pm (London), 12:54pm (NYC), 10:54pm (Boulder) + 9:54pm (LA)

The importance of sharing your light

Welcome to the first Full Moon of 2024. This Full Moon, like all Full Moons, marks the completion of a cycle of energy that has been teaching you about the importance of self-expression, creativity and passion. Over the past 18 months you may have found yourself in situations or relationships where you started to question why you were dimming your light? Since the Leo New Moon in late July 2022, we have collectively been learning about our personal power. This has been a time where you might have found yourself coming face-to-face with the ways in which your ego believes you shouldn't be heard or be at the centre of attention. Now there is a fine balance at play here between the ego thinking alot and then too little of itself. You may have found those extremes at play for you. This has been a lunar cycle demanding that you find that balance between sharing your light...and making it all about 'you' (meaning the small you).

A Full Moon for Self-expression + creativity

Leo is a sign associated with the experience of being human...it rules both the ego + the soul. As such, it calls for you to feel into your innate creativity - that is the ability to receive ideas from the akasha (aka the infinite wisdom within you) and give them presence in the physical realm - realising that this is a gift of your divinity...not something 'you' created. Leo energy demands you embrace self-expression, passion and joy in life. Letting go of the heaviness that can weigh you down in the form of responsibility and the collective need to be productive. Remember that the gift of a human life is precious. In fact it has taken you many incarnations (as animals, vegetation etc) to even be ready for such a birth. A human incarnation is so special because it is the only form in which you get to be the universe experiencing itself. Thus when you create (as this Full Moon demands) this isn't something to own or identity with, but rather to realise it is the universe channeling through you wanting to be known as you.

It's time to incorporate more play

What makes this Full Moon really interesting is that it falls in Saturn's decan (that the first 10 degrees of Leo which is ruled by this planet). This adds a level of determination and consideration to the energy of the Moon. In fact this is an energy that beautifully balances out Leo and helps negate it's sometimes egocentric ways. Saturn, as the lord of karma and weeds out the bullsh*t of the 'identity self' (or ego). It calls for you to take responsibility for your actions and to even consider what structures you are ready to call into your life that will enable you have more freedom in your own self-expression. This could easily be a Full Moon where you consider a new daily routine that gives you more flexibility to have fun, or even a monthly event where you take yourself out on a date which sparks passion + play within you. Where Leo's energy can sometimes be wasted with no outcome (because it is so presence and in the moment), Saturn lends some longevity to what is come to be. So know that what comes on the back of this Full Moon has longevity.

Balancing self-expression with the greater good

This Full Moon will be the first in our lifetimes that is directly influenced by Pluto in Aquarius (FYI. Pluto will be sitting with the Sun illuminating this Full Moon). As such there can be some intense collective rebellious energy that is vibrating through your world as the Full Moon peaks. This is an energy that is asking you to consider what impact your creativity + expression can have on humanity. Instead of just thinking about yourself and seeking approval from others for what you create. This energy demands that you think about the greater good. This means getting humble, and seeing yourself in everything that surrounds you. When you move from this place you serve something that is so much bigger than 'you', and in doing so allow the creativity that freely flows in nature to move through you.

You can't get what you want, but you get what you need

The Full Moon at 5'14 of Leo will be in beautiful tension with both Jupiter (often called the 'Guru') and the asteroid Kali (aka. the ‘consuming mother’). The influence of these two is calling for you to feel a little constricted by circumstances, and to really see the ways in which you (and we all do this) act from a place of seeing yourself as the main benefactor of your actions. Kali is demanding that you drop the ego, and with that realise that the universe is always giving you what you need for your own soul's evolution (not what you want). This is the perfect Full Moon to pull out your journal and play with the question 'What is it I desire and where is that desire coming from?'. Being very honest with yourself and the answers that come to the surface. Within these answers you'll start to see the ways in which the actions you take which are solely for yourself simply perpetuate more karma.

rising above individuality

In Vedic Astrology this Full Moon will be in Cancer (as it follows Sidereel Astrology) in Pushya Nakshatra (Nakshatra is a another name for Lunar Mansion). This is an energy that calls for you to move beyond the ego (a big theme for this Full Moon) and to follow the call of the soul. This Moon is here to nourish what is 'good' and dharmic within you, and that gives you the ability to see the ways in which you limit yourself. Particularly when it comes to creativity and self-expression. You are both human and divine, and the urge to create that lives within you is a beautiful meeting of both of these parts of self. When you rise above the ego you see that everything you have ever created has been a result of the universe moving through you. You are the vehicle to bring heaven onto earth, but you are not the owner of that energy (but a conduit). The Goddess Sita (in Vedic Mythology) was born under this Nakshatra and she represents the Jiva Atman (or the evolving soul) that lives within all of us. Through her story in the Ramayana, we learn of the tribulations (in the form of desire) we must face and the requirement to be steadfast in our connection to the divine in order to move through these. As such this Full Moon hints at the evolution your soul has been experiencing over the last 18 months, and the to understand that desires that align with your higher calling are the ones you want to water (not those that simply perpetuate more individuality.

Work with the Leo Full Moon - Join me for the Leo Full Moon Ritual + Reading. Receive a personal written reading, full astrology forecast and ritual to release with this energy (working with the goddess Sita). Details here.