The Final Full Moon of the Year is Here!

Welcome to the Gemini Full Moon, let's talk...

When: 8th of December at 5:08pm (NZ), 3:08pm (Syd/Mel), 2:38pm (Ade), 2:08pm (Bris), 1:38pm (Dar). 12:08pm (Per/Beij), 9:38am (ND), 8:08am (Dub), 4:08am (Lon) + 7th of December at 11:08pm (NY) + 8:08pm (LA)

The final Full Moon is in Gemini

The Gemini Full Moon marks the final one of 2022. It's always interesting to note the energy that a year ends on. Like the last note of a song. Gemini represents curiosity, communication and your mental abilities. In fact this is an intensely cerebral energy, it craves information, and loves sharing what it knows with others (sometimes as gossip and other times as news). Gemini is not an edited energy, as such you might find yourself swimming in knowledge, or coming across something you were not meant to know. I wouldn't be surprised if at a collective level there is news about leaked information that was being suppressed.

Image Credit: Hosein Shirvani

It's time to fly between realms of consciousness

Gemini's ruler Mercury is the only energy that gifts us with the ability to traverse all realms in search of information. It can travel to heaven (aka the soul realm), to the seas (aka the astral realm) and into the darkness (aka the subconscious realm). As such you might find yourself as a channel opening up more with the Full Moon. Your dreams being remembered, old familial programming being seen and even the sense that the universe is dropping you clues as to where it wants you to head. The volume is being turned up on all of this. If there was ever a Moon to follow the bread crumbs of the cosmos this would be it. It relates to a cycle that started on the 30th of May, 2022. This Full Moon is bringing that energy to fruition. If you can think back to what you were doing at this time, you might find you laid an intention knowingly or unknowingly with the universe that is now coming to pass.

This all happens before Mercury Rx

That's right we're finishing the year with a final Mercury retrograde. What is special about this Full Moon, though, is that Mercury will enter its shadow phase on the 12th of December, and station retrograde on the 29th. Meaning it's not inferring with the energy of this Moon. This is really important as Mercury rules Gemini. In essence what you are intuiting, learning and hearing during this time is accurate (well as much as the ego will allow it to be). It is helping you to step forward in life, and can even inform a decision you've been waiting to make. This is unusual for Gemini, as it tends to be a sign that loves to think and not always do.

It's time for action

This Full Moon will be opposed Hygiea and conjunct Mars retrograde, as such there's a sense that you're being called to act on information that you hear around this Moon. It's not about waiting to react, but rather being really proactive and thinking ahead of time. It is a moon to get things done, to not overthink or overanalyse but rather to move in time with the stream of life. If you notice the ego rationalising or taking credit for what you hear - ask yourself 'what don't I know about this situation?' and be humbled by the answer. It’s time to realise you are simply a vehicle for the divine, that you don't have to do anything but rather you can let the divine work through you.

…and to build new structure

This is also a Full Moon which is calling for new structure to come into place, as it will be in harmony with Saturn. Meaning it's a moment to take an idea (or inspiration from the universe) and make it material. This can come in the form of a conversation, a dream or a subtle nudge from the universe. Your role as a rainbow bridge between heaven and earth is to bring this to life. This can manifest as a new home, a new job, a new relationship or the impetuous to create through your words. The only watch out is ensuring that this is coming from a place of deep loyalty to yourself and you're not simply enacting someone else dreams for you.

Finally, this Full Moon will be in Rohini Nakshatra

Each month I've been adding a little more Vedic astrology to the mix. This Moon will be aligned with a lunar mansion known as Rohini, who is the consort of the Moon. This is an energy of action, of fertility, growth and it calls for you to look up from what you're doing. It's time to create, but not in a masculine way. Rather to do it in time with nature. There's something that has been incubating within you since late May 2022, and it's time for it to be harvested. For you to use your intuition to listen to what it needs in order for it to be brought to life. You might find that there's a conversation to be had (which is long overdue) that will help bring this energy to life.


Join me for the Gemini Full Moon workshop + receive a personal written reading to guide you through it's energy. Claim your place here.


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