Courage, Fortitude + the First Full Moon of 2023
Welcome to the Cancer Full Moon...calling you to find home within.
When: 7th of January, 2023 at 12:07pm (NZ), 10:07am (AEDT), 9:37am (Ade), 9:07am (Bris), 8:37am (Dar), 7:07am (Per/Beij), 4:37am (ND), 3:07am (Dub) + 6th of January, 2023 at 11:07pm (Lon), 6:07pm (NY), 4:07pm (Boul), 3:07pm (LA)
It's time to be fearless
Welcome to the first Full Moon of 2023. In the sign of Cancer, this is a Moon calling for you to find strength in your vulnerability. To start to get so comfortable with yourself, and the many 'yous' that live within, that you're able to take off the armour you subconsciously wear around. This armour was put on at one time when you needed it to keep you safe. It allowed you to numb yourself from the feelings of others (and yourself), to put on a brave face and to be the person your parents (or parental figures) wanted you to be. Now is the time to see that this armour is still in place...even though it's had it's day. Even though it's comfortable it also cuts you off from being able to fully connect with the world around you...and most importantly with yourself.
Calling to light energy from June 2022
Image Credit: Mohammad Metri
This Full Moon relates back to the 29th/30th of June last year. That is when the intentions that this Full Moon is now calling to manifestation were being laid. Whether that was being done consciously or unconsciously. If you can think back that far (if you have a journal, old emails or messages) you might get hints as to what this Full Moon is now calling to light. For that's what Full Moons are all about. They take energy that has been incubating and they allow this to turn into matter. As Cancer rules emotions, home life and the mother - you might find that these themes are what is being brought to light for you. For example, a change in living circumstances, a focus on the relationship with your mother or the shift into becoming a mother etc. For each of us, this energy will be different.
Big Warrior Energy on Offer
This Full Moon will be aligned with the asteroid Pallas Athena making the energy a lot more courageous and calling for inner fortitude. It's time to be a warrior for your own heart. Pallas Athena is calling for you to break into new emotional territory within. To move past the fear of feeling too much, to see the power that your own emotions have. You might find a kind of imposter syndrome popping up (in the external world) or even just the feeling of being both uncomfortable and starting to feeling like you are coming home to yourself. You are a being that is wild at heart. You have been socialised to be 'acceptable'. This Full Moon is calling for you to remember your wild heart, and allow it to shine. To crack your shell open, and allow yourself to see what gems you've kept hidden.
It's time to cultivate a new story
Mercury Retrograde will be aligned with the Sun during this Full Moon. Instead of having the harsh or unwanted effects Mercury often has, this creates some grace. In fact Mercury is calling for you to find an outlet for this Full Moon's energy through your words - in particular the stories you tell yourself. In fact you might find there are some outdated stories that pop-up around this Full Moon (so play close attention) that are ready to be released. Mercury is calling for you to start to create a new story for yourself. One which is updated and takes into account the fact the work you've been doing on yourself...and the fearlessness that lives within you. It's time to honour yourself, and have deep compassion for your karmic predicament.
Finally, this is a Moon calling for Renewal
This Full Moon will be in the Lunar Mansion (in Vedic Astrology) known as Punarvasu. This is the birth star of Lord Rama (who is an avatar of Vishnu and the protagonist of the Vedic Epic The Ramayana). It is a star ruled by the mother goddess Aditi, who represents abundance, boundlessness and the unlimited grace of the universe. As such this Moon holds within it the energy of the cosmic creator. It's not a Moon calling for destruction but rather for you to step into a time of revival, renewal and rebirth. Aditi flies across the sky on a Phoenix, which is a beautiful symbol for the energy of this Full Moon. It's one where you're being called to move from a period where it can have felt like you were letting go, becoming ashes and needing to create destruction in your life - to one where it's time to rise. To realise that creation is the order for the day...and yet it is just another step in the cyclical nature of life.
Understand how this Moon is manifesting in your chart?
Join me for the Cancer Full Moon Workshop. Receive a personal written reading, guided practice and astrology forecast. Details here.