New Moon in Scorpio: The Darkest Moon of the Year

When:  2nd of November at 1:47am (NZDT) + 1st of November at 11:47pm (AEDT); 11:17pm (ACDT); 10:47pm (AEST); 10:17pm (ACST); 8:47pm (AWST/CST); 6:17pm (IST); 1:47pm (CET); 12:47pm (GMT); 8:47am (EDT); 6:47am (MDT) + 5:47am (PDT)

THEMES: Rebirth, Witnessing the Inner Underworld, STANDING AT A THRESHOLD.


The Scorpio New Moon is known as the darkest Moon of the year...because this is an energy that is calling us into our underworld to witness the parts of ourselves we reject and then project onto the world around us. As the saying goes 'what you hate, you get to keep...'. This New Moon marks Samhain (aka Halloween) in the Northern Hemisphere, Lughnasadh in the Southern Hemisphere and Diwali (the festival of lights) in the Vedic Calendar. As such this is an energy that is helping us see what we have sewn in our unconscious or ignorant state of mind that is creating our current karmic predicament. Said another way, this is a time to witness the stories of the mind with greater clarity and come to realise that all is a projection of this part of being. That is the grace of going into the underworld and of this New Moon.


Scorpio represents our shadow, the parts of ourselves that we hide and even fear. The irony is that in order to rise in consciousness we have to experience this and be humbled by it. In our culture, the underworld has come to be feared as even seen as something we should wholly avoid. You can even feel this sentiment in new age spirituality through the focus on 'ascension' and 'love + light'. When in truth your divinity waits in the places you fear, you avoid and you suppress. The underworld is the womb of the divine mother, and it's the place where we are reborn into the world - humble and wise. Carl Jung once wrote 'In order for Jesus to become the Christ, he first had to become his otherworldly brother the Anti-Christ'. We see this idea repeated in the earliest myth we know - Inanna's Descent. Where the goddess of heaven must meet her 'otherworldly' sister and be slain by her in the underworld - so that she can rise and truely rule from a place of wisdom not ego. If there is a place within you that you fear knowing, an old scar that you've been avoiding, a cycle you continue to reject...these are the places where your divinity is waiting to meet you.


This New Moon at 9'35 of Scorpio sits next to the asteroid Shiva - which is so fitting as Shiva is the destroyer of illusions and holds the boon of dissolution - ending a cycle of being, so that a new one can take it's place. A loop that continues until we wake up from this beautiful dream. In the case of this New Moon it means that you're being called to lay an intention which has more to do with what you need to release or let go of...than to lay one which calls new energy into your life. You can even find as this Moon peaks you get a glimpse at the unity that underpins life. A place which is empty of ignorance or the idea that there is 'another'. Shiva can also show up as a guardian to help you not just see how you project your shadow onto others, but to help you release this through the light of your own awareness. For those who feel a deep calling towards this Deity we're working with him in this Moon's Ritual + Reading (Details here).


As a quick reminder, New Moons are times to co-create with the universe...or in the case of this Moon co-disolve + release with it. This New Moon marks the start of an 18-month journey to the Scorpio Full Moon on the 1-2nd of May 2026. So, know that what you're being called to let go of, to witness and release has a long runway. There is no need to rush your way through this energy, as Scorpio demands you have patience and sit with what arises. You'll be given strong hints as to what is being 'undone' with around the New Moon, so pay attention and don't feel like you have to do anything rash to 'fix' what is coming up. Instead sit in the discomfort, allow time to be your friend and in your own inner stillness witness what you are ready to learn about yourself + let go.


In Vedic astrology this Moon marks Diwali, the festival of lights. This is a time when we light ghee lights in order to dispel the darkness...a metaphor for what happens when we ignite our own awareness - we dispel our ignorance. As this Moon falls in Swati Nakshatra, you can find there are events surrounding you that distract you and enchant you in such a way that you forget all is a projection of your mind. This is a Moon that calls for you to exercise your freewill. You can see yourself as a victim of the world (and plant seeds of revenge, anger etc) or you can use your mind to find peace regardless of the world around you. As this Lunar Mansion is ruled by Vayu, elemental God of the Wind, it is calling for you to use your breath to help you. Remembering that the breath is related to the mind. So pay attention, if things are getting stressful to slow down your breathing and notice how this can help you drop back into peace. If you feel called light a candle to celebrate the victory of your light over the ignorance that the mind weaves until it is understood. 


The Scorpio New Moon Ritual + Reading is now live. Receive a personal written reading, astrology forecast as well as sacred practice working with Shiva. Details here.


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