Aries New Moon: Embody You Spiritual Warrior
When: 22nd of March at 6:23am (NZ), 4:23am (AEDT), 3:53am (Ade), 3:23am (Bris), 2:53am (Dar), 1:23am (Per/Beij), 21st of March at 10:53pm (ND), 9:23pm (Dub), 5:23pm (Lon), 1:23pm (NY), 11:23am (MT) + 10:23am (LA).
Stepping into the fire of the first New Moon of the year
This is a week steeped in energy. Not only is it the first New Moon of the astrological new year, but it is also the week when Pluto moves into Aquarius...for the first time in 248 years - so yeah it's BIG. This is a New Moon which is calling forth the fire of transformation. The type of spiritual fire which helps to burn through the illusion that has you feeling separate thanks to your physical incarnation - which by the essence of being in a body has you feeling as if you are different and individuated from all other people. All of which is a beautiful illusion.
The first of two Aries New Moons
The coming month is dominated by Aries New Moons. The first, this one, a regular New Moon calling for you to lay down your intentions for the coming year, whereas the second will be a solar eclipse (more on that later). The fact that you'll be sitting in this energy means that you're being called to spend time contemplating what you are ready to start (particularly if you've been putting things off or overthinking it all). This is not a New Moon to run head first into things - which Aries is want to do. Rather (as it will be in challenger with its ruler Mars) it's time to wait and feel into the timing of what you have planned. To rev your internal engine so to speak and then consider what you need to shift in order to move forward. This is the perfect energy to receive visions, to think through strategy and allow yourself to be an instrument of the divine.
Image Credit: Alice Alinari
Embrace your Spiritual Warrior
This New Moon will be at 0'30 of Aries, and in Vedic astrology in the sign of Pisces. As such this is an energy that is calling for you to embrace your inner Spiritual Warrior. The elements of both fire and water that live within you as well as in all mother nature, is what this is all about. This energy offers you the ability to be cleansed of old thoughts, beliefs and actions that came from ignorance as well as burn through karmic baggage. In practical terms, this can show up as needing to confront the ego, to sit in the uncomfortable energy that has you reflecting on who you have been and ultimately coming to realise that by seeing this you are releasing it. It's as if, in order for new energy to enter your life with this New Moon, you need to get conscious of how you are blocking yourself. This cleaning and clearing energy is supporting you in doing this.
This New Moon is burning through lifetimes of Karma
The New Moon will be in the Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra (Lunar Mansion) in Vedic Astrology. This is a place where you can experience intense and profound visions, as well as help from the universe in clearing accumulated karmic energy. What do we mean by karmic energy? Simply the actions that you have completed over life times that have lead you away from your higher nature. Everything in life is a balance of cause and effect. Nature (which is you) is always righting itself. So whatever ignorant actions we have commited in the past come back to us to correct in this lifetime (as we develop a greater level of conscious to essentially know better). As such this New Moon is helping you to rise beyond your lower nature (which often shows up in anything that perpetuates separation) and burn through this karmic energy.
Join me for the Aries New Moon + Pluto in Aquarius Workshop. Receive a personal written reading for both events, energetic healing practices and astrology forecast to support you in cleansing + clearing with this energy. Details here.