True Wealth and the Aquarius Full Moon

When: 20th of August 6:25am (NZST), 4:25am (AEST), 3:55am (ACST), 2:25am (AWST/CST) + 19th of August at 11:55pm (IST), 10:25pm (GST), 8:25pm (CEST), 7:25pm (BST), 2:25pm (EDT), 12:25pm (MDT) + 11:25am (PDT)

Themes: Kinship, True Wealth, Personal Sacrifice, Self-less Service


The Aquarius Full Moon on the 19th-20th of August is drawing to light energy that has been brewing within you over the last 6 months (since the Aquarius New Moon on the 9/10th of February). This is an energy that has been calling for you to see the ways in which you block your own progress. This can manifest as the ways you self-sabotage your own journey into greater authenticity as well as at a collective level how fatigue and the sense that you can't 'change the world' stops you from speaking up for what is right + true. This is also a lunar cycle that is dealing very heavily with 'wealth', and so you can find there have been big themes around money, learning to trust yourself, and knowing you are financially supported by the universe in ways you can't possible understand. Ultimately though this is a cycle that has been teaching you about 'true wealth'...which has nothing to do with money or possessions.


A big theme for this Moon is one of 'wealth'. As you are called to reflect on the ways your ego defines wealth, versus the soul. To feel the internal struggle the ego keeps going as nothing is ever enough to satisfy it's version of 'wealth'. As this Full Moon will be aligned with the star Gienah (part of the Delphinus constellation) is it calling for you to remember the story of Icarus. As a reminder, Icarus was given wings by his father to fly and told not to fly too close to the Sun or the wax holding the Wings in place would melt. What did Icarus (who represents our ego) do? He flew way too close to the Sun, and fell from this great height to his death. This is the game of the ego. We are all given a pair of wings to fly (through the blessings of the divine), and these wings are there to serve what is bigger than us. Yet the ego always wants more for itself - and we can find that there are times in our lives when we have flown way to close to the Sun by demanding more and more money, possessions, status etc...only to realise that none of this lasts as we lose it or find it doesn’t fill our internal ‘god-sized’ hole. That is all to say that this is a Lunar Cycle that has been teaching us that wealth actually has nothing to do with money, rather it is a state of mind - just as abundance is. When we trust our wings, and we don't try to manipulate our environment by flying too high (through a never ending thirst for accumulation), we can find that all we need is right here + now. It is simply a matter of appreciating what we have.


This is a Moon calling for you to move beyond the ego’s need for more and more...and the story it tells you that there is never 'enough'. This is the type of mindset that keeps us separate from one another, and gives us grounds to take advantage of each other. The irony is that there is a part of the ego that thinks if it can just get 'more' (money, a house, a relationships etc) then it would be free. But actually the opposite is what happens. The ego gets what it thinks it needs, and then it is weighed down by the fear of losing it. Added to that this type of wealth is always comparative. The ego only thinks it doesn't have enough because it is comparing itself to an imaginary other. So, this is the perfect Moon to take a moment to consider where you are operating from a place of comparison in your life, and if you could never compare what you have to any one else again what would change in your life?


This is a Full Moon that is calling for you to start to think in terms of the collective as opposed to individual egoic needs. If you started to think more about yourself as a part of community, would your concept of 'wealth' change? Yes, in most cases it would shift to seeing wealth as something that is shared and that everything you own you are simply 'minding' until it is time to give this to someone else to look after. The idea of possessing would cease to be a thing, and you might come to realise that true wealth is what you can give to another...not what you can buy for yourself. There is a sense of surrender in this, understanding that wealth is freedom when you see it as something that you are given what is needed as a part of the collective you are a part of. You can have a lot of money and feel poor...and equally you can have nothing + feel free.


The Full Moon at 27'15 Aquarius will be in beautiful tension with both Vesta and Mercury Retrograde. Just as Vesta is calling you within, to see spend time in reflection - Mercury Rx is calling for you to work through old lessons around using your voice + honouring your truth. You can find that this Full Moon brings news from the past, or events from the past resurfacing that warrant a new (more honest) answer from you. This is the type of shift where you start to move from personal preference to a deeper understanding of your role within the collective. To realise that nothing happens in isolation, and that the lessons you are experiencing aren't yours alone...rather we are often travelling similar roads to each other and can share our advice with each other (without judgment) to help on this journey.


This Full Moon will fall in alignment with the Delphinius Constellation. This is symbolised by the Dolphin which is a very important totem animal for this Moon, as it reminds us of our collective connection and intelligence. Dolphins are social creatures that live in pods, and it is believed that they share a consciousness (just like us - even though we most often experience our individual conscious which feels like separation). Pods are designed so that the Dolphins move as one, and protect each other as they do. This is a really important for us to reconnect with, as there is a bigger shift in consciousness (thanks to Pluto in Aquarius) calling for us to remember our collective + communal nature. As such this is a Moon calling for you to trade the personal for the collective, and that can mean sacrificing something that the ego wants, in exchange for giving back to your community. This is a Full Moon calling for radical communal action, and for us to remember our relationship to each other.


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