Smells like Rebellion... August's Aquarius Full Moon.
This (super) Full Moon is bringing rebellion and the cleansing power of truth.
When: 2nd of August at 6:31am (NZ), 4:31am (AEST), 4:01am (ACST); 2:31am (AWST + CST), 12:01am (IST) + 1st of August at 10:31pm (GST), 7:31pm (BST), 2:32pm (EDT), 12:31pm (MDT) + 11:31am (PDT)
Kali and her sacred rage.
Aquarius rules rebellion, revolution and your own internal warrior - who demands you live by the Truth (with a capital T). This Full Moon is shedding light on the injustice in the world. It is calling to light discrimination, and the darker side of our nature that we always see projected in 'someone else' or in 'culture'. It's so easy to see what is 'bad' when it is not living within us. This is part of the human (aka ego's) condition. In truth what we see externally lies within us in overt and latent forms. The more we understand this shadow, the more we are able to bring it to light. When you fix your own world, you will in fact fix the world around you. That doesn't mean you shouldn't be of service to the world but realise that the world is not separate to you when you do this. In fact you might find that the perfect remedy for you during this Full Moon is to do something selfless for someone else around you. Not because you owe them something or you want to feel good about yourself - but because they are you (at the deepest level).
This Full Moon at 9'51 of Aquarius will be opposed the asteroids Kali + Hekate. This represents the might + awe-ful force of the dark feminine. These are the energies that appear to clear the path, to burn away what the ego has created in ignorance and to cut through to the truth. Their ways are brutal but effective. They are teaching you that nothing is personal, and if you want to change your own world this is one of the most important lessons to learn. Everything is...because it got that way. The decisions people make around you, are the result of everything that has ever happened to them (and not just in this life) and therefore has very little to do with you...even when their decisions might effect you. As Kali and Hekate appear, this is a time to drop the ego - which can be seen when you have a preference, when you lie, when you bend the truth, when you desire for something to be other than the way it is etc. These two goddesses demand that you let this go, and in doing so step into greater empowerment.
Hekate's opposition to the Full Moon indicates that there is a crossroads appearing not just in society but in your life. There is a sense that this Full Moon can bring to the surface an old lesson (in the form of something the ego is holding onto + can very much relate to your upbringing). It is time for you to move beyond the grasps of this repeating lesson and with that to start on a new path. That means choosing what isn't familiar, what feels strange and what will lead you away from what the ego desires (or the masses encourage you to do). If you’re in doubt as to which way to turn, stay attentive to visions, dreams and messages that you receive directly (from Hekate) that will help direct your course. Remember that you are here to express truth and that is a path that will take you away from what society indoctrinates.
There is some seriously beautiful energy at play with this Full Moon in the form of a Grand Trine (a very auspicious aspect) with Ceres + Parvati in Libra and Medusa + Vesta in Gemini. This means the air element of nature is at play in supporting what is being birthed into the world through you. The Air element is one of thinking, inspiration, communication and partnership. It is calling for you to shift your focus from the personal to spiritual. This is a Full Moon calling for devotion to a higher cause, for you to feel supported in laying down boundaries with those you have outgrown (which is a natural process) and in feeling witnesses in your own spiritual growth. If there is something you've been wanting to dedicate your life to - spiritually or through service - this Full Moon is bringing this to light. It starts a path that you know you can only walk with your soul - for although you can feel alone, you never actually are. This can see you stepping into more humantiarian work, embracing new innovative ideas and challenging the status quo in life (and even society).
In Vedic astrology this Full Moon will be in Shravana Nakshastra which is the lunar mansion of wisdom. This is an energy ruled by Vamana (which was the 5th avatar of Vishnu). It teaches that although we might believe we are small and too insignificant to change the world - it is not scale that changes the world. Rather it is through individual action, wisdom and internal power than injustice is overcome. When you realise that the world external to you, is a reflection of your internal world. You will come to see that ignorance and injustice is overcome when you choose to eliminate it within yourself. Now you might think - but I don't do anything bad like what I see in the news or on social media. The questions to ask is - but do you judge? do you discriminate? do you see others a evil or bad? If it's a yes to any of these questions, then there is internal world to be done (trust me I have alot to do too). That doesn't mean you don't act for the good of the world, but you also have to clean up your own world at the same time - or it will just create even more pollution. The message of this Full Moon is that collective change and a better world is possible, if we first see that we ourselves must come back into communion with nature and with out souls as a part of this bigger shift.
Receive a personal written reading, as well as a full astrological forecast and energy practice to harness the cosmic potential of this Full Moon. Details here.