Numerology: Angel Numbers

Ever find that you keep seeing reoccurring numbers again and again. Like every time you look at the clock it’s 3:33pm whenever you get given a hotel room it’s always 111 etc. Some people see this as pure coincidence or a psychological bias, however once you get on this path of awakening you realise there is no such thing as coincidence. 

Reoccurring numbers are often called ‘angel numbers’. To some this may sound a little fluffy, but if you understand that everything in life carries a vibration and frequency the same is true for numbers. Even the way we say the name of number, the way they sound different, talks to their frequency. This always reminds me of the Nikolai Tesla quote: ‘If you want to understand the secrets of the universe you have to think in term of energy, frequency and vibration’. 

As an experiment right now, close your eyes and say the number one. Then say the number four. Can you feel how they not only sound different, but their resonance in your mouth is different. This is the beginning of starting to feel the message they carry. 

When numbers (and anything else - images, words etc) are continuously repeated and show up in your life - we call this synchronicity. A word coined by psychotherapist Carl Jung to meaning the connection of two or more psychic phenomenon. Basically the universe (or your higher self, spirit guides etc) is trying to get a message to you.  In the case of numbers, this is one way of communicating with your ego or physical self. 


Here’s a basic guide to the different frequencies of numbers and what they are trying to tell you. Obviously you should add your own expression to this from your inner innate knowing. If you’re seeing a mixture of numbers like 11:10 then use the two definitions to help decode it 

IF YOU’RE SEEING 0, 00, 000, 00:00 -

This is very usual. 0 is the number that symbolises new beginnings, it’s telling you that you are embarking on a new way of life. That can show up as marriage, divorce, a new job or actually moving country; however, it can also be your spiritual awakening. This is a messaging telling you that your new life is about to begin, to not fear but have faith that the universe has your back. It represents the fact that you are now open to change, but feeling separate from others. This is a message to listen to the beat of your own drum, and head in the new direction being created for you, by your higher self and spirit guides. This number is associated with creator gods/goddesses like Gaia (Mother Earth in Greek Mythology), Aether (Father Sky in Greek Mythology), Brahma (Supreme Being in Hindu Mythology).

IF YOU’RE SEEING 1, 11, 111, 11:11 -

1 represents unity, being one with the creator and therefore connection. It’s a message that you are opening to your gifts and divine power through a connection to the universe. This is a powerful number, that talks to being on the path of self-realisation and ascension. It marks a transition to a higher consciousness. You are developing your higher intuition, listening to your dreams, creating an understanding of how the conscious and subconscious fit together (or the mundane and divine).  This is a message that you are truly in connection with your higher self - that it is listening and opening to you. This number is associated with god(ess)heads like Shiva and Shakti (Hindu godheads), or Chronos and Rhea (Greek Mythology).

IF YOU’RE SEEING 2, 22, 222, 22:22- 

2 represents polarity and the dual nature of the world we live in (masculine and feminine; good and ignorant; conscious and subconscious, birth and death, light and shadow). The number two is a message to bring your attention to the duality that may exist in your life. It’s telling you to pay attention to where you may be out of balance. You’re being asked to develop the part of you that is hidden or balance the part of you that’s longing to be recognised. The number 2 represents the potential you can unlock through your own completeness. A great practice when this number shows up is ask yourself ‘What is it I’m unwilling to feel?’. Just this question alone can bring up the area where balance is needed. This is a number associated with the universal goddesses that could navigate both the worlds of the living and dead like Persephone or Ra, or the masculine/ feminine like Hermaphroditus.

IF YOU’RE SEEING 3, 33, 333, 33:33 - 

3 represents creativity. It’s a message about the trinity that sits inside you - the mind, the body and the spirit (yes, just think of the old Christianity Father, Son and the Holy Ghost - same deal but sitting right inside you). This number represents your infinite creative potential. When all three are working together, you can see the bigger picture and how you create it. This number is telling you that you’re in a period of growth, and development - and that you need focus at the moment to realise this. Now is the time for you to realise your creative potential - whether thats through the creation of a child or ‘giving birth' to a project that enables your self-expression. This is a number associated with the ‘mother’ goddesses Hera (Juno), Demeter as well as the Virgin Mother Mary. 

IF YOU’RE SEEING 4, 44, 444, 4444 - 

4 represents foundations. It’s the sign of a need to create balance and stability. Just as we have four seasons, we have four elements and in astrology the fourth house represents home. When you are seeing four, it’s a sign that it’s time to get to work on what needs to be done in order to establish your foundations. This can indicate a time of self-discipline, productivity or organisation. You are in the process of building the foundations for your future. It can be a message that now is the time to make your plan. If you’ve been dreaming about a future, it’s time to start working towards those dreams. The number four can bring with it quite a masculine energy of ‘getting the job done’ or pushing through. Though the advice is to make sure you have the energy for this road ahead and not to burn out. This is a number that’s associated with builder gods and more masculine goddesses like Athena, Aries, and Vulcan. 

IF YOU’RE SEEING 5, 55, 555, 5555

If 4 is about foundations, then 5 is about instability and freedom from letting foundations go. It’s a vibration that is impulsive, passionate child-like, and playful. Just saying this number five, you can feel this energy. This is a message that is more like a call to adventure. It’s a message to relax, and equally lighten up. To remember that life is never serious, it’s just how your mind sees it. This number can often show up, when an opportunity to take a leap appears. It’s time to feel into your inner child, and do what he/she would just love to do -  to break from structures that have been keeping you bound or stopping you from truly enjoying life. This is a number associated with the more sensual, child-like and passionate gods / goddesses like Cupid (Eros), Aphrodite/ Venus or Lalita (Goddesses of love and fertility).

IF YOU’RE SEEING 6, 66, 666, 6666

Although sometimes called the devil’s number, it’s vibration could not be further from this. 6 is actually the calm after the storm; as well as cooperation with others. It’s a message to stop, take a breath and just enjoy your daily life. You may have been through quite an upheaval in your life; but now is the time to take stock. That may mean spending more time by yourself, monitoring your health or in the comfort of those you trust and can ‘be yourself’. The vibration of 6 is cooperation - with yourself, your needs and with others. It’s a message from your angels to take care of yourself, and, like the saying goes, ‘fix your own oxygen mask first, before you help others’. This is a number associated with the gods and goddesses who protect our health and wellbeing like Isis (Mother Egyptian Goddess but looked after healing and magic also), Apollo (Greek God of Healing), and Hygeia (Greek Goddess of Health).

IF YOU’RE SEEING 7, 77, 777, 7777 - 

7 represents our spirituality. This is a message about turning inward to understand the meaning of life. 7 is significant as a highly spiritual number as there are 7 days in a week, 7 chakra centres, and 7 colours in the visible spectrum. 7’s vibration is one which moves us inward in search of the deep answers to our life. 7 is the seekers number. It marks a time where your guides understand you are searching for answers and they are encouraging you to do this. However, they want you do to this not on the material plane (aka through work or a relationship) but in the energetic field of life that sits inside you. This is a message that you are being tuned by your guides to understand who you are in spirit, but to full receive this gift you must go within. This is a number associated with gods and goddesses that rule our mystical side or seekers of truth like Hecate (Greek Goddess of Witchcraft), or Isis (Egyptian Goddess of Magic - among other things). 

IF YOU’RE SEEING 8, 88, 888, 8888 - 

8 represents worldly abundance. Where 7 is focused on the non-material world; 8 is bringing us back into our physical manifestation.  When 8 is showing up a lot it is a sign of material prosperity and worldly gifts. 8’s true power and vibration come from it’s link to the infinity symbol - when turned on it’s side. It’s energy is on of infinite worldly potential - be that finances, relationships, health - it’s speaking to our outer world. This is message linked to respect, awards, and public recognition - in this is a quiet caution not to ‘let this go to your head’ but understand these gifts of abundance have been bestowed on you by your guides not by you (and your ego). This number is associated with gods and goddesses that represent good fortune like  Lakshmi (Hindu Goddess of Luck), or Cashien (Chinese God of Wealth). 

IF YOU’RE SEEING 9, 99, 999, 9999 - 

9 represents service to others, the highest form of purpose. The message of 9’s is one of humanitarianism, that you time should be dedicated to helping and serving others (if it is not already). This is a message that talks to your life’s priorities, where are you investing your energy for the great good of the world. Even as you sound the word 9 out it’s energy feels boundless, it reaches beyond the self to a place of universal oneness. When you are seeing and receiving 9’s you are being told to give freely of yourself to others because you are already complete. 9 represents the end of a cycle (before we move back to 1 or 10), therefore it’s a time to feel completed, whole and safe in your ability to serve the universe. This number is associated with higher beings and masters that have lived and served the physical world in a spiritual capacity like the Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed and other Bodhisattva’s (Enlightened Beings). 


We are surrounded by signs from our guardian angels, spirit guides etc all the time - signs that are not just numbers - however these angel numbers tend to be the first stepping stone for most people into the world of  synchronicity. As you start to pay greater attention to your surroundings, no doubt you will notice the world and your guides trying to communicate with you as you go through your physical experience on earth. 

Just remember, within you is the creator. You are always connected to the universe and to it’s infinite knowledge. 


Great Conjunction - Jupiter meets Saturn - December 2020


Stargate: Jupiter, Pluto Conjunct Lyra