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The Equinox: Live Healing Meditation

What is it?

The Equinox (on the 20th of March) marks the start of the astrological calendar as the Sun moves out of Pisces (the final sign) into Aries (the first sign). It is a time when there is balance in the world – between day and night, between heat and cool, and between the dark and lighter aspects of the feminine (which is all life on earth). Historically this is a time of ritual worshipping both fertility and death – which represent the two polarities of the Goddess. In the Southern Hemisphere the Equinox marks the point where we celebrate Mabon and in the Northern Hemisphere Ostara (which later become Easter), both of which are Harvest festivals where we take stock of what we have grown, and we venerate the cycle of life that the Goddess brings about.


This is a point in the calendar to gather, to remember our connection to Mother Earth and the Goddess in her Sattvic Mother (of harmonious form) as Maha Saraswati – closely associated with Freyja, Ceres/ Demeter, Mother Mary and Isis.


What to exPect?

Over 60 minutes live on Zoom we will work with the energy of the Divine Mother (in her form as Maha Saraswathi – the Mother of Creation or really however she is wanting to be channeled for the group), using this portal she has created to deepen our relationship with her and her energy to bring greater balance to our lives. The intention of this practice is to help you remember who you are (which is divine) and with that support you in reclaiming that connection you have with her – as she is ultimately you. As this also represents the start of the astrological wheel, this ritual holds within it potential to lay your intentions for the coming year and what you hope to create and harvest. The practice will be a mix of visualisation and energy healing, with the intention to help release energetic imbalances and blocks to your own creative force leaving you feeling a little lighter, loved and connected to yourself.


 Who is this For?

This is for anyone looking to connect deeper to the divine mother. If you’ve been feeling the pull towards spiritual community, wanting to dive deeper into yourself and the peace that lives within – this is a practice that can help you continue to build on this foundation. There is no need for any astrology experience, just an open mind and heart. If you’ve joined Pippa for any past Healing Meditations this will hold a similar flavour.


What are the details?

There are two sessions to pick from depending on your time zone. Each sessions practice will be different based on the energy of the group. So know which ever session you pick is perfect for what you need. If you can’t make the time, you will be sent the recording afterwards (know that your energy will still have input even if you aren’t there live).


Session 1: Best for Australia/ US

  • Wednesday  20th of March at 12pm (Auckland),

  • Wednesday  20th of March at 10:00am (Sydney),

  • Wednesday  20th of March at 9:30am (Adelaide),

  • Wednesday  20th of March at 9:00am (Brisbane),

  • Wednesday  20th of March at 7:00am (Perth/ Beijing),

  • Wednesday  20th of March 4:30am (India),

  • Wednesday  20th of March at 12:00am (Milan),

  • Tuesday  19th of March at 11:00pm (London),

  • Tuesday  19th of March at 7:00pm (New York),

  • Tuesday  19th of March at 5:00pm (Denver),

  • Tuesday  19th of March at 4:00pm (Los Angeles).


Session 2: Best for Australia/ Europe

  • Wednesday  20th of March at 9:00pm (Auckland),

  • Wednesday  20th of March at 7:00pm (Sydney),

  • Wednesday  20th of March at 6:30pm (Adelaide),

  • Wednesday  20th of March 6:00pm (Brisbane),

  • Wednesday  20th of March at 4:00pm (Perth/ Beijing),

  • Wednesday  20th of March at 1:30pm (India),

  • Wednesday 20th of March at 12:00pm (Dubai)

  • Wednesday  20th of March at 9:00am (Milan),

  • Tuesday  19th of March at 8:00am (London),

  • Tuesday  19th of March at 4:00am (New York),

  • Tuesday  19th of March at 2:00am (Denver),

  • Tuesday  19th of March at 2:00am (Los Angeles).



The cost to attend is AU$35 (US$22, EU$21, £18). Upon purchase a Zoom link will be sent to you with the details for the Live Event. If you can’t make it live an email with a link to play the meditation will be sent to you within a couple of hours of the live events completion.

Finally, there are 3 scholarship places for this meditation practice. If you are a student or have financial contraints at the moment you can attend for free. Simply email Pippa here.






February 17

The Ascendant: Live Master Class

April 17