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The Antares Activation: Group Healing

Work with the energy of Arch Angel Uriels Star as it is activated by the Sun

What is The Antares Activation?

On the 2nd-3rd of December, the Sun moves into perfect alignment with the Royal Star Antares for its annual activation. Antares is the heart of the Scorpion Constellation and has been worshiped and revered since the inception of astrology. It has long been associated with the Archangel Uriel – the guardian of the Garden of Eden (the Galactic Centre). It's important to remember that long before Christianity, Archangels were a core part of spiritual worship. The Sumerians believed this star was one of four gateways to the other world. When this star is activated by our star (the Sun), it has the potential to connect us with past lives, with our ancestors, and with the eternal nature of our being – that face that at the highest level there is no birth and no death. Archangel Uriel is the angelic force that guards the Soul, and when we open to his power, there is the potential to rejuvenate even our darkest moments (to move beyond fear), remember the self-illumination that lives within."

What to expect?

Over 60 minutes together on Zoom (online) we will dive into the energy of Arch Angel Uriel and Antares, and then harness the portal that has been created by its alignment with the Sun in a channelled Group Healing. The intention is to take you deeper into your spiritual practice, to clear blocks like fear to connecting with this angelic frequency and activate within you a deeper connection to the cosmos (which is what you are).

Who is this For?

This is for anyone looking to connect deeper to their internal knowing, and feeling the need to clear something energetically – like a block, trapped emotion or something you are really cognizant of. There is no need for any astrology experience, just an open mind and heart.

Also, if you’ve participated in The Apocalypse course, this is a beautiful way to deeper your connection even further to this Royal Star.

What are the details?

There are two session to pick from depending on your time zone lasting for 60 minutes each both conducted through Zoom. Each session’s practice will be different based on the energy of the group. If you can’t make either of the live’s you will be send the recording shortly after the conclusion of the session.

ONLINE Session 1: Best for Australia/ US

  • Sunday 3rd of December at 12pm (Auckland),

  • Sunday 3rd of December at 10am (Sydney),

  • Sunday 3rd of December at 9:30am (Adelaide),

  • Sunday 3rd of December at 7:00am (Perth/ Beijing),

  • Sunday 3rd of December at 4:30am (India),

  • Sunday 3rd of December at 12:00am (Milan),

  • Saturday 2nd of December at 11:00pm (London),

  • Saturday 2nd of December at 6:00pm (New York),

  • Saturday 2nd of December at 4:00pm (Denver),

  • Saturday 2nd of December at 3:00pm (Los Angeles).


ONLINE Session 2: Best for Australia/ Europe

  • Sunday 3rd of December at 9:00pm (Auckland),

  • Sunday 3rd of December at 7:00pm (Sydney),

  • Sunday 3rd of December at 6:30pm (Adelaide),

  • Sunday 3rd of December at 1:30pm (Perth/ Beijing),

  • Sunday 3rd of December at 4:30am (India),

  • Sunday 3rd of December at 9:00am (Milan),

  • Saturday 2nd of December at 8:00am (London),

  • Saturday 2nd of December at 3:00am (New York),

  • Saturday 2nd of December at 1:00am (Denver),

  • Saturday 2nd of December at 12:00am (Los Angeles).

What’s the investment?

The cost to attend is AU$33 (which is US$21, EU€20, £17). You will be sent an audio recording of the meditation practice upon completion. Places are limited.

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