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Metamorphosis: Live Community Meditation

What is it?

On the 21st – 22nd of January, Pluto will move back into Aquarius (he had his initial dip last year from March 24th – June 12th). His move into Aquarius represents a big shift in collective consciousness that is in the process of taking place. After the last 16 years in Capricorn which was marked by the shedding of light on discrimination, the breaking down of patriarchal structure and the (slow) rethinking of capitalism. As Pluto move into Aquarius is a call for community, for reconnection and for the collective to start to push against the status quo in a more unified way. This Free Community Meditation is a means to ground this energy not just for yourself but for the collective (as we are all connected).  


What to exPect?

Over 60 minutes we will dive into a group healing meditation which will be focused on calling in the energy of Pluto, and helping to shed light upon the resistance you feel within you to his impending transformation – the ways he is calling you into greater authenticity and truth. This is a meditation focused on the metaphorizes that lives within Pluto energy.


Who is this For?

This is for anyone looking to connect deeper to their internal knowing, and feeling the need to clear something energetically – like a block, trapped emotion or something you are really cognizant of. There is no need for any astrology experience, just an open mind and heart.


What are the details?

This meditation is free, 60 minutes and will be on Zoom. Places are limited and a replay is available if you can’t attend live.

  • Sunday 28th of January at 11:30am (Auckland),

  • Sunday 28th of January at 9:30am (Sydney),

  • Sunday 3rd of December at 9:00am(Adelaide),

  • Sunday 28th of January at 8:30am (Brisbane)

  • Sunday 28th of January at 6:30am (Perth/ Beijing),

  • Sunday 28th of January at 4:00am (India),

  • Sunday 27th of January at 10:30pm (London),

  • Sunday 27th of January at 5:30pm (New York),

  • Sunday 27th of January at 3:30pm (Denver),

  • Sunday 27th of January at 2:30pm (Los Angeles).


What’s the investment?

This is a community meditation, so it is offered free. If you feel the call to donate, you can do so to Help-a-School Foundation. Details here.

January 7

The Oracle: 2024 Astrology Masterclass

February 17

The Ascendant: Live Master Class