Pippa Kate | Goddess Astrology

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Here's What to Expect With The Scorpio Lunar Eclipse

When: 5th - 6th of May, 2023

Eclipse Season is COMING TO A ClosE

The Scorpio Lunar Eclipse on the 5th-6th of May brings to a close the 17 days of INTENSE energy we have been experiencing with this eclipse season. As a reminder this is a season that started on the 19th-20th of April with the Aries Solar Eclipse. This marked a season of immense transformation, the releasing of old soul contracts, the lifting of karmic energy and greater conscious alignment with what you are here to learn - while you're on 'Earth School'. Both of the eclipses in this season are at transformative degrees in astrology - which basically means they are bringing about lasting change and transformation.

Scorpio is calling for us TO GO WITHIN

Scorpio represents our inner shadow. That energy we carry around with us, and often hide from the people we meet + love. There is a beautiful quote from Carl Jung (which I often replay in my head) which said: 'Everyone carries a shadow. The less embodied it is in an individuals life the blacker and denser it is'. I think we all know people who fit that very description (and if we're being honest we most likely do too).

The irony of a shadow is it's often hard for you to see you own, but very easy for those around you to see it. Just think of when you encounter a new friend and you immediately get a sense for their inner wounding, their insecurities or the way they compensate for some pain within them.

We all wear a mask when we meet each other, because we want to be liked, respected and for our sense of identity to be reinforced. What Scorpio teaches us is that your sense of identity is a lie. In fact: who you think you are, who other people see you and who you actually are - are 3 different things.


This Eclipse - which will be like a Full Moon on steroids - is taking you deeper than you've (maybe) ever been before into yourself and your inner world. As you develop in self-awareness (which is a journey we are all on) and invite more light in (a metaphor for your soul), the places you need to 'clean up' become more obvious. Just think of a room in your home, when the lights are off you can't see the mess and then with a flick of the switch you can see where everything is + what needs to be cleaned up. Within you, the things that need to be cleaned up are your societal, familial and karmic programming. Very often, in the case of Scorpio, these energies play out as power games, as manipulation, as a desire to control, as a need for power over others etc. Things that feel a little icky and we'd rather not look at. The heart of all of these is a belief that you are not loveable. This is a thought we pass on generation to generation.

If you read the above and thought that's not me. I want you to think about whether you see power, control, manipulation or discrimination in the world around you and deeper than that - does it ever trigger you. If you see it around you, then its time to realise it must lie within you. For the world is a mirror that magnifies the hidden forces within. The forces we deny in ourselves and throw onto the people around us - blaming them this.

AND love your darkness

As this Lunar Eclipse will be aligned with Uranus, Mercury Retrograde and Vesta, it can feel deeply spiritual and as if you need to take a step back from the world and go within. This is an eclipse that is helping you to love the places within you that you think are unloveable or unacceptable. These are difficult places to find, firstly, unless we're being totally honest with ourselves and then once we locate them it's a whole other step to love them. As this is an eclipse, allow your soul to guide you through this process and get really conscious of what is being projected on the mirror which is the external world around you. This will give you a huge hint as to what lies within you. If there's something you judge, something you don't like or something or someone you want to change - then know that your first job is to look inside you and see where that is lying.

This Eclipse is one of enlightenment

Finally it's worthwhile noting that this Eclipse will fall on Buddha Purinma. This means it's a Full Moon that celebrates the birth and enlightenment of Buddha. One thing we forget about Buddha + the journey to self-realisation is it's not a straight trip up. Rather you have to go down into your shadow, into your karma + into your humanness, and with compassion, love and unconditional positive regard free yourself. Liberation is not a journey to the mountains, it's a journey into the cave within the mountain. As such this is a Full Moon to consider your own freedom, to get to know your base instincts which is your animal nature and get to know it so well that it comes to be your friend as opposed to your ruler. As an FYI if you want to harness the energy of this day wear white clothes and practice compassion for all beings (including yourself which is a place all brings lie).

What will this Eclipse bring for me?

Join me for the Scorpio Lunar Eclipse Ritual + Reading and receive a personal written reading based on your chart. Details here.