Pippa Kate | Goddess Astrology

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Awakening Abundance with May’s Sagittarius Full Moon

Welcome to the luckiest and most expansive Full Moon of the year.

When: 24th of May at 1:52am (NZ) + 23rd of May at 11:52pm (AEST), 11:22pm (ACST), 9:52pm (AWST/CST), 7:22pm (IST), 5:52pm (GST), 3:52pm (CEST), 2:52pm (BST), 9:52am (EDT), 7:52am (MDT) + 6:52am (PDT)

Full Moon Themes: Wisdom, Beginners Mind, Courage, Equality for All, Intelligence that Serves the Higher Mind, Unexpected Breakthroughs and Never Loosing Hope.


This Sagittarius Full Moon is bringing to light the fruition of lessons you have been learning since the New Moon around the 23rd/24th of November 2022. This has been a period of time calling for you to step into 'higher wisdom', to meet spiritual teachers (in the physical or energetic planes) and be pushed to embrace a greater sense of abundance (slowly moving past the restrictions you have unnecessarily placed on your life). There are suggestions that the last 18 months has been a bit of a storm working with this energy, as it has taken you through big lessons with attraction (be that with money or relationships) teaching you to ask for more, to surrender to the flow of your natural abundance and relax into what live can possibly offer you. This has been 18 months of learning to play a little bigger.


Sagittarius is the energy of pure optimism. It is the energy that is birthed through us when we look beyond our ego and start to surrender to the true nature of our being. It is an energy that invites spiritual, philosophical and expansive energy into your life, to challenge you to think a little bigger - and even understand the larger undercurrents to your own evolution. This is a Full Moon to zoom out from the detail, and sit in a place of seeing how everything on your path can be a blessing...it's just a matter of whether you choose to see it that way. This Full Moon can deliver you the wisdom to start to understand how some of the greatest challenges in your life, and in the last 18 months have actualy been your greatest blessings. Without them you wouldn't be standing where you are today.


This Sun illuminating the Full Moon at 2'55 of Sagittarius will be aligned with Venus, Jupiter (it's ruler) and Uranus. As such this is a Moon that can culminate in some really unexpected energy and events. Bringing forth out-of-the-blue meetings (potentially with old loves or relationships), unexpected opportunities for travel, or even to share your wisdom with others. Know that this is a Moon that can 'rock the boat', and in doing so see it as allowing you to see the bigger picture. It's important to remember that in life the only thing limiting you is your story about any given situation. So when life throws you something unexpected, it is the beautiful opportunity to act before your own projected story kicks in. That is all to say, embrace the unexpected and allow it to crack your world open even more!


This Full Moon will sit in alignment with the Goddess Asteroids - Lilith and Pallas Athena. These are powerful feminine energies that call for courage, and the ability to cut through ignorance. As such this Full Moon can see you finally releasing old stories that have had you playing small and not truely seeing or honouring your power (something which you have been working through over the last 18 months). There is a deep sense of equality that is emerging within you with this Full Moon. An ability to see how any treatment of 'lesser than' or 'more than' is a play of the ego. As such you can find that the idea that you are equal to all (and vice versa) sees you walking away from energy that is no longer in alignment (and this can require some courage).


In Vedic Astrology this Full Moon will fall in Anuradha Nakshatra (Lunar Mansion) which means 'flash of lightening'. As such this is a Full Moon which is bringing breakthroughs and a sense of the light within you cracking through the ignorance of the ego which has had you limiting yourself through inner criticism and self-judgement. In a spiritual sense this Moon is calling for you to open your mind to something bigger than your sense of ‘self’. It has the potential to push you from the mundane to the higher meanings + mysteries of life. You can find that this Full Moon brings you a clarity of mind that helps you see through the storm that it can create. Remember that your nature is enlightenment, and you can be enlightened in every moment by simply being aware and questioning your thoughts.


Receive a personal written reading for this Full Moon as well as the movement of Jupiter into Gemini. Plus, the astrology forecast + sacred ritual to work with the energy. Details here.