Pippa Kate | Goddess Astrology

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Eclipse Season Incoming! Here's what to Expect...

The Libra Solar Eclipse kicks off 15 days of intense karmic energy. Here’s what to expect.

When: 14th - 15th of October

A process of purification

That's right Eclipse Season is here and that means the universe is putting you through a process of purification. Over the past year you've had experiences which have been in alignment and those which have not been in alignment - and yet have still been incredibly important for your growth. I should say that your vibration is constantly changing, just like nature. We are all on a path towards greater conscious, but that path is different for each of us - all though the destination is the same. Eclipses have the role of aligning us with our destiny, and of removing from our lives that which is not in alignment with our highest good. Now this can feel painful to the ego, and sometimes we interpret this as 'bad luck' or 'bad karma'. In truth it's the exact opposite. You are lucky enough to have the karma and grace for that which obstructs your highest good (your dharma) to be removed. Although it might not feel like a blessing, in time you will come to know it is.

This is a repeating 18 year cycle

This Solar (aka. New Moon) Eclipse in Libra is the first since October 2005. As such there can be similar themes that show up but in a new way to what you experienced 18 years ago. In astrology our dharma (or soul path) has roughly an 18 year cycle. During this time we run through similar themes that are unique to us in order to balance our karma. When we have an eclipse occur it intensifies this energy - and has the effect of speeding up events in such a way that you have the opportunity to clear karmic energy rapidly as well as open to more of your soul mastery + purpose. The energy can feel really uncomfortable to the personality self and yet deeply nourishing to the soul - who is running the show.

Don't watch the eclipse

If you are in a country where this Solar Eclipse will be visible - which is the Americas - the ancient advice is to not watch it. In Jyotish (Vedic Astrology) the energy of an eclipse is seen as unstable and is associated with the asura (demon) Rahu. As such, even in modern day India, people are encouraged to stay indoors, to not practice pooja (sacred rituals) and not expose themselves to this energy. Although there is always a lot of media around Eclipses - particularly Solar Eclipses which happen during the day - I would recommend not being directly in this energy. Rather mitigate it's effects by bathing in salt water, spending time indoors during it's maximum and simply relaxing…

It's time to clear out soul contracts

Libra is the sign of relationships...more specifically the people we have contracts with. These contracts can be legal (think marriage or business), as well as spoken from previous lifetimes. For example, you may have promised someone in your last lifetime to love them for all of time. That contract is still in place - even if it can't be remembered by this body you now find yourself in. As such, this Solar Eclipse (which will be aligned with the South Node) is calling for the karmic energy in relationships to be balanced. That can manifest as a purging of energy within a relationship you hold, the appearance of a new love (who you have a past life connection with) and even the letting go of a partner where the karmic energy is now finished. Eclipses teach us the importance of surrender. It's time to realise that you are not in control (as an ego) and relationships come + go according to what is for your highest good (a curriculum which comes from your soul).

The blessing is in the suffering

Eclipses are not about superficiality, and sustaining a lie...just to make the ego happy. In fact they deliver truth swiftly and if we're lucky with some grace. It can feel like time is speeding up and events are happening in rapid succession all around you. It can literally feel like the universe has picked up all the pieces of your life, thrown them in the air so that they might be re-arranged ultimately for your benefit. Know that there is a blessing in this confusion and suffering. The universe wants you to grow, and the only portal to greater consciousness is suffering. For you to realise that there is a greater force at work, and that it loves you in such a capacity that it will allow short or even long-term suffering so that you might step closer to your own enlightenment. That is the name of the game. We aren't here to have relationships, to buy houses, to have money or a family - we are here to realise that we are the universe (god, the divine, whatever you call the animate everything). This Eclipse has the potential to escalate your connection to the divine, and that can mean people falling out of your life (creating suffering) in order for this to happen.

There is opportunity for new beginnings

This Libra New Moon Eclipse will occur in Chitra Nakshatra. This is the lunar mansion of opportunity and possibilities that come from following your truth. As such this isn't about following someone else’s path, playing small or finding opportunity in partnership (ironically given this is Libra). Rather this is about a solitary energy. It is from this independence that something new is ready to take shape. There can be desire and lust which manifests during this Eclipse, so be careful not to loose yourself in this energy as it has the potential to take your focus. As Mars will be aligned with this Eclipse (and it's the ruler of this Nakshastra) you may find it is best to go it alone. That you will have more luck in what you do independently than in partnership with another. You can mitigate the effects of the eclipse by fasting, taking a bath in salt water or swimming in the ocean, meditating or chanting 'Om' (or if you have a mantra use that).

Understand how this Eclipse will manifest in your life?

Join me for the Libra Solar Eclipse Ritual + Reading (or for the whole eclipse season with the 'Unlock the Eclipse' Workshop bundle). Receive a personal written reading, astrology forecast, practice to mitigate the effects of the Solar Eclipse + Eclipse Calendar. Details here.