Pippa Kate | Goddess Astrology

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Jupiter in Taurus: What is Means for Your Sign?

Jupiter will move from Aries into Taurus on the 16th-17th of May, 2023 where it will remain until May 2024. Here’s what this shift means for you….

Jupiter represents abundance + luck

Jupiter is a planet that represents expansion, growth, and abundance. It is the largest planet in our solar system and can hold the entire solar system within itself (just to give you an idea of it’s size). From early astrology it has been associated with universal luck , abundance and good fortune.

When Jupiter moves into a new zodiac sign, it can bring about significant changes and opportunities for individuals and society as a whole - because it is a transpersonal planet (meaning it effects the collective as well as the personal worlds). On the 16th-17th of May 2023, Jupiter will enter Taurus, and this shift is expected to have a profound impact on the world.

This will be a period of prosperity and understanding self worth

Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac, as such Jupiter is stepping us further into the new cycle it created when it entered Aries in 2022. Now, Taurus is associated with material possessions, finances, as well as your own sense of self-worth. It’s an energy that is known for being practical, reliable, and hardworking (sometimes to it’s detriment). When Jupiter enters Taurus, these qualities will be emphasized - as everything this planet touches grows in importance. As such we can expect to see an increase in financial stability and security for individuals and businesses alike. Now that might sound positive (which it is), but we have to remember that everything is a cycle. Very often when we hit a zenith (like we will with Jupiter in Taurus) this will be balanced by a recession or re-alignment as Jupiter enters Gemini in 2024.

One of the main effects of Jupiter in Taurus will be a focus on financial stability and growth. It’s a year when you can expect projects you started in 2022 to start to bear fruit, as well as a time to save and not get carried away with the fever of the market. On the psychological plane this is an energy that is calling for you to step into a new sense of self worth and start a new cycle in how you value yourself.


In addition to financial and economic growth, Jupiter in Taurus is also likely to bring about a renewed focus on the environment and sustainability. Taurus is a sign that values the natural world and is known for its connection to the earth. During this year long period, we can expect to see increased interest in renewable energy, sustainable farming practices, and conservation efforts. This is an excellent time for individuals and groups to make a positive impact on the environment and take steps towards a more sustainable future.

What Jupiter Entering Taurus means for your Astrological Sign?

Below is a little run through of what this means by sign (if you know your Ascendent read for this).

Aries: March 21 – April 19:

This is a year where the focus is firmly on finances and how you handle your own sense of abundance. You might find there are windfalls when it comes to the material realm. Just note that this isn’t something that will last forever (nothing is). So it can be worthwhile saving some of what comes through for 2024 and beyond. If you’ve been looking to invest this is the year to do it.

Taurus: April 20 – May 20:

This is lighting up your own internal sense of optimism and encouraging you to start to be more you! That means considering those wild dreams you’ve had and the paths you wished to walk but because of your practicality you put off. This is a year to take a leap and know you are so supported. In fact there is this deep sense of self worth within you that is burning even brighter and helping you with this.

Gemini: May 21 – June 20:

Jupiter entering Taurus marks a year which is calling you deeper into your spirituality. You might be called to travel to a sacred site, an ashram or visit a spiritual teacher. This can also manifest as a time where you studiously meditate and start to see more of yourself (that was hidden) clearly!

Cancer: June 21 – July 22:

This is a year to value yourself as a friend as well as consider your impact as an individual within society. You might find you’re called to environmental causes and even within this understand how you can chance your actions to effect the planet at a local level (no mean feat). This is also an energy that is helping you see your worthiness with the people around you, and it can call into your life whole new social groups.

Leo: July 23 – August 22:

This spells a year where anything is possible within your career and work. It’s calling for you to dream big, to ask for that payrise, or even go out on your own. Know that your hard work and persistence will pay off - and it can feel like you have the entire support of the universe at your side. Be careful of building your life around the need for status, just enjoy it while it lasts!

Virgo: August 23 – September 22:

This is a particularly lucky year for you as Jupiter will be in it’s home house. As such you might find yourself called to travel overseas, to study, to teach or simply to start a new practice which has you blowing your own mind. If you’ve been struggling with any aspects of your abundance, this year will help you see just how worthy you are.

Libra: September 23 – October 22:

Welcome to a year of deep transformation. It can feel like Jupiter is calling to light the places you limit yourself through your indecision and need to weigh up the options. This is a year where you are bring to your awareness programming from your childhood and ancestral lineage that has had you playing small and underestimating your worth. Know whatever you work through, you do it for the collective.

Scorpio: October 23 – November 21:

This is a year dedicated to relationships, the most important of which is the relationship you have with yourself. It is calling for you to step into a new sense of self-worth (in both intimate and business relationships) and note what is in alignment. If you’ve been underestimating your value or people pleasing in relationships, this transit will call an end to it. This is also the perfect year to start a new partnership!

Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21:

This energy is drawing your focus to your health and wellbeing….and most importantly your daily routine. It’s time for you to start valuing your body, mind and energy. As you do you’ll notice that you start moving in a new way and treating yourself with greater respect and love. If there are any existing health issues, this is a year to resolve them and focus on what you can do to honour + serve yourself.

Capricorn: December 22 – January 19:

This might sound counterintuitive to a serious Capricorn but this is a year of passion, excitement, children and creativity. If you’ve been considering having a child or launching a creative project, this is the year to allow it to happen. This energy is encouraging you to let go of the need to be responsible and enjoy your well earned freedom.

Aquarius: January 20 – February 18:

This year is calling you home. That can manifest as a time of buying a property, refinancing, renovating or even considering moving countries. If you think you have an inner DIY streak, then this can also manifest as putting it to the test or learning from home experts. Really this is a time of being called home to yourself.

Pisces: February 19 – March 20:

Pisces it’s time to speak up and allow yourself to recognise the worth of your voice. If you’ve been struggling with worthiness around your intuitive gifts, or how you speak to others (even in written form) this energy is helping to resolve this. Finally if you have a calling to write a book, get on stage + present or allow yourself to be seen this is the year to get moving.

If you want to know how this energy is showing up personally in your chart, I offer 1:1 readings here.