Pippa Kate | Goddess Astrology

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Jupiter Enters Capricorn

Date: 3rd December at 6am (AEDT); 2nd December 19:00 (UT)

Jupiter the planet of abundance and exploration, moves out of its exalted state in Sagittarius into the more serious, and considered Capricorn. Marking a year long period where the planet will move it’s focused from travel, study and into the cycle of putting that philosophy into work. Jupiter is known as the sign of good fortune, and is representative of the god Zeus (roman equivalent Jupiter), who was the rule of the sky. We tend to view Jupiter as a planet that expands and grows everything it touches. It’s time in Sagittarius has probably felt like a beautiful growth spurt to most of us - getting us to move into uncomfortable places but ultimately ensuring we’re ok in this process.

I want to stop on a key point around Jupiter and his affinity with Luck. When I say luck I don’t mean that everything is roses, rather Jupiter operates so this is sometimes the case but other times it’s about getting you through a tricky situation. Or even a situation where at the time things might feel a bit shit, but in hind sight you can see that you totally dodged a bullet. That’s the influence of this energy. It’s an incredibly regal energy that wants us to stand up and into our power.

The shift into Capricorn is the start of a new cycle in this energy. While in Sagittarius for the past year, Jupiter had us focused on learning and developing our inner philosophy - through long distance travel, study of any kind, reading and exploring. As he tips over into Capricorn his usually sparky energy (denoted by a lightening bolt - Jupiter can be super inspiring in that way like a flash of insight), moves to being a little slower. Capricorn is a sign that has us focused on work or treating a part of our life as work. It’s a way more considered than Sagittarius, which made Jupiter happy as he could be incredibly impulsive. This next year will be about apply what we’ve learned in 2019 into our vocation, career or the part of life we consider work. In a way there will be lots of luck brought into this area, and no doubt that will be a welcome reprieve after the eclipse season we’re heading into in Capricorn/ Cancer.

FYI - if you want to go deeper into the big transformational energy that Capricorn is throwing up and learn how to work with the energy of the Eclipse Season (26/12 - 12/12), I’ll be running my first online workshop ‘Unlocking the Eclipse Portal’. This will give you clarity on the energy surrounding you, knowledge of the astrology as well as shamanic tools to work with the energy. The workshop will launch on the 11/12 and will cost AU$40, to register your interest head here.

Now let’s get onto the astrology of this Jupiter shift into Capricorn:

Jupiter Conjunct Venus, South Node, Ceres in Capricorn

There’s big energy being created by Ceres (mother earth), South Node (Past Life Karma) and Venus (desire and motivation). This is almost a welcoming procession to this change, or the journey that Jupiter will now take for the next year. Their presence suggests a couple of things but most strongly, that there’s a strong motivation to take what you’ve been learning over the past year that Jupiter has been in Sagittarius and to bring that energy into the material realm. Like giving birth to something, growing something and on top of that having this strong motivation to do this. This week could mark the start of something new, a new cycle for how you explore the world and there’s a sense of lot of this will focus in the area of work (obviously if you know your chart well, look for where Capricorn is).

These 3 celestial ally’s of Jupiter usher him beautifully into the Capricorn energy and lift the moon, making it an enjoyable landing back on earth.

Jupiter Trine Uranus in Taurus

Another beautiful aspect at play is Uranus in Taurus, who is shining big energy on Jupiter and supporting him in his transit. Uranus is Jupiters Grandfather so to speak in Mythology, so it’s that nice older…almost primordial…masculine energy that is encouraging Jupiter into the sign of his father (Capricorn, FYI Jupiter’s father is Saturn). This does have a strong masculine feeling to this next cycle, one which feel quite direct, but can potentially also stir up ancestral ties to the masculine part of our family lines. Even link us back to our grandparents.

Uranus in Taurus, isn’t where he is most comfortable. That said he is what is known as an originator, meaning he creates things a new. He brings worlds into existence, and loves to evolve pushing away from the mainstream. This energy this shift of Jupiter into Capricorn as the beginning of a very different journey. With Uranus’s influence we can expect to push ourselves outside of the norm in how we go about this. This energy can also reinforce the feeling of birthing something new, as Uranus is all about originality.

Jupiter Square Chiron in Aries + Parvati in Virgo

The only difficult angle present is between Chiron + Parvati. Let’s start with Chiron, the wounded healer, in Aries is causing somewhat of a rift with Jupiter. Placing pressure upon his transition into Capricorn. Chiron is the place within us that hold deep scaring but it is also a place of mastery and knowledge. He calls into questions or even doubts we might have of ourself and whether we know enough in order to start this new chapter. Feelings of insecurity can arise or even moments where you feel you are being challenged by those around you…know that this is just a mirror. Chiron’s role here is to ensure the path you’re heading down with Jupiter over the next year is one you want to be on. To almost up your level of conviction in yourself.

Now we move onto Parvati, who is echoing Chiron. Parvati, as Shiva’s tantric partner, is a goddess of devotion. She holds within her a level of devotion to a cause that lives beyond the physical realm. It’s this feeling of being so determined to awaken a part of self that she won’t rest until it is. Her big lover energy is testing your devotion to this next step of the journey. She wants to know you’re fully committed to putting into practice what you’ve learnt over the last year. With Chiron in tow, there’s a feeling of needing to stay on course and back yourself…that’s what they truly desire of you.

Final words

Enjoy the shift of Jupiter into Capricorn, and the feelings of a new cycle that relates to your own abundance and life exploration. This next year is all about grounding what you’ve learned while Jupiter has been in Sagittarius - moving from philosophy and spiritual learning into working this into the earthly realm. Understanding how to apply this into a career, vocation or your life’s path. Enjoy this coming Jupiter season, make use of the energy by grounding flashes of inspiration in this material world.

Image: Another Magazine