Pippa Kate | Goddess Astrology

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July’s Horoscopes: Here’s What to Expect…


This month is calling you home to yourself, to consider where you belong and to step into deeper relationships with divinity (as your original home). It is also a month to work proactively with the cosmos. Instead of waiting for Mercury Retrograde next month, use the 17th – 5th of August, to be your own special investigator. Notice the repeating patterns, conversations and the way in which your ego is having a hard time being humble – then do your best to clean up your side of the street, knowing that this will make Mercury Rx a whole lot more enjoyable when it hits on the 5th. This month finishes with the 2nd Capricorn Full Moon of the year on the 21st, and it will be transformational calling for the ‘old world’ you have been supporting to crumble, as the ‘new world’ within you is born.

 Keep reading below for how this month’s energy will affect you. Read for your ascendent (if you know it) or your sun sign if you’re unsure.

Aries: March 21 – April 19

June is a month that is calling you home and asking you to consider where you live as well as how you live. Remembering that your ultimate home is the relationship you have with yourself. The New Moon on the 5-6th can be used to call upon the divine to help you find more inner peace and externally shift where you live (if that feels right). Unexpected events can pop-up around your finances or costs related to your home/ car around the 16th, which mean you’ll need to funnel your money in a different way. So be prepared to be flexible (and have a buffer if possible). Pay attention to patterns from your childhood (or conversations you need to have with children) re-appearing from the 17th until the 5th of August, as Mercury is giving you the opportunity to make peace with this before it stations retrograde next month. You’ll notice yourself getting a whole lot more chatty from the 22nd, and this a great time to socialise, to speak up and even to put your words on paper. This month finishes with a Full Moon on the 21st drawing your attention to work, and something that is ready to be born in this area of your life. Be prepared for big transformation.

Taurus: April 20 – May 20.

Although you can be very considered and hold a lot of space for others, this is a month calling for you to speak up and express issues that are intimate or open you up to being more vulnerable. If you need a little divine support in doing this, use the New Moon on the 5-6th of help you. You’ll notice a little bit of tension creeping into your personal + home life from the 12th, but know within this is the opportunity to air old ‘dirty’ laundry and create some necessary change. The universe will give you a big opportunity to clean up your side of the street (karmically speaking) from the 17th July – 5th of August (before Mercury goes retrograde). So if you notice there’s something you need to speak about with your family or within your home unit use this time wisely. As the Sun moves into Leo on the 20th be prepared for this focus on home to grow even more. This will be a month calling for you to realise that you are home wherever you are, so long as you are at peace within (which sounds easy, but will call for you to step into a new level of personal growth). The Capricorn Full Moon on the 21st is the luckiest moon of the year for you, encouraging you to travel, have a break from the tension of your home life and even focus on the horizons of your career (as a nice distraction).   

Gemini: May 21 – June 20.

Late June has been teaching you all about worthiness, and the lesson doesn’t end just yet. Rather this is a school room you are in until 20th. You can find this manifests as an intense focus on money, buying property and discussions where you need to be firm in your value. Divine intervention comes to help you on the 5-6th, with the New Moon, in these matters. Things should feel much easier around the 9th when the universe truly delivers and allows you to feel a little easier in matters of money and your own abundance. Pay close attention to conversations between the 17th- 5th of August where your ego is showing up as being defensive or being unable to listen to another’s perspective. Do your best to get humble now, own up to how you’re showing up etc, in order to make Mercury Rx Season a little easier next month.  From the 26th, the universe is calling for you to get focused on detail and use your logical mind to work through energy in your home and personal life. If you’re prone to anxiety make sure you are cutting down on the caffeine, and adding in some extra meditation which will help you ride through this time. The month finishes with a Full Moon on the 21st calling for you to emerge from the big 6-month transformation you have been working through in your work. Expect this Full Moon to be filled with relief.

Cancer: June 21 – July 22.

It’s your season until the 20th, making it a time of new directions and awakening to your ‘new year’ (on the back of your birthday). The energy can feel fresh, as well as a little unnerving as it asks for you to peel back some of your ‘layers’ and allow yourself to be seen. As the New Moon hits on the 5-6th, it’s time for you to co-create with the universe and ask for the help you need in the coming year. Particularly if you’re unsure of what your next step looks like – or where you should be living. Pay attention to old patterns of communication, discussions around finances or where you need to express your values that appear between the 17th – 5th of August. These are giving you hints as to what Mercury Rx is going to be bringing you next month. So, if you want to work ahead of time, make peace, clean up your side of the street and be willing to accept responsibility for how you have been showing up. As the Sun moves into Leo on the 20th your attention is being called to matters of worthiness. This is a time putting the spotlight on your possessions (home, car etc), your income and calling for you to consider creative ways to bring in a little more money (if you need it). The month finishes with the Capricorn Full Moon on the 21st which is shedding light on your intimate relationships (and business partnerships). This can see massive personal transformation taking place as you end an old pattern of behaviour and open yourself up to greater truth + authenticity in how you partner.


Leo: July 23 – August 22

Before you enter your birthday season – which starts ono the 20th – the universe is calling for purification and it can feel like you are having your own ‘spring clean’ before your new year begins. The New Moon on the 5-6th is here to help you understand what you need to let go of, as well as turn the volume up on your intuition. So don’t be surprised if you receive divine inspiration and even guidance that feels super illogical at the time, but helps you hugely in the long-term. Around the 11th the universe is supporting you in creating some lasting change in your life. You can find that you get the help you need to put in place better order, structure or to give one of your creative ideas some greater longevity. From the 12th until the end of the month love is in the air and it can feel a little like you are magnet for money, ideas and even romance. Pay attention to patterns of communication that play out from the 17th-5th of August as this will give you strong hints as to what Mercury Rx will be bringing in August. The Sun will move into your sign on the 20th and this sparks the start of a new chapter. One which is calling for you to shine (a even brighter) as well as be humble in how you see life. The Capricorn Full Moon (21st) at the end of the month is bring with it healing energy encouraging you to manage your wellbeing, as well as consider what you need to change in your daily routine to support your health.  


Virgo: August 23 – September 22

It’s time to socialise and make plans with friends – as well as show up in protests and as an activist helping to shape the world through your ideals. The New Moon on the 5-6th is there to help lend you extra support in this area of your life, so use it! The 9th is a very special day for you where you can find that luck and purpose come to you through conversations with friends or new acquaintances. Pay special attention to the repeated patterns and messages from the past between the 17th – 5th of August around what you need to release or end. As this is giving you hints as to what to expect next month when Mercury stations retrograde. As the Sun moves into Leo on the 20th you can find yourself wanting to retreat and spend some time diving deeper into your connection to spirit. This will be a month which is teaching you the importance of silence, and the divinity inherent in your own creativity. You’ll be feeling at home from the 26th until mid-August, making it a great time to work through detail and use your incredible logical mind to problem solve or work out your next steps. This month finished with a Capricorn Full Moon on the 21st which is calling for you to play, romance and find more enjoyment in life – even within your work.


Libra: September 23 – October 22

This month means business. It is calling for you to focus on your career, to get clear on what you are trying to achieve, as well as calling for you to put in place greater structure in your life to support (not stifle) your growth. The New Moon on the 5-6th can bring news in this area of your life, and even the start a 6 month (slow) transformation in your work. The 12th is a big day for you so listen to your intuition, and notice where you are resisting seeing the full picture in your friendships – or even where you might be the problem (not someone else). If you want to make the most of Mercury Retrograde next month (and avoid some of its pitfalls) pay attention to the patterns that manifest in your social groups from the 17th – 5th of August. Anything unresolved will play out a little bigger once Mercury stations retrograde next month – so clean things up now. As the Sun moves into Leo on the 20th the focus is on awakening to your inner activist, spending time being a little more social and even meeting new friends. Pay attention to the Full Moon on the 21st which is calling you home and can see you moving, renovating or mixing up something to do with your home (or your ability to even work from home).


Scorpio: October 23 – November 21

Cancer Season has been calling for you to look at the horizon, to get curious about life and even think of all of it’s possibilities. As this energy continues through to the first half of July, you can find it intensify with the New Moon on the 5-6th. This is a time to make plans to travel, to study something new and dive deeper into your connection to spirit (travelling internally). As the 10th comes around it can feel like you just want to rebel, ignore the rules and follow what is true. Trust this impulse, particularly when it comes to family matters, as it can bring about a rebirth in relationships here. Pay special attention to the repeated conversations or patterns of energy around your career from the 17th – 5th of August, as this is giving you a hint as to what you can expect when Mercury stations Retrograde next month. It’s also the opportunity to work ahead of this transit, and get humble + clean up your side of the street. As the Sun moves into Leo on the 20th, it is your time to shine when it comes to your work. You can find there is more motivation to show-up, and even the desire to step into more responsibility in this area of your life. As the Capricorn Full Moon peaks on the 21st, you can find there are important conversations to be had around your work, this requires consideration and for you to be really logical in how you approach the subject.

Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21

This is a month of deep transformation and getting comfortable in places you would rather run from. It’s time for you to come face-to-face with your own shadow (expressed through someone external to you who is playing with power, manipulation or control). The opportunity is to realise that these characteristics live within you too  – and through this acceptance be reborn. If something needs to be brought to a head in this respect, you can find the New Moon on the 5-6th allows this to happen. The 8th is the luckiest day of the month for you, and it gives you the ability to see the truth in your relationships (intimate or business), and as well as the ammunition to get right to the point. Pay attention to old patterns of communication from the 17th – 5th of August (particularly with people you seem to compare yourself with or ‘compete’ against). This energy will play out even stronger during Mercury Rx next month, if you don’t clean it up now. As the Sun moves into Leo on the 20th it can feel like you’ve got your sparkle back (after a Cancer Season that dragged). This is a month to shine, to feel totally abundant and explore the world around you (without constraints).  As the Capricorn Full Moon peaks on the 21st pay special attention to money + finances, this can be the perfect time to ask for an increase or honour the value you bring to your work.


Capricorn: December 22 – January 19

This is a season drawing your attention to partnerships, give-and-take and what is ‘fair’. You can find this playing out in both business and intimate settings. As the New Moon on the 5-6th peaks this is a time to be vulnerable with your feelings, to open up your heart and allow that intensely logical side of you to have a break. Things can feel a little tense from the 7th, so notice where your tendency to order + structure is actually limiting you from seeing the bigger picture or opportunities that are waiting for you. Mercury enters its shadow phase (before stationing retrograde next month) from the 17th – 5th  of August. You can use this energy to get really aware of old patterns of communication where you subconsciously manipulate, control or undermine those around you (instead of trusting).  You can find that these patterns stem back into your lineage. Do your best to get humble and clean this up through compassion + forgiveness. As the Sun moves into Leo on the 20th it’s time for transformation and rebirth. This will be a month that demands that you step into more of your self-expression as well as allow yourself to truly ‘feel’ the world around you (instead of ignoring the things that make you uncomfortable). This month finishes a Full Moon in your home sign on the 21st, marking the start of a new chapter in your life and even a new sense of purpose. One that has been building since January this year.


Aquarius: January 20 – February 18

Cancer Season has been calling for you to focus on your wellbeing (whether you wanted to or not). This has been a time of building a new daily practice that helps you support your body, mind + spirit. However now you need the discipline to continue to work with this. The New Moon on the 5-6th is the perfect partner to support you over the next year in doing this. Added to that if you have any nagging health concerns, use this Moon to guide you on your own healing journey. The 16th is a day for unexpected events and encounters that help you get your motivation back on track. So be as flexible as you can with what pops up (even if you don’t feel entirely comfortable with it at first). Mercury will station retrograde next month, and if you want a head start on what to expect listen to the conversations around you from the 17th – 5th of August, particularly those with your intimate or business partner(s). Notice where you are seemingly saying the same thing again and again – and if you can get humble + clean up your side of the street in this pattern. As the Sun enters Leo on the 20th it’s time for you to romance, play and get creative. This can feel a little funny to the part of you that would rather be starting a revolution, but everything in its time. This month finishes with a Capricorn Full Moon which is bring to a close a chapter in your work or how you have been structuring your life. Pay attention to dreams and intuitions at this time, and use this as guidance.


Pisces: February 19 – March 20

July is calling for you to play, to embrace your inner innocence and see the world through rose coloured glasses (like you did as a child). This is an energy that can see you embracing your creative streak, opening your heart and even spending time with your inner child. The New Moon on the 5-6th is there for you to lay intentions with around this energy. So if you find that you’re needing more playfulness not just now but through this year – use this Moon. Pay special attention to who re-appears from your past, or what old conversations unfold between the 17th – 5th of August, as these are hints from the universe as to what you can expect come Mercury Retrograde Season next month. Remember you can work ahead of this transit, by being proactive in speaking up and caring for yourself (placing yourself as equal to someone else’s needs). As the Sun moves into Leo, on the 20th, your health, wellbeing and how your daily routine supports this are the big focuses. If you’ve been feeling a little burnt out, then this can be the season where you need to rest or consider what small step you can take to care for yourself. Finally, the Capricorn Full Moon on the 21st is shedding light on friendships, and any work you are doing in the humanitarian space (or with groups of people). You can find that something you were hoping for in January of this year, comes to fruition at this time.