Pippa Kate | Goddess Astrology

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February's Horoscopes. Here's what to expect....

This month is one calling for you to embrace your inner rebel, as well as your inner mystic. It is giving you space to process the start of the year - which has been cosmically huge - and to consider the change you wish to see within yourself as well as the world. It can have you embodying more of your inner humanitarian and even enacting this energy by helping those around you. The key to working with this months cosmic flow is to be really conscious of where you are expecting perfection from yourself (to the point of getting a little anxious) and remember that the world from the perspective of the ego is chaotic but from the ‘self that knows’ ‘it is a forgiving and compassionate force.

Keep reading below for how this month’s energy will affect you. Read for your ascendent (if you know it) or your sun sign if you’re unsure.

Aries: March 21 – April 19

The start of this month is calling for you to reconnect with friends, and embrace new social groups. Added to that you can find that there is a deeper longing within you to stand up for the rights of all beings, and you can feel the call towards helping out with a charity, protesting for what you think is right or starting to speak a little more freely about the way you see the world (particularly as it differs to those around you). This energy will feel really intense around the 9th-10th of February with the Aquarius New Moon, which marks the perfect time to lay intentions in this are of your life. If things have been feeling a little financially unstable or that scarcity mindset has been creeping in, the energy from the 18th of February should start to undo some of this as it invites you to step into greater abundance in the most unexpected of ways. This month finishes with a Virgo Full Moon on the 24th of February, and this is a time to consider where your body needs a little more care as well as where you need to make more time in your daily routine to look after your wellbeing.


Taurus: April 20 – May 20.

This is a month calling for you to focus on your work, career and how you handle responsibility (at least until the 18th). Make no mistakes though, this isn’t about towing the line, or convention. Rather this is a time to be a little bit rebellious and revolutionary through your work. That might mean letting go of some unnecessary responsibility or pressure you have been putting yourself under – that has actually been stifling your freedom. As the Aquarius New Moon peaks on the 9-10th, use this energy to lay intentions around the change you want to see you in your work - be that a pay rise, a change in career or going out on your own (making that side hustle real). Your focus will start to shift from work + responsibility around the 19th of February when Pisces Season starts. This brings with it a call to focus on friendships, social relationships and at the highest level to think about how you want to serve the world from a humanitarian point of view. This month finishes with a Full Moon in Virgo on the 24th which is asking for you to play, to find joy in your life and even consider how you might want to express yourself through your own creativity – painting, dancing, singing etc…knowing this isn’t about the outcome, but the process of re-engaging with the passion that lives within you.


Gemini: May 21 – June 20.

It’s time for abundance, expansion and to step to the edge of what you think is possible for you – and then step again. The first half of February is calling for you to travel – physically or metaphysically, being more curiously optimistic about your life and the letting go of false limitations you have placed upon yourself. As the Aquarius New Moon peaks on the 9-10th, it’s time to lay intentions around where you are ready for more abundance in your life. This is the time to co-create with the universe that trip you’ve always wanted to take, the course you haven’t yet signed up for or even to step into more of a teaching role in your work. As Pisces Season kicks off on the 19th it can feel a little like you are being brought back to earth, as you are called to focus on how you want to structure your life, your responsibilities and your work. This can bring with it a sense of renewed motivation around your career and a deep sense of intuition as to what your next move is. The month draws to a close with a Full Moon Virgo on the 24th, which is literally calling you home. This can coincide with a call to move home, to renovate or relocate your place in order that it truly feels like your sanctuary.


Cancer: June 21 – July 22.

The start of this year has been nothing if not transformational. In fact it can feel a little like you are in the process of rebirth yet to quite see the light of all you have experienced. This is a time to go slowly and try not to resist the changes the world is bringing forth in your life. If you are looking for a little extra cosmic support, use the Aquarius New Moon on the 9-10th which is ready to work for you, helping you be really mindful around the transformation you are experiencing. As the Sun moves into Pisces on the 19th, things start to lighten up and get really expansive. As if the contraction of the beginning of this month has allowed the abundance that will come in its later half. This marks a time to be optimistically curious about the world. This can manifest as the call to travel, to study and to learn. Use this energy to set aside all that you feel restricts you and bask in what is possible (beyond the stories of the mind). There will be a Full Moon in Virgo on the 24th which can bring to light important conversations and communication. It’s calling for you to hash out details, and even over explain what is important to you in order to get your message across.


Leo: July 23 – August 22

Love is in the air. Aquarius Season – which will last until the 19th – is calling for you to step into greater intimacy, commitment and appreciation of give + take in your intimate as well as business relationships. This is an energy that at it’s heart is calling you to move into greater connection with yourself (mirroring itself in the external world through a partner). As the Aquarius New Moon peaks on the 9-10th this is a time to lay intentions around where you want partnership to take you, who your ideal partner is as well as the direction you might want a current relationship to start to head..then release this to the universe, who will bring what is for the highest good to light over the next 6 months. As the Sun moves into Pisces on the 19th, it can feel like you are falling head first into deep spiritual transformation. You might not be able to place the change you are feeling on anything external, but internally something is shifting and that will continue through to next month. This month finishes with a Virgo Full Moon which is bringing to light energy around money, possessions and your sense of worthiness. It’s asking for you to let go of the need for perfection in this area of your life, and to move into a place of valuing more of yourself - beyond notions of perfection or imperfection.


Virgo: August 23 – September 22.

Tis a time to focus on your health and wellbeing – as well as consider what alternative or natural therapies you might be ready to incorporate into your daily or monthly routine in order to support your energy levels (and nervous system). This is also a time to really notice where you are running on empty, and to listen to your body – particularly if it needs a break or to stop. As the Aquarius New Moon hits on the 9-10th, this is the time to be inspired to put in place a new health routine, to start a gym membership, embark on daily mindfulness practice etc. The energy of this Moon is supporting new endeavours when it comes to your health. As the Sun moves into Pisces on the 19th, your focus will shift from your wellbeing to your partnerships. This will spell a month of love, intimacy and navigating the beauty of giving + receiving in relationship. This month draws to a close with the Virgo Full Moon (yes your sign) on the 24th. This Full Moon can feel like the start of a new chapter for you and can bring with it a sense of deep motivation burning within you. If you’ve been unsure of your path, this Full Moon bring with it the call to trust it (and even the path to walk).


Libra: September 23 – October 22

It’s time to play, to romance and reignite that inner fire, particularly if you’ve felt it being dampened by responsibilities or the need within you to be ‘productive’. Up until the 18th, the universe is calling for you to be present and not think about the future. This is a time to remember what life was like for you as a child, and move from that place. This month will kick off with an Aquarius New Moon on the 9-10th, which offers you the perfect energy to lay intentions around how you want to bring more of this joy, child-like innocence and passion into your life over the coming year. As the Sun moves into Pisces on the 19th your focus will shift to your health – physically, mentally and spiritually. Pisces Season is one that calls for you to get really honest with yourself, and how you are spending your energy. If you notice your mind ruminating or taking you into stories that simply aren’t true, this can be a time to get extra focused on your mental wellbeing. This is the perfect season to start a new daily routine that will support your energy, and allow you to give to others in a way that doesn’t leave you feeling exhausted. The month finishes with a Virgo Full Moon (on the 24th)  which will be deeply spiritual for you, it is calling to an end old programming around the need to be perfect...and the ways in which you know you can’t live up to that standard. This Full Moon holds within it the ability to find greater inner liberation and self-acceptance – so bask in it’s glow if you feel called.


Scorpio: October 23 – November 21

The universe is calling you home – not just to the place where you live, but to that sense of inner peace that goes with you wherever you travel. This focus can see you considering moving places, renovating or redecorating, all of which is helping you move into deeper alignment with that sense of ‘home’ within you. If there is something you wish to shift or need some help within in this area of your life, use the Aquarius New Moon on the 9-10th to guide you. As the Sun moves into Pisces on the 19th, it’s time to let loose, to be self-expressive and find that optimistic spark you’ve been looking for in everything you do. Pisces Season, for you, is one to be passionate, romantic and present. It’s not a time to think about the future, but rather it demands that you simply enjoy the very moment you are in (a little like how you did as a child). The Virgo Full Moon on the 24th brings to light energy around your friendships and social relationships. It can see you letting go of relationships that have served their time, and awakening to new connections. You can also find yourself being called to see the world from a greater humanitarian perspective. If you feel like donating to a good cause, protesting for the greater good or giving your time to a not-for-profit, this is Moon to do that.


Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21

The first half of this month continues a theme that has been running since the 21st of January for you – and that is the need to speak up and be really clear with your communication. Particularly conversations where you are presenting something which differs from convention or breaks the mould of what people expect from you. There is something thrilling in this as it fuels your own inner fire. If you know there’s something you’ve been waiting to get off your chest, or you just need help with your words use the Aquarius New Moon on the 9-10th to support your truth as well as your voice. As the Sun moves into Pisces on the 19th your awareness will shift from your voice to your home. In fact this can be a month where you feel like retreating a little bit, saying ‘no’ to social plans and simply spending some quality time in your own abode. Note that Pisces Season can also bring up old unhealed ancestral energy around your mother’s lineage, and that can be reflected through the ways in which you might not be fully willing to trust your intuition. Finally, there will be a Virgo Full Moon on the 24th, which is bringing to light energy around your work + career. You might find there is the opportunity for a new role or that there is a restructure in order in your business. Know that whatever comes, it’s important to let go of that part of you that wants it to perfect. Life is messy, but this universe is ultimately friendly. Allow this Full Moon to show you this.


Capricorn: December 22 – January 19

It can feel like you have been really focused on matters of money and possessions (meaning what you want to sell or buy like a house or car). Aquarius Season, which will continue until the 19th, is calling for you to be inventive with how you earn and spend your money – thinking about the long term and what can be created…not just buying another top or fashion accessory. As the Aquarius New Moon peaks on the 9-10th, this marks the start of a new 6 month cycle in how you think about this area of your life, as well as your own sense of worthiness. So if you know there’s a little extra universal support that you need, let your higher self know during this Moon. As the Sun moves into Pisces your focus moves from money to your voice. Pisces Season is one which calls for you to really step into a greater sense of trust in your intuition and it calls for you to back your voice (when it speaks or writes from this place). You can find that you almost feel like you are channelling during this coming month (because you are). This month finishes with a Full Moon in Virgo on the 24th, which is bringing to light a sense of abundance and exploration. This can see you travelling overseas, starting a new course, or simply taking an internal journey to open up your own mind. This will be the luckiest Full Moon of the year for you so bask in it’s energy + charge your crystals under it’s light so that they might hold that vibration for the coming year.


Aquarius: January 20 – February 18

Happy Birthday Season. The first half of this month is one to bask in your unconventional ways, your rebelliousness and your deep longing for revolution. It’s also a time of new beginnings as you are called to get really clear on the path you are on this year (and in particularly what you are walking away from). This energy calls for you to honour your body (as the vessel that takes you through life), and to be open to new opportunities that help you open to greater potential + possibilities in your life (and how you might serve the world). The Aquarius New Moon on the 9-10th, is the perfect cosmic energy for you to lay your intentions for the coming 6 months, and in particular if you need some extra help with your path + motivation this Moon can be the perfect support. As the Sun moves into Pisces on the 19th, your energy will shift towards matters of finances, possessions (think your car or home) and beyond that to how you value yourself. This is a season that is teaching you that everything is energy…even money. It calls for you to get really mindful in how you spend, and where you spend as reflections of your own value. The month will draw to a close with a Full Moon in Virgo (on the 24th) which will be incredibly transformational, and marks the closing of 6 months of big change in your life. This Full Moon will be bringing to light old programming around the need to be perfect, and the expectations you have felt being placed upon you by your family + society. It’s time to let this go and be fully responsible for yourself.


Pisces: February 19 – March 20

It’s time to put to bed what no longer serves you. While the Sun is still in Aquarius until the 19th, it is demanding that you come home to yourself and to the connection you naturally feel to spirit (your higher self). This is a time to let go of what is out of alignment – both in the physical and in the energetic realm. If you need extra help in releasing this, use the Aquarius New Moon on the 9-10th to help lift what is too heavy for you to carry or what you know needs to draw to a close. The call for endings is important, as the Sun moves into Pisces on the 19th, it will be a time of beginnings – which need space to unfold. Pisces Season marks your birthday season, as well as new chapter for you. One which is calling for you to appreciate your natural sensitivity, and to use this to help you navigate the coming year. This month will finish with a Virgo Full Moon on the 24th which is bringing to light energy around intimate relationships and partnerships. It can see you stepping into a new commitment with a new soul mate, or alternatively diving deeper into your existing connection.

Need some extra cosmic guidance? Join me each Full or New Moon to harness it’s energy. Plus receive a personal written reading. Details here.