Pippa Kate | Goddess Astrology

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October 2024's Horoscopes For Each Zodiac Sign


October is a month dealing with the energy of fairness. You can find that the first 2 weeks bring up a lot of anger and frustration born out of the lack of justice you’re seeing in your world and within the collective. This is a month calling for you to be fearless in your actions, and ensure they come from a place of equality + truth (not revenge). As the Sun moves into Scorpio on the 23rd, we’re being called to meet our own shadow through our interaction with others. It’s important to move from a place of understanding at this time holding a vision of compassion + love for even the deepest parts of yourself that you hide from the world.


17th: Sun Conjunct Arcturus

17th: Aries Full Moon

18th: Venus Enters Sagittarius

23rd: Sun Enters Scorpio

29th: Hekate Conjunct Black Moon Lilith + Medusa.

8th: Hekate Conjunct South Node

9th: Jupiter Stations Retrograde

10th: Mars Opposed Pluto (Square Eris) peaking on the 4th of November

12th: Pallas Athena Conjunct Lilith + Kali

14th: Mercury Enters Scorpio



October can have you feeling extra protective and wanting to spend more time recharging at home. You might notice your usual motivation and fire feeling a little dampened. Remember, this is a season for you to rest and slow down, to build up your reserves for when November hits. This month, try your best to slow things down and even get comfortable with not having to act on impulse or telling everyone about what you’re doing before it happens… as the cosmos is creating a bit of tension, which can mean that you’re potentially knocking at the wrong door. If you need to make something happen, follow opportunities that ‘come to you,’ not those you are pushing to bring about. Now, there is a big energetic shift that will start on the 10th when your ruling planet, Mars, moves into opposition with Pluto, where it will remain until the end of January next year. It's effect will feel the greatest from the 10th of October until the 19th of November. This can bring to the surface necessary conflict, destruction, chaos, and anger. Know that the result of this tension will bring about more peace in your life, but the block to this needs to be dealt with first. The Aries Full Moon on the 17th will provide some respite from the challenge and even help you understand the new chapter that is starting within your life through it. The month finishes with Mars moving into harmony with Neptune, so listen to your intuition and dreams, as they can help guide you well into November.


The start of this month is calling for you to face how you show up in relationships—be that intimate partnerships or business. It’s time to see that what frustrates you in your partner lives within you, and is yet to be owned by you. Up until the 18th, you’re being given an opportunity by the universe to love in a way that accepts all without judgment (this means going a little deeper than normal). This can manifest as the ability to witness another’s (as well as your own) darkness and understand it. In doing this, you’ll notice that the way you connect with others changes dramatically. The Aries Full Moon on the 17th is there to help both bring about necessary endings in your life, as well as provide a spark for what is to come—particularly the deep desire within you that is growing to transcend. This Full Moon can manifest its energy through dreams, meditations, and intuition, making you extra sensitive to the world at this time. Just after this Full Moon, on the 18th, your ruling planet, Venus, moves into Sagittarius until the 12th of November, bringing some much-needed lightness and curiosity into your life. You can find yourself traveling, visiting sacred sites, and being called to explore new realms of consciousness. The 26th is a very special day for you, and it can feel deeply spiritual. You’ll finish the month with Venus moving into challenge with Saturn on the 29th, which can bring to the surface a sense of responsibility and restriction that you need to balance with this desire to defy limits.


The focus for you at the start of the month is on partnership, fairness, and balance in your life. This has been a big theme since the 27th of September and will continue to be until the 14th. This energy is calling for you to be consultative, aware of your thoughts, and respectful of other points-of -view (particularly when they differ from yours). You may find that plans discussed in the first two weeks of this month don’t turn into action until after the 16th, so don’t feel as though you have to rush. Instead, use this time to learn and expand your understanding of the world. The 10th of October is a very lucky day for you, and one that calls for you to connect with your own love through meditation or contemplation. As your ruling planet (Mercury) enters Scorpio on the 14th until the end of the month, you may find this is a time of deep transformation for you in both your well-being and daily life. There may be resistance to this energy, so do your best to trust it. The Aries Full Moon on the 17th is shining light on energy around your friendships, asking you to be open to new connections and even joining new groups that will help you gain different perspectives in life. The 20th can bring conversations that lead to endings or the closing out of old energy after getting to the heart of an issue or problem. This month finishes on a deeply spiritual and transcendent note for you as Mercury (your ruler) meets the Galactic Centre. This is a day to see the bigger picture and make sense of some of the blocks you experienced earlier in the month, understanding their blessings.


The start of this month is calling you home to yourself, and that can manifest as a call to retreat within or literally return to the place of your upbringing. This is a time to bask in the beauty of the relationships within your home, the most important of which manifests in how you relate to yourself. From the 10th, you may find that there is a strange inner tension building between your longing for independence and your desire to share life with another – whether through a business or intimate venture. A lot of anger and emotion can surface as a result, and you might feel unsure about which direction you should be heading. Honestly, this is not a time to act from emotion but to allow. Meaning, this isn’t a month to push for what you want but to use the cosmos to get clear on how you block yourself. The Aries Full Moon on the 17th is shedding light on your career and responsibilities, giving you a sense of new direction and motivation. You might find that new opportunities arise, potentially where you need to step up and lead others. As the Sun moves into Scorpio on the 23rd, the universe is calling for you to remember the joy of this incarnation – to play, to create, and to remember that the highs and lows are necessary for what you are here to learn in life.


The start of this month is calling for conversation and for you to engage with others 1:1 in order to really understand where they are coming from – as well as what might be blocking your own progress. You may also find that you're more open to seeing both sides of the story and making decisions that are more selfless and considerate. The 14th brings some challenging energy, as you might receive messages or information that stirs up a deep abandonment wound within you. The guidance isn’t to take any action today, but instead to see how what you learn might be a blessing in the long run. The Aries Full Moon will peak on the 17th with the Sun aligned with Arcturus. This is an incredibly lucky moon for you, which can see you travelling overseas, exploring new realms of consciousness through study or teaching, or simply experiencing a sense of joy and optimism about the world. As the Sun moves into Scorpio on the 23rd, it’s calling you home to yourself, and this can also manifest as a desire to retreat within. Don’t be afraid to use this season to rest or slow down. Just take note that there can be some tension within your home or family until the 1st of November, so you might find that giving yourself some extra room is important.


The start of this month has a big focus on money and matters of the material world. You may find there are important conversations you need to have with those you share financial matters with or are owed money from. Up until the 14th, there may be lots of words exchanged but not a whole lot of action. So, if you’re expecting to be paid back or waiting for a financial opportunity to present itself, wait until after this date for this to happen. The Aries Full Moon on the 17th holds immense transformation for you. You may find that it brings to the surface the need to clean up energy around your motivation and the ways in which you might be exhausting yourself by starting too many things and not focusing your energy. The 20th is a special day for you that can leave you feeling deeply connected to the universe and embracing necessary endings that will create more freedom in your life. As the Sun moves into Scorpio on the 23rd, it’s time to use your voice and let others know the changes you wish to create in your life. Additionally, you may find that this is a time when secrets come to light and your intuition is off the charts when it comes to understanding other people’s motivations. As this month closes, don’t be surprised if there’s some resistance to unexpected opportunities or innovative ideas. Instead of trying to resist, try to allow and see the bigger picture that the universe is presenting you.


Self-worth and value are big themes for this month as you’re called to remember the equality of all things. In addition, you may find that you’re extra sensitive to what is or isn’t fair (one of your superpowers). The beginning of this month calls for you to build, create, and act with the promise that the actions taken now will have long-term results. This won’t be as easy after the 21st, so if there’s structure you need to put in place, particularly financially, do it early to avoid delays and slowdowns later in the month. The Full Moon in Aries on the 17th marks a big shift in your energy, as you’re called to look at the bigger picture and be a little more optimistic about life. This Moon can also bring new energy to your relationships (both business and intimate), helping you see the way forward – even if you don’t fully understand the details. Pay attention to opportunities for travel, study, or expanding your horizons from the 17th until the 12th of November, as things you’ve been wishing for or wanting to manifest may show up in the most miraculous ways. This is also a time when you may find it hard to commit to other people’s plans, so be upfront with them; have the conversation instead of expecting them to understand.


This is a month of endings, trusting your intuition, and retreating a little from the world, as you may feel extra sensitive to other people’s energy as well as unfamiliar places. You might feel particularly introverted until the 12th. Use this time to reflect and consider what you are ready to shift and change in your work and how you are structuring your life. From the 13th, the energy will begin moving again, and you’ll have plenty of opportunities to release responsibilities that are too heavy to keep holding, as well as open up to new ways of organizing your life and work. Just know that this won’t necessarily be easy, so remember to go slow and be mindful of what you need to change (without acting from a place of frustration or anger). The Aries Full Moon on the 17th is bringing your attention to your well-being and asking you to consider what you need to fill your own cup. This is a time of new beginnings in your health and how you start to show up for yourself each day to support this. As the Sun moves into Scorpio on the 23rd, it should feel like you are at home. The energy is intense and deep – both things that you love and understand. This is a season that helps you find your direction in life as well as spending time honouring your physical form. It’s a season for deep conversations, passion, and an even greater sense of intuition about the world around you.


The start of October has you focused on friendships as well as larger social causes. You may find yourself called to speak up, protest, or express your values to like-minded souls. The 8th is the perfect day to let others know what you’ve been learning or to have conversations that lead to mind-blowing insights into the world around you. The energy around you starts to slow down from the 9th, and you may feel called to withdraw a bit socially and spend time recharging. This is also a great time for reflection and contemplation regarding the changes you wish to bring about in the world and within yourself. There is some deeply healing energy coming to you from the 12th–14th that may help you mend an old wound (physically or mentally) and realize the blessings of all you’ve received this month. The Aries Full Moon on the 17th is calling for you to play, create, and be fully present. This Moon can manifest as a beautiful time for romance or for picking up a paintbrush and simply enjoying the act of creation. As the Sun moves into Scorpio on the 23rd, you may find things get a little sombre and serious. This can be a month where you’re forced to stop running away and face what you’ve been fearing—ultimately realizing that underneath this fear is grace and a new opportunity to bloom.


This is a month all about work, responsibility, and creating order within your life—something you feel at home doing. You may find that your time is consumed by your career, yet there is something deeply satisfying in that. From the start of the month until the 12th, you could experience great financial reward and satisfaction in your work. You might find yourself in flow with the direction life is calling you. The Aries Full Moon on the 17th is ushering in a new chapter in how you live, which may involve moving homes, renovating, or simply updating a living area. At the heart of this, the Moon is calling you home to yourself, to find comfort in your own company. As the Sun moves into Scorpio on the 23rd, your focus will shift to friendships, social events, and a deep sense of ‘justice’ regarding societal issues. This is a time to be honest and open to having difficult conversations with these soulmates. The best approach to this energy is to surrender and let go. If someone is meant to stay, they will, and if they are meant to go, that too will happen—it is in the hands of the universe, not you. There is some tension toward the end of the month as Venus challenges your ruling planet (Saturn), which may bring financial restrictions and frustration around making your ideas a reality. Use this energy to see where you might be blocking yourself, rather than just pushing against it and wasting energy.


The beginning of this month is calling for expansion, which means forgetting all the rules and giving yourself total permission to explore the world, study something new, and ask big questions. You can find that even the smallest sparks of inspiration (particularly coming from the meeting of minds with soul friends) can create something big. Just watch out around the 15th to ensure you’re moving from what you value and not from a place of lack or needing to prove your worth, as this will compromise those actions. The Aries Full Moon on the 17th can bring forth important conversations and even conflict that is necessary for you to step into a new chapter in your life. This is a time to embrace more of your independence and be open to taking the first step alone. As the Sun moves into Scorpio on the 23rd, the energy shifts towards work and responsibility. This is a month where you’re called to get a little more serious and adult—while still maintaining your rebellious edge. The 25th is the perfect day to take action and be open to unexpected events that shake up your partnerships for the better, bringing in more fun, passion, and creative energy.


This month spells rebirth and is a time for you to confront your own shadow through your intimate and business relationships. So take note of the things these soulmates do to trigger you, as within that are the keys to understanding your own shadow (and your own liberation). You can also find that you need to shed light on the ways that you control and mistrust within your relationships. As you do, you help to release this and clean up ‘your side of the street.’ The Aries Full Moon on the 17th will shed light on energy around money, as well as your sense of value. This is a Moon that is calling in a new chapter and asking for you to create a new relationship with what you own (and maybe clean up how it is owning you). As the Sun moves into Scorpio on the 23rd, this marks the luckiest season of the year for you. It has the potential to bring abundance, exploration, and deep spiritual realization. Added to that, there is incredible harmony between your ruling planet (Neptune) and Venus and Mars for most of the month, from the 8th until the 25th, making this a time where what you want and the actions you take to get there align with the help of your intuition.


Ready to not just read about the energy but embody it. This month we have a raft of events to work with the Cosmos in harnessing it’s magic.

17th: Aries Full Moon Ritual + Reading. Details here

17th: Sun Conjunct Arcturus Group Meditation. Details here.