Pippa Kate | Goddess Astrology

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August’s Horoscopes: Here’s what the Cosmos is Bringing….


Most of this month we’re in the throes of Mercury Retrograde, making this a time of re-doing, rethinking and relearning. This is an important part of the cosmic calendar where you have the opportunity to see blocks to your own progress from a new angle + perspective. While the Sun moves from Leo to Virgo (on the 23rd), you can find that you start to have time + patience to work through detail and to ground some of the inspiration of Leo Season. The Aquarius Full Moon (19th/20th) is calling for your inner rebel to shine and for you to embrace more of what is ‘true’ not what is being fed as convention.

 Keep reading below for how this month’s energy will affect you. Read for your ascendent (if you know it) or your sun sign if you’re unsure.  

Aries: March 21 – April 19

This is a month to focus on communication and in particular the ways in which old stories from your childhood are blocking your ability to speak your truth…and stirring up deep-seated anger in the process. You can find the universe brings situations where you feel like you aren’t being heard, or that your opinion isn’t valued…all of which are there to help you unpick and let go of this childhood programming. While Mercury is retrograde from the 5th until the 29th be extra careful with your words, and if you notice things getting heated or a little overwhelming do something playful to shift this energy. The Aquarius Full Moon on the 19th/20th will be shedding light on your friendships and social values. As such you can find this is a very busy Moon that can see you partying,  protesting, or meeting like-minded ‘rebels’ who share your desire for social change. As the Sun moves into Virgo on the 23rd, this will mark a month where you are being called to focus on your wellbeing and making slight tweaks to your daily routine that better support your health.

Taurus: April 20 – May 20

The start of August is calling you to rest, to nest and to luxuriate in the energy of your home. You can find this has you doing minor or major ‘creative’ projects around your living space or simply doing a bit of a clean-up to allow the energy to flow. As Mercury stations retrograde from the 5th – 29th, you can find that you are retracing old conversations or misunderstandings with your family that have strong links back to your childhood. Pay attention to these, as they are here to help liberate you from old stories you’ve been telling yourself that simply aren’t true. Also, you can find that home electronics go a little awry at this time so just be patient if this is the case (waiting until after the 29th to purchase anything new if you can). The Full Moon on the 19/20th is drawing your attention to energy around your workplace. This can be a Moon where a promotion is in store or the chance to embrace greater inspiration + progression in your work. As the Sun moves into Virgo on the 23rd it’s time for you to play and schedule some time exercising your creativity. Remembering that life is to be enjoyed!

Gemini: May 21 – June 20

As your ruling planet, Mercury is retrograde from the 5th – 29th don’t be surprised if you feel as if everything is going a little backwards and even as if you are living in an alternate reality. This is a time where you are being shown a new perspective in your life – a way of seeing things that will help you realise that how others see you is often a reflection of how they see themselves (and vice versa). During this time be mindful that plans can change, communication can go astray and what you said can be heard in a very different way to what you meant. So take it slow, and ask for clarification if you didn’t understand what was being asked. The Full Moon on the 19th/20th will be the luckiest of the year for you and it can see you travelling abroad, expanding your horizon, studying something new or simply finding renewed optimism in life. As Virgo Season starts on the 23rd, this will kick off a month that is calling for you to serve your family, to start necessary works on (or a clean-up in) your home, and to spend some time recharging your own battery away from the noise of life. Remember that once Mercury stations direct on the 29th, things should start to feel a little more focused and ‘normal’. 

Cancer: June 21 – July 22

The start of this month is calling for you to focus on finances, and anything you need to tidy up in this area of your life. As Mercury will be retrograde from the 5th – 29th it is bringing to the surface old lessons around self-worth and value for you to work through. Be patient and observant of what the universe is playing back to you at this time – as it’s all there for your own liberation. The Aquarius Full Moon on the 19th/20th is incredibly transformational for you and it can feel like you are in the throes of rebirth as it peaks. It is helping to shed light on old secrets and subconscious programming that has you fearing your own independence, wisdom and rebellious streak. As the Sun moves into Virgo on the 23rd it is kicking off a month where your mind will be working a little faster than normal, and there can be urgency to speak up as well as have important conversations. You can also find that you’re little more logical during this time (even if this feels uncomfortable). Virgo Season is the perfect time for you to write down plans, put your ideas into some rational order or think through the details.

Leo: July 23 – August 22

Your birthday season continues until the 23rd. Now it’s time for you to shine, to consider ‘what is’ and maybe ‘is no longer’ in alignment in your life and to step forward into your new year. From the 5th-29th (while Mercury is Rx) you can find exes and friends from the past re-appearing to help you work through the blocks you have around understanding your worthiness and your value. Instead of blaming them, use whatever material comes up to help you unpick + release this story from your life. The Full Moon on the 19th/20th is calling for you to think about romance, love + partnership. It can bring to the surface your desire to not follow the rules in this area of your life, and instead follow what is ‘true’. So embrace the emerging sense of revolution! As Virgo Season starts you can see your focus shifting to matters of money, possessions and worthiness. If you know you need to put in place a little more discipline in this area of your life, this is the season to do so.

Virgo: August 23 – September 22

The start of August is calling for endings. This means getting comfortable with creating more space in your life which the universe will start to fill from the 23rd (when Virgo Season starts). As your ruling planet, Mercury, is retrograde from the 5th – 29th so be careful of promises of new paths or beginnings as these won’t quite pan out until this period is over. Take it slow and know you don’t need to commit just yet, instead use this retrograde season to consider your options as well as notice if there is a tendency to repeat ‘old mistakes’ out of comfort for the familiar. The Aquarius Full Moon on the 19th/20th is drawing your attention to your health + wellbeing. This is a Moon that can see you stepping into a new plan to manage your health or needing to spend some time recharging your batteries. As the Sun moves into your sign on the 23rd things will start to feel a whole lot lighter. The coming month is one bringing new energy into your life, and that can manifest as a new sense of purpose or direction (particularly if you’ve been feeling a little lost).

Libra: September 23 – October 22

Leo season is calling for you to check-in with friends and enjoy sharing your light with those you love. You can find that this is a time where you feel a little more social and the universe pulls you into situations where you start to feel more of a balance between work + play. While Mercury is retrograde from the 5th until the 29th you can find that in this mix, friends from the past also show up to help you work through old lessons around ‘being seen’ and ‘heard’. This is a time that is wanting you to drop self-consciousness and find more inner confidence. As the Full Moon peaks on the 19th/20th it’s time for romance, play and to simply enjoy being alive. This is a Moon that is calling for you to follow your passion, without thinking about ‘productivity’ or the outcome. As the Sun moves into Virgo on the 23rd, you can find yourself feeling a whole lot more connected to the liminal world. This is a season that can bring with it prophetic dreams and experiences that help you remember your connection to the divine.

Scorpio: October 23 – November 21

Even if it feels like everyone else is on holidays, this is a month calling for you to work and put in place the structure you need to support you in your career. With Mercury in Retrograde from the 5th – 29th you can find that part of this focus is working through old blocks to speaking up for what you need, as well as allowing yourself to be truly seen for the work you do (not shying away from praise or the spotlight). The Aquarius Full Moon on the 19th/20th is bringing to light new energy around your home and to do with your family. This can manifest as a Moon to step into a new way of ‘living’, or to express more of your unconventional nature within your home. As the Sun moves into Virgo on the 23rd, your focus will shift from work to friendships. There can also be a deep sense of rebelliousness that you feel brewing within over the coming month. This is the type of energy that demands honesty in friendships and can give you a renewed sense of adventure in your life.

Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21

The start of this month is expansive - the sky really is the limit. This is an energy you are at home in, and it’s the perfect time to travel, study + simply be optimistic about what the future holds. Mercury will be retrograde from the 5th until the 29th, and as such if you have plans to travel make sure these have been booked in advance of these dates…if not just expect that you might need to be flexible with delays or the re-arrangements that this season can bring. Be careful around the 15th, as there is the opportunity to let others know about something important to you, but you can find the reception you get isn’t exactly what you want. The Aquarius Full Moon on the 19th/20th is bringing to light a time for you to speak up and to let others know your opinion particularly if it challenges the status quo…just remember that as this will be during Retrograde Season you need to be patient and careful with your words. As the Sun moves into Virgo on the 23rd, your mind will shift to matters of work and responsibility. This brings a month perfect for writing up plans, thinking through the inspiration of early August and even bringing more structure into your life (even if there is some resistance to doing this).

Capricorn: December 22 – January 19

The start of August can feel a little heavy (even for you), as it calls for you to take greater responsibility for how you show up. It can bring to light the places where you play games of power, control or manipulation…without even realising it. This is a season teaching you the importance of being humble and it’s also a season that is creating immense inner transformation as a part of this. This is only exacerbated by the fact that Mercury’s is Retrograde, and so can bring people back from the past to help solidify this lesson. The Aquarius Full Moon on the 19th/20th can bring with it a financial windfall or luck in this area of your life (particularly in the form of an investment paying off or inheritance). As Virgo Season starts on the 23rd you can find that things start to feel a whole light lighter and easier. This is a season that longs for you to see the positive in all that this month has brought so far. It’s also a time that can see you travelling, studying and starting to feel more inspired than you’ve been in some time.

Aquarius: January 20 – February 18

This is a time calling for you to focus on how you show up in your partnerships – be that business or imitate. As Mercury will be Retrograde from the 5th until the 29th you can find that you replay old lessons in love, and ‘fairness’. So be careful not to judge too quickly, as you might find you’re not seeing the full picture until after the 29th. The Aquarius Full Moon on the 19th/20th is calling you home to yourself, and to bask in your natural desire for the unconventional truth. This Moon can shed light on the next step in your life’s path, as well as help you feel an even deeper sense of connection to yourself. As the Sun moves into Virgo on the 23rd you’re in for a month of intense transformation. This will be a season calling for you to face parts of yourself that you normally hide from, as you come to see that these too deserve your love.

Pisces: February 19 – March 20

The start of this month requires you to focus on your health, and if there is something that needs to shift in your daily routine to help you do this – now is the time to take action. With Mercury Retrograde from the 5th until the 29th you can find that looking after your wellbeing takes on a new meaning. Pay attention also to old tendencies to overstretch yourself, say ‘yes’ when you mean ‘no’ and to place your needs second. As these can all be coming to light with this energy. The Aquarius Full Moon on the 19th/20th is calling you home to the liminal realm of dreams. This is a Moon calling for something within your ancestral lineage or subconscious to be brought to into awareness. As the Sun moves into Virgo on the 23rd your attention will shift to relationships and intimacy. The coming season will be teaching you to let go of the need for perfection in love and to embrace greater devotion in your partnerships.