Pippa Kate | Goddess Astrology

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It's Time to Surrender with January's Capricorn New Moon


When: 12th of January at 12:57am (NZ), 11th of January at 10:57pm (Sydney), 10:27pm (Adelaide), 9:57pm (Brisbane), 7:57pm (Perth/ Beijing), 5:37pm (India), 3:56pm (Dubai), 11:57am (London), 6:57am (NY), 4:57am (Boulder) + 3:57am (LA)



The Capricorn New Moon marks the first of its kind in 2024. Remembering that this is according to the Gregorian Calendar and not Astrological timing (who's year starts in March with Aries season). What makes this Moon so special isn't that it's the first of the year, but rather it's alignment with Pluto (who is in his last days in Capricorn). This will be the last Capricorn Moon we have in our lifetimes aligned with the God of the Underworld (Pluto). As such it's beckoning you to ask for the transformation you have been putting off or been too scared to really step into. Pluto in Capricorn wants you to let go of the ways you control and manipulate the world around you through fear of fully surrendering to the flow of something bigger than you (you might call this Goddess, God or Source). This all comes from a fundamental lack of trust in yourself (and by default in the people + world around you). It's time to realise that this is a generous universe, that is always working for your highest good (even if the ego doesn't like how that expresses).



The coming 18 months (that this New Moon kicks off as it’s lunar cycle) is calling for you to get really clear on what structure and responsibilities you need to let go of in your life. You could think of this Moon like a karmic clean out. It is here to purify from your life what is no longer of service to your highest good. As such be prepared for 18 months (which is the length of this Lunar Cycle) of dissolving structures in your life which have become burdensome and traps to your own growth. You might know exactly what you need to let go of (and have for a while), but there is a part of you that simply doesn't want to change and craves the safety of what it knows. This New Moon calls for you to get uncomfortable, to drop the apathy and to make the move to release yourself from the binds that you put around your own hands (metaphorically speaking). A clear hint from your body, where this is in your life, is notice which experiences give you a sore neck, or tension on your back. Psychically this is where you are carrying too much, and physically your body is feeling the strain.



Capricorn's ruler is Saturn. Which makes this sign slow, intentional, and means that it governs karmic interactions. It is also an energy that can make you feel like you are running headfirst into yourself (particularly when you are working through the karmic energy, it has assigned you). Capricorn comes to harvest your seeds of karma. These manifest as the experiences, people, and situations in your life that come from actions in a past life. Some of these can stay (as they are for your highest good), others though are places which Capricorn considers 'teachable moments'. In these places you can feel constriction, feeling unable to know where to move and like you are at a dead end. This Capricorn New Moon is here to help witness this, and over the 18 months to help you 'rip up' the weeds that lie in your life that are holding you back from fully blooming. Just a heads up, weeding isn't easy (as anyone who's been through their Saturn returns knows - around the age of 28-39).



This New Moon can feel like a bulldozer (not at first but the 18 months that follow it). It will run over and flatten anything in your life that hasn't been built on a solid foundation of love. In a way this is an incredible service (though, maybe not one we would actively ask for). The fear that comes with Capricorn energy can be found rooted in our attachments and the need of the ego for nothing to ever change (unless it wills it - and even then it must be change that it specifies). The thing is this New Moon is asking for is change, the type that you (the small you) doesn't control. A beautiful exercise this New Moon is consider and even journal 'What am I afraid of letting go of?' In that question you'll get clarity on your attachments, the ego and what you might be ready to change. Remember (sometimes but not always) we hold onto the things that we are most unsure of. If there is any wobble, then this New Moon will either help you a-fix it to solid ground or suggest you let it go.


Capricorn at its most basic level is about structure, order and control. It is about destruction of that which is not built on solid ground as well as refining what you have created to create more order around it. The key watch out with Capricorn is very often when we put structure or order on creation, as it stifles its growth. So, this energy requires a delicate balance between trust and control. On the psychological plane Capricorn rules our need for validation - particularly in the external world. When it's unhealed it can see us busting ourselves just to prove to the people around that we are 'enough'. In its healed form that motivation is intrinsic, and the status you are seeking is something you give yourself - and it requires no effort for you to do this. Now at the highest-level Capricorn represents the mountain of consciousness. It calls for you to take a step further up, and that means facing treacherous conditions (aka working through your karma) but also being able to look out upon the world at a higher level, with more understanding of the bigger picture. As such the ultimate aim of this New Moon is to shift your perspective on the world, and to invite you into a new consciousness which is more compassionate, and understanding of the way the universe works (at a meta level).



As this is a New Moon, it is the call to get focused and intentional with the energy you want to bring forward over the coming 18 months. This isn't so much about manifesting by yourself but co-creating with the cosmos. Listening to what you know you need to release, sensing what is ready to be built, and trusting the lessons that will come to help direct you. This New Moon kicks off an 18-month lunar cycle, which will see your intentions manifesting with the Capricorn Full Moon around the 10th-11th of July 2025. So, know this is a journey, and also a period of immense personal growth. As such remember to be kind with yourself, to not push what isn't ready to happen, and to accept what the universe calls to you.



In Vedic Astrology (Joytish), this New Moon will be in Sagittarius and aligned with the Lunar Mansion (Nakshatra) known as Purva Ashadha...which literally translates to 'The Invincible One'. This Nakshatra is ruled by the goddess Apas, who is the divine mother in her elemental form as water. As such she is guiding you to surrendering to this Moon by becoming like water. Water is both celestial (think of the Milky Way) and terrestrial (Ganga, Rivers, Oceans etc). It links the cosmic with the physical. This energy is asking for you to see that the obstacles in your life aren't necessarily something you need to remove, but rather something to change your opinion about. To realise that what stands in your way is not something to push against, but something to understand about yourself - to be absorbed into your and diminished in it’s power as you do this. That means dropping the ego and accepting what is happening, instead of denying it or running away. This New Moon is one to move like water, and to remember in the words of the great spiritual master Lao Tsu:

Water is fluid, soft, and yielding. But water will wear away rock, which is rigid and cannot yield. As a rule, whatever is fluid, soft, and yielding will overcome whatever is rigid and hard. This is another paradox: what is soft is strong.


Join the Capricorn New Moon Ritual + Reading, and receive a personal written reading, astrology forecast and ritual to be supported in work with this energy + lay intentions for the coming 18 months. Details here.