Pippa Kate | Goddess Astrology

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Releasing Karma with June’s Capricorn Full Moon

When: 22nd of June at 1:07pm (NZ), 11:07am (AEST), 10:37am (ACST), 9:07am (AWST/CST), 6:37am (IST), 5:07am (GST), 3:07am (CEST), 2:07am (BST); and 21st of June at 9:07pm (EDT), 7:07pm (MDT) + 6:07pm (PDT)

Themes: Feel to Heal, Suffering is Grace, Constriction, Responsibility, the Obstacle is the Way.


The energy of this Capricorn Full Moon has been brewing within you since late December 2022 (around the 22nd-24th). This is a lunar cycle that has been teaching you the importance of grit, the ways in which life constricts you and burdens you in order to teach you that you are your own saviour. Capricorn is an energy of spiritual initiation, and it brings with it new states of consciousness which we can only understand and step into through our suffering. This is an 18 month cycle that has been calling for you to change how you see success, helping you let go of that which no longer serves you and teaching you the importance of surrender. In the words of Byron Katie 'When you argue with reality, you loose but only 100% of the time'.


Capricorn has a way of teaching us that can have you feeling like there is no one around to help or 'save you'. It will constrict, restrict and compress you in such a painful way that you come to understand that only you can save yourself. In fact that's really your only job on this planet. That might sound egoic but when you come to see that everything is a projection of mind, you realise that your greatest service to this world is finding out who you truely are. That doesn't mean you don't act, rather you act from a place of not being attached to being 'right' in your action. Realising instead that you are simply playing your part in the grand game of Maya that the divine (which is your inner self) is playing. The aim of this game is for you to ultimately awaken to yourself.


This Capricorn Full Moon is here to test foundations, to rip up karmic seeds and see what is here to last. This isn't an activity just for the Full Moon but rather has been taking place in your life over the last 18 months. The hallmark of this lunar cycle is destruction and disolution. The call for you to let go of that which has karmically finished it's duty, or to experience this karma in such a way that it can be released. This is an energy that teaches us that we aren't in control, but so long as 'you' anchor your consciousness in the physical world (aka you believe you are the body) you will be subject to karma. You might find that this Full Moon brings you a new perspective on this, allowing you to see the play of this game (Lila). To quote the saint Anandamayai Ma: 'What a comedy God's Lila (play) is! What a lunatic asylum, He himself is sporting with himself'.


This particular Full Moon has a lot of ancestral energy wrapped up in it thanks to it's ruler (Saturn) sitting in Pisces + in the Vedic Nakshatra Purva Bhadra as well as Mercury + Venus sitting in opposition to the Moon. This is an energy calling for ancestral karma to be brought into the fire of awareness, to ultimately be transmuted. This is an energy that calls for you to see how the repeated patterns you hold within you - particularly control, the need for power, status and recognition - didn't start with you. Yet that doesn't mean you aren't responsible for these, and that you don't have the ability to transmute them through your love. This Full Moon can also bring up karmic contracts - be that in matters of finance or love - that are now complete and ready to be released. This might sound easy, but there can be some grief and even a sense of disappointment or loss that accompanies this. Even if you know letting go is for your highest good, the identity-self can still feel the pain of not getting what it 'wanted'.


The beauty of this Full Moon is that the cosmic healers - Chiron, Hygiea and Hekate - will all be in harmony with it. These three are here to show you that within the destruction and restriction of this Moon is the medicine. They are encouraging you to feel, to be proactive in your actions (working ahead of events you can see are about to unfold) and to trust that the ancestral karma you are working through also holds incredible wisdom that requires opening up a wound in order to be accessed. There is a lot of guidance for you in how to navigate your journey, so trust the dreams, meditations and visions at this time - as they are here to support you.


This Full Moon will be in Mula Nakshatra, which is an energy that wants to get to the bottom of things. To the place from which karma manifests and from which you are entangled. It is here to teach you that destruction is necessary in order to get to the heart of the problem and in order to disentangle yourself from your mind (which is your karma). As this mansion is ruled by the South Node (Ketu), it is shedding light upon inherited karma and past lives - calling for energy to be balanced that we might not fully understand or make sense of based on our actions in this life. Remember that your mind is your karma. What you project is a result of the accumulated experiences you have had from this life, past lives and the influence of your ancestral karma. The desire is ultimately to clear this, and help awaken you to the soul gifts that are wrapped in this karma. This is a Full Moon to embrace the gift of chaos as an opportunity for transformation. The goddess Niritti (ruler of this Nakshatra) is here to uproot, untether and unclump that which you are entangled in. She comes to balance karmic debts, and remove from your life that which is not in alignment. So be prepared to surrender, to find grace and awaken to a new sense of your self.


This Moon we’ll be working with the Goddess Niritti in the sacred practice, understand the Full Moon's play with a personal written reading and astrology forecast. Details here.