Pippa Kate | Goddess Astrology

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The Final Full Moon of 2023 is Calling You Home!

Welcome to the final Full Moon of 2023

When: 27th of December 1:33pm (NZ), 11:33am (AEDT), 8:33am (AWST/ CST), 6:03am (IST), 12:33am (LON); 16th of December at 7:33pm (NY), 4:33pm (LA)


The Cancer Full Moon on the 26th-27th of December is the Final Full Moon of 2023. The lunar energy we leave a year on often indicates something about the emotion or trajectory of that year. As a sign that is deeply sensitive, and who's greatest longing is to find home - you might notice that the idea of being more vulnerable, letting your guard down, moving more in time with nature, connecting deeper with the divine feminine and finding home particularly within (or even changing homes) have been big themes this year. This Full Moon marks the culmination of this energy. It's a time to reflect, and have reverence for the journey your soul has led you on as a part of your ongoing evolution.


This particular Full Moon marks the culmination of a journey you have been on both in the physical and the metaphysical world. This has been one of spiritual initiation, of diving deeper into your connection to Mother Nature and the infinite everything in however it has manifested for you - be that God, Goddess, Parashakti, Shekinah etc. If you can think back to the 28th-30th of June 2022, this is when this energy started brewing, and when you were called to set out on journey to reconnect with your own sense of home. For each of us this will take different shapes, this can show up as a shift in the relationship with your Mother (or Maternal Figure), finding a new place to live or a new way of living, or being challenged to remember your connection to the divine mother (the ultimate home). However it has shown up, this period has been one of spiritual initiation. One which has shifted how you see the world, called in more compassion and opened your ability to hold + experience emotion.


The big theme for this Full Moon is the idea of 'Mother'. This is the archetype that Cancer embodies, it is an energy that is the caregiver, the protector and the creator. The Mother is our first home (when we are in the womb), and then we all become Mother's (regardless of sex) when we make a home for ourselves. The ultimate Mother is the Mother Nature, she from which we came and who as we shift in consciousness realise as our own true self. As such this Full Moon can see this Mothering energy building within you. This can manifest as moving homes, the finalisation of a home you have been building, doing something within the home to reflect this shift (redecorating or renovating), deepening the relationship with our own mothers (our first homes) and for some of you becoming mothers for the first time (be that through the birth of a child or a project coming into manifestation).


This Full Moon will be conjunct Vesta, who is the eternal flame or the Holy Spirit. As such it feels like a lot of the energy around this Full Moon is being directed within you. Vesta is reminding you that you are your own home. Your true nature is one of light, and as such regardless of where you live or how you live, that light cannot be extinguished. She is also a beautiful reminder that regardless of what you have in the external world, if you haven't found home within you, there will always be a ‘god sized hole’ you are trying to fill. No amount of physical 'stuff' can fill this hole. So you may find that this Full Moon sees you stepping into spiritual practices that support the realisation that you are home - right where you are. Home isn't a place, it is a feeling.


The Sun (in Capricorn) illuminating the Moon will be aligned with Mercury Retrograde and the asteroid Parvati. This is an energy can bring to surface situations from your past particularly related to the relationship you had with your home growing up or with your mother - particularly the ways in which you weren't able to speak up, you felt as if you weren't able to express emotion or you were not heard when you did want to share (to the point of being ignored).  This Full Moon is helping you to see how this all part of a soul contract to bring you to your own awakening. The key lesson around this (particularly during this time of year) is to remember you cannot wake anyone else up (even though you might want to). Your responsibility is to yourself, and from that place to have compassion for those in your lineage. Something that comes with time, and being able to zoom out and understand that there is something much bigger than you at play - controlling this entire narrative - the higher self.


This Full Moon at 4'58 of Cancer will be in beautiful challenge with the asteroid Shiva, as well as be in Arda Nakshatra (Vedic Astrology) which is ruled by Rudra (another name for Shiva). Shiva is the god of destruction and dissolution (which is actually very necessary for growth). Given the spiritual nature of this Full Moon, this energy is focused on the destruction of ignorance, and on veils of illusion. As a key energy at play during this Full Moon is compassion, this is something that is only possible when ignorance of separation is released. This Full Moon can be summed up in the tear that dropped from Shiva/Rudra's eyes in utter compassion for the suffering that he saw the world facing. In this Mythology, this tear gave birth to the Rudraksha Tree (which is incredibly auspicious). As such this is a Full Moon rife with emotion, love and compassion. It can bring tears of compassion and understand to your own eyes. Above all it calls you to look within before you look outside of yourself. Compassion starts within your own home - and then it stretches out to the world.


Receive a personal written reading for the Cancer Full Moon (based on your chart), astrology forecast and ritual to release with the energy (using Shiva). Details here.