Pippa Kate | Goddess Astrology

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Starting a New Chapter with the Aries Full Moon

This Full Moon at 6’ of Aries is awakening within you a new direction.

When: 29th of September at 10:57pm (NZ), 7:57pm (AEST), 7:27pm (ACST), 5:57pm (AWST + CST), 3:27pm (IST), 1:57pm (GST), 11:57am (CEST), 10:57am (BST), 5:57am (EDT), 3:57am (MDT) + 2:57am (PDT)


The Aries Full Moon represents the start of a new chapter. If you can think back to the 20th-22nd of March, earlier this year, you were being called to let go and release old energy. This energy may have manifested as the ending of a relationship, a job, a living situation etc. However beneath that it was about the letting go of an old consciousness or way of thinking. The past 6 months have offered you the time to slowly come to terms with the ending of that chapter, and this Full Moon is ready to welcome you into new energy and manifestations that match this emerging consciousness that has been revealed within you over the last half a year.


This Full Moon will be at 6 degrees of Aries. As such it holds within it the energy of sacred union and alchemy. For those of you familiar with tarot this is the energy of the Lovers Card. Yes, for some of us this may manifest as quite literally a new lover or relationship, but if you take a look deeper this is an energy that is calling for greater internal union between the evolving soul (Jiva Atman) and the over soul (Atman). As such you might start to see how the past 6 months have had you shedding all that is out of alignment with your vibration - and really starting the journey of honouring your consciousness. Remember that although we are all one, we manifest at different vibrations (levels of consciousness).


Aries offers an energy of initiation and it calls for something new to start. This isn't a Full Moon to overthink things, but rather to allow yourself to dive head first into a new chapter. This can take a lot of courage, and also call for you to have a lot of trust in your body's intelligence. Which is a key to Aries energy, which tends to speak through the body (as opposed to the mind). Now, this isn't a Moon for focusing on details or finishing a project. In fact you might find it hard to do just that under this Aries energy.


Your intuition is your guide, this Full Moon as Neptune will be aligned with it. This can manifest as intense dreams and dream-like connections appearing. Added to that if there is any resistance to the new energy which is pouring into your life it is going to be coming from your ancestral lineage. That's right it's important to remember that within you are the Vasanas (tendencies) of your family line. As such you might find there is resistance to a new path or direction (which this Full Moon is generating) which is coming from programming (normally created by trauma) that has been living within your family lineage up to 7 generations back. (If you want help releasing this - check out the practice in the Aries Full Moon Ritual + Reading. Details here.)


The Full Moon will be in beautiful opposition with Pallas Athena. This is an energy of divine feminine that rules courage and the ability to act from the heart (not the mind). As such the universe is calling for you to face your fears, to stop the perpetual overthinking which makes them bigger, and move into the heart. This is going to lead you into the new territory that this Full Moon is bringing forth with confidence and conviction. Yes, you'll definetly get the chance to see, feel and get to know this fear, but equally there is the opportunity to offer it love. To realise that it is a product of the mind, and a part of you that is trying to keep you safe. A big question to consider or journal around during this Full Moon is 'what opens your heart?' and equally 'what closes it?'. Within those questions are the keys to how you can move forward with this Full Moon.


Join me for the Aries Full Moon Ritual + Reading. Receive a personal written reading, practice to support you with this Full Moon and full astrology forecast. Details here.