Pippa Kate | Goddess Astrology

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Ready to get Radical with January’s Aquarius New Moon

The first New Moon of 2023 is asking for you to embrace authenticity.

When: 22nd of January at 9:53am (NZ), 7:53am (AEDT), 7:23am (Ade), 6:53am (Bris), 6:23am (Dar), 4:53am (Per/Beij), 2:23am (ND), 12:53am (Dub) + 21st of January at 8:53pm (Lon), 3:53pm (NY), 1:53pm (MT) + 12:53pm (LA)

Hello truth and radical honesty

This is a year filled with Aquarian energy (we'll be hitting that soon in March ) and this New Moon can feel like the start of the journey into the radical honesty and authenticity that this sign naturally exudes. In fact this is a Moon that is calling for you to start a new path which will bring you into stronger alignment with the core of your being. What you'll come to realise is that this core within you does not care about social pressures or the opinions of others. This is best summed up by Krishnamurti when he said 'It is no measure of good health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society'.

This is 6 months of big transformation

This New Moon will be in alignment with Pluto, indicating that it is the opening of 6 months of immense transformation. The type of energy that is calling for you to dive deep into the places where you unnecessarily control yourself, where you have internalised the patriarchal system we all live within and crave certainty over openness to new ideas + exploration. This is 6 months of really doing the work to step into more of your authentic self - and this New Moon is calling for you to lay intentions and feel into how you want this to look for you. In fact this New Moon can feel a little like the Fool card in tarot, who's essence is the idea that you are setting out on a big adventure. There is a naiveté to this not knowing where you will be led, but an idealism that it will take you beyond the limitations you currently feel in life. Consider the quote from Dante: Midway upon the journey of our life, I found myself within a forest dark, for the straightforward pathway had been lost. This quote feels very aligned how this New Moon can feel.

It is a Moon of Miracles

This Moon also lies in alignment with the asteroid Magdalena, who represents the energy of the divine feminine - which is exactly what this world needs at the moment. Magdalena energy is one of miraculous healing, of rebellion and of intuition. She is an energy that is calling you into your power, and into alignment with your true nature. As such this is also a 6 months that can bring about miraculous healing...the type which only takes place when you come back into your true nature. It's also the type of energy which calls for you to suspend disbelief and allow yourself to trust what you know (even if there is no science or institutionalised knowledge to back it up). Magdalena is a beautiful guiding energy for laying your intentions.

This marks the start of the Chinese New Year

This New Moon also marks the start of the Chinese New Year . This year we will be in the year of the water rabbit, which bring with it an energy of hope and can also manifest as some easier energy coming through. Given it's soft nature though it's important you pay attention to boundaries, particularly as this New Moon has you coming back home to yourself. You might find that it's a little easier to agree with others (even if you don't mean it) because you want to keep the peace. As such pay attention to your own inner wisdom and remember boundaries are acts of love.

The New Moon will be in UttarA Ashadha Nakshatra

Finally the New Moon will be in the Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra in Vedic Astrology. This is an energy that means that this New Moon is about victory, achievement and leadership...which can all sound very masculine. However underpinning this is a call for truth and to piece through the veil of ignorance that mars your reality. This Nakshatra is associated with Ganesha and ruled by the Vishwadevas. As such its beckoning forth powerful things to happen, obstacles to be overcome and for you to align yourself with your truth. To be radical by being yourself. This can stir up some anger, see how you can make this sacred rage and use it for the betterment of not just yourself but of humanity.

Join me for the Aquarius New Moon Workshop.

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