Pippa Kate

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Full Moon in Aquarius July 2021

When: 24th of July at 2:26pm (NZ); 12:36pm (East Coast Australia); 12:06pm (Adelaide/ Darwin); 10:36pm (Perth/ Beijing); 4:36am (Zurich); 3:36am (London); 23rd of July at 10:36pm (NYC) + 7:36pm (LA)

Welcome to the first of two big, vibrant Aquarius Full Moons in a row. It’s not unusual to experience this - for instance we had 2 Cancer New Moons in a row last year - that said it’s not exactly a regular event either. So be prepared to get comfortable in your unconventionality as this coming month, from the first Aquarius Full Moon on the 23rd-24th of July until the second on the 22nd-23rd of August, brings with it a time of deep inspiration and manifestation of deeply rebellious energy.

Now before we jump into the astrology…

Join me for the Aquarius Full Moon Ritual + Release Workshop, designed to take you even deeper into the energy and supporting you in letting go of resistance to what is being called into manifestation. Plus you’ll receive a persona written reading to understand where this Full Moon is shedding light in your chart. More Details here.

The Aquarius Moon Cycle (aka. What is being Manifested).

Image Credit: Numero Magazine

Moons work in cycles. A Full Moon represents the completion of a cycle where the fruits of intentions that were laid with the subsequent New Moon are called into the light. As such generally speaking we can see the patters of our actions, the suits of our labour etc more clearly with a Full Moon. This particular Full Moon (and the one after it on the 22nd-23rd of August) relate back to the Aquarius New Moon on the 11th-12th of February this year. The intentions that you were laying down subconsciously or consciously is what is being called to light with this Full Moon. Added to that you get to experience the beautiful resistance that is required in order for this manifestation to take place. FYI It’s always ourselves standing in the way of our own path. So this is a beautiful time to reflect and notice the repeating patterns that show up in your life particularly when it comes to you asserting more of your own truth + authenticity

What does this Aquarius Full Moon Represent?

This Full Moon will occur right after the Sun moves into Leo and just before Guru Purnima (the celebration of your spiritual teacher or Guru - as well as believed to be the date of Gautama Buddha’s first teaching). So there is a lot of auspicious energy surround this Full Moon, and I want to say it is providing welcome relief from the 2020 hangover we still seem to be experiencing. This was particularly exacerbated by the Cancer New Moon earlier this month, calling us into remembering that we still have work to do before we move onto new energy.

Aquarius is the sign of the visionary, the inventor and the revolutionary. It is a very individual and independent energy that at its most basic level calls for us to question convention. To call to light the ways in which we subjugate ourselves and fall into the lull of convention. This is a sign that calls out apathy - one of the greatest forces in the universe - for when we do not question but simply accept we perpetuate more ignorance and the veil of maya remains thick upon our eyes. This Full Moon is calling to light the ways in which you subtly agree to convention even when it doesn’t work for you. It’s a Moon to step further into your authentic and to be prepared to carve your own path forward.

Aquarius energy is deeply rebellious, it’s smart and it’s not concerned with the opinion of others. At it’s highest level it is concerned with humanity as a whole, not the individual. However it realises that individual action - that is questioning the status quo for yourself, and stand up for the rights of others - is the the only way to push the world forward. This is a Full Moon to embrace your inner rebel, that part of you that never quite fits into what society expects of you because it sees beyond it’s ego-driven convention. This is the part that is your best guide forward.

To quote one of the most famous Aquarians, Rosa Parks - I would like to be known as a person who is concerned about freedom and equality and justice and prosperity for all people.

What is the Astrology for the Aquarius Full Moon?

Sun in Leo Opposed Moon in Aquarius at 1’26 (Aligned with Fixed Star Altair)

This Full Moon will be aligned with the fixed star Altair, known as the Eagle. This is an ancient star known by the Koori of Victoria as the Wedgetail Eagle, by the Sumarians as the ‘Eagle Star’ and by the Maori as the ‘Pillar of Heaven’. It is a Star in Greek mythology inextricably linked to the Eagle that carries Zeus’ thunderbolts and in Hinduism is known as Garuda which when flown by the God Vishnu represents the marriage of the self with the soul. It’s big energy encouraging us to open to more freedom and to see through the fear as merely a product of the ego.

This is a Full Moon calling into the light the ways our ego and it’s need for identity + to fit in stop us from living our truth. These are the times when we clip our own wings for fear of the heights we could saw. Very often the ego and our impulse instructs us that to fit in is more important than following what feels right and true for us. It’s easier to follow the path already carved - be that having a 9-5 job, meeting someone, getting a pet, getting a house, having kids, getting married, retiring etc. However just because the path is carved doesn’t mean it needs another person to walk it - or that the path is right. This Moon is calling for deviation and for genius. To be willing to stand aside from the masses and to see through the collective ego which is our society. This is a Full Moon to remember your wings, and be willing to soar even if it’s only you that is flying.

Full Moon Conjunct Saturn Rx + Pluto Rx

This is some massive energy - it’s evident that this Full Moon means business. With Saturn + Pluto by it side you are called to let go of old karmic programs that keep you contained, small and obedient in the eyes of society (and the collective ego). These are also the programs that often bring up dis-ease, anguish, anxiety when they are followed instead of the path of your soul. This Full Moon calls for you to allow transformation to take place. For the shadows and subconscious beliefs that keep your captive to be seen and in turn let go. You might look like a mad (wo)man but know that is the look of true freedom. To quote Thomas Jefferson ‘The price of freedom is eternal vigilance’ and that is true when it comes to your own sovereignty. To remain conscious even when the apathy of society is calling you to not question its path or motives. This is a Full Moon calling for you to step into your inner activist, and humanitarian. To honour the truth of love that flows through you when the self and the higher self align as one.

Join me for the Aquarius Full Moon Ritual + Reading Workshop.

If you want to go deeper I would love for you to join me for the Aquarius Full Moon Ritual + Reading. We’ll go further into the astrology, and into practicing with this energy. Plus receive a personal written reading to understand where this Moon is shining it’s light for you. To claim your place - click here.